You Are A Traffic Policeman, Is It Appropriate To Rob Criminal Investigation Cases?

Chapter 150 Can't Solve The Case, Blame The Forensic Doctor?

In an office of the Yunqing Municipal Bureau, Chen Shu and Wang Liwu explained to Xu Lin and the others the situation of the entire Taifeng construction site corpse case.

Xu Lin read page by page the entire dossier, which is nearly 50 centimeters thick, which contains interview materials, confessions, etc. of thousands of people around the Taifeng construction site.

There are also various tasks of the police, including autopsy reports, suspects, and investigation directions, etc.

But there is no doubt that in the end all suspects were eliminated, and this case became an unsolved case.

There were no clues, no witnesses, no surveillance evidence, etc. Back then, Wang Liwu, the head of the Criminal Investigation Detachment, personally led the team, and Chen Shu, the deputy head, led people around for half a summer, investigating every suspect, but found nothing. .

"This is the situation, Team Leader Xu, where do we start now?" Wang Liwu looked at Xu Lin and asked.

They tried for almost five years, to no avail.

To be honest, it was very depressing.

61 corpses, such a big case, their face can be regarded as lost in the Ministry.

The Kang Bureau did everything possible to trick Xu Lin and stuffed the two of them into the special case team. In fact, part of it was to earn their face back.

Xu Lin frowned and asked, "Old Wang, have you found out the identity of the deceased?"

Wang Liwu smiled wryly and shook his head when he heard this: "That's the blame. We haven't found out the identity of any of these dead. The most recent deceased was found to have been dead for nearly 8 months, and the body had almost completely decomposed."

"We extracted deoxyribonucleic acid, that is, DNA, and compared it with some missing persons, but we have not found any identity information for 61 people so far."

This is the most desperate place. In nearly five years, tens of thousands of DNA comparisons have been performed, but up to now, no identity information of any deceased has been found.

To be honest, Wang Liwu was already in a state of bewilderment about this case.

For five full years, he never gave up on the investigation.

But the more he investigated, the more afraid he became, fearing that every investigation would be in vain.

Hearing this, Xu Lin took a deep breath. He knew that this case was difficult, but he didn't expect it to be so difficult.

The identity of the deceased has not been found out, which is indeed very difficult.

He thought before that it was just that the murderer couldn't be caught, but who would have thought that they didn't know anything except the basic information of the case.

"go to the scene."

Xu Lin made a decisive decision and led everyone to the scene.

The site is an open space surrounded by walls, and the entire area is about 200 mu.

There was no one here, the people from Taifeng Group had already evacuated, and the surrounding people did not dare to approach after hearing that so many corpses were dug up here.

Even if you are passing by, you will avoid it far away.

In a bustling city, although it is not the city center, there are several CBD buildings around it. There is a vacuum in such a place, which is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the Yunqing City officials.

And this land, I am afraid that no one will use it again in the future.

Dozens of corpses, no matter how strong your mental capacity is, no matter how courageous you are, you can't bear it.

Arriving at the scene, Xu Lin, led by Wang Liwu and Chen Shu, came to a big pit.

In five years, the place has been covered with weeds, some of which are as tall as a person.

Even if there are traces of crime now, it is almost impossible to find them.

Xu Lin suddenly felt powerless, what the hell is going on?

At any rate, there are still traces of the scene of the treasury case. It is impossible to check the scene here.

If a large number of people enter the site to clean up, then the site will be completely destroyed.

Why! I can only go back and read the dossier.

He shook his head, and said to Wang Liwu: "Go to the forensic department, I want to see those bones."

Upon hearing this, Wang Liwu nodded immediately and said, "Go, I'll take you there."

He looked apologetic, but it was impossible to protect such a large scene, not to mention it had been so many years.

In the previous two years, they would also clean up the surrounding weeds and survey the site again and again.

But in the past two years, to be honest...they didn't put their hopes here anymore.

Forensic Department, Xu Lin and Wang Liwu went in first.

The moment the door was pushed open, a chill came over the face.

Then Xu Lin looked at a tall female forensic doctor wearing a mask and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of her delicate nose.

She was coming out of a room with blood on her medical gloves.

Everyone couldn't help but look at the place where she came out. The next moment, Han Xing retched and his face turned pale.

Immediately afterwards, Xiao Xue couldn't help it anymore, she glared at Han Xing, turned around and ran out.



Wang Liwu and Chen Shu were slightly better. They took a few deep breaths and secretly suppressed the urge to vomit.

The floating corpses were all soaked up, plus the strong and pungent stench that came out after the dissection, most people really couldn't bear it.

Xu Lin is normal.

In his previous life, he might have been a rookie, but in this life, to be honest, he has seen quite a few corpses, and with a few special missions, he has already forged a heart of steel.

Disgusting is disgusting, but that's about it.

He looked at the female forensic doctor with some curiosity, and the other party also looked at him curiously, and those talking eyes seemed to be asking: "Who are you?"

Xu Lin stepped forward and said, "Hi, we're from the Shen corpse case task force, let's take a look at those bones."

The female forensic doctor frowned, and said in a cold voice: "I wrote the autopsy report in great detail, and added it several times later. So far, there are no clues to be found."

Xu Lin heard the other party's words, felt her confidence, and smiled slightly: "There is no absolute in everything, maybe there is?"

"You can't solve the case, and you still want to shift the responsibility to our forensic doctor, which is a bit shameless." The expression of the female forensic doctor became extremely indifferent.

Now even Wang Liwu and Chen Shu reacted.


They are criminal investigators, and they only need the autopsy report of the forensic doctor. Why do they have to see the bones with their own eyes?

Xu Lin: "I don't mean to shirk responsibility, but... I also know some forensic science, so I still hope you can show me those bones."

Excellent people are arrogant, and Xu Lin also knows that he doesn't trust others by doing so.

But... Anyway, the murder case is as big as the sky, let alone a huge case.

"Okay, come with me." Hearing Xu Lin say that she understands forensic medicine, the female forensic doctor didn't say anything, and turned around and led them towards a room where evidence was stored.

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