You Are A Traffic Policeman, Is It Appropriate To Rob Criminal Investigation Cases?

Chapter 31 Two Second-Class Merits, Exceptionally Promoted To The First-Level Superintendent

The medal of merit is a kind of honor and affirmation for anyone in the police system.

Xu Lin knew that he had done meritorious service, and he had long been looking forward to the day when he would wear the medal of meritorious service, but he didn't expect it to come so soon.

He immediately put on his clothes, washed up, and hurried out the door, rushing to the first brigade of traffic police.

The taxi had just stopped in front of the gate of the brigade. After getting off the car, he saw three cars coming to the gate of the brigade at the same time.

All three cars had police license plates, and the driver of the front car immediately stopped the car and lowered the window when he saw Xu Lin.

"Huangzhi." Seeing the other party, Xu Lin greeted him.

A rare smile appeared on Huang Weihan's serious face, and he said, "Xiao Xu, I'm here to see your scenery today, hurry in!"

Xu Lin nodded excitedly and strode into the team.

In the brigade's meeting room, as soon as Xu Lin entered, the brigade leader Zhao Guodong took the lead in applauding.

huh huh huh...

There was thunderous applause, and a large group of dozens of traffic police and auxiliary police all looked at Xu Lin with smiles on their faces.

Especially Yang Wei and Fang Wei were so excited that their hands were almost red.

Soon, footsteps sounded behind Xu Lin, and then several big men walked into the conference room.

The first is a tall, middle-aged man with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

Wearing a traffic police uniform, he glanced at the big guy with a smile on his face.

"Detachment Captain!"

Zhao Guodong hurried forward and shouted a salute.

Xu Lin and the others hurriedly stood up straight and saluted.

The person who came was Lu Geng, the leader of the Jiangyun City Traffic Police Detachment.

Looking at this group of energetic young people, Lu Geng smiled even wider and narrowed his eyes.

He came to Xu Lin, reached out his hand to shake Xu Lin, and said, "Little Xu Lin, you are really embarrassing to our traffic police captain. I don't think anyone will dare to say that our traffic police can only stand guard and check the cars. "

Xu Lin shook the hand of the head of the detachment in front of him with a little excitement, and grinned happily.

"I said, Old Lu, I don't like to hear what you say. Who of us said that your traffic police can only stand guard and check cars. You are blatantly slandering." The voice came, and another person walked in at the door. Bureau chief Xia Weihai.

Behind Xia Weihai, Guo Liang, the director of the branch, and Huang Weihan, the head of the criminal investigation team followed.

For Xu Lin, except for Huang Weihan who is close, these are all big shots.

Lu Geng shook hands with Xia Weihai seriously, and said, "Old Xia, you may not have said anything, but there are a lot of rumors."

"You also said that it's all gossip. But don't worry, starting today, there will never be any gossip about you in our system." Xia Weihai said while shaking his hand.

"That's okay." Lu Geng smiled.

Xia Weihai smiled and asked, "Okay, let's get straight to the point, will you come first or should I come first?"

Lu Geng: "The people under my command are of course myself."

As he spoke, he took out a manuscript from his pocket, glanced at the excited crowd, and read aloud: "To, Jiangyun City Traffic Police Detachment, Traffic Police Team One, all police officers and auxiliary police officers."

"During the period from September 11th to 24th, all the police officers of a large team cracked many cases of theft, kidnapping, murder, and combating criminal forces. During this process, all members worked together, braved hardships and dangers, and performed outstandingly. Special award A large team of traffic police collectively performed a third-class merit once, as an encouragement."

huh huh huh...

After reading the contents of the manuscript, a group of brothers from the traffic police team applauded one after another, their faces flushed with excitement.

You must know that their traffic police team may not be able to get any merit medals throughout the year, and a third-class merit is enough to make all of them excited.

However, this is just the beginning.

After Lu Geng personally delivered a third-class merit medal and a commendation issued by his superiors to Zhao Guodong, he returned to the original place and continued to produce a manuscript.

"Because Yang Wei and Fang Wei, a large group of traffic policemen, performed outstandingly in the operation of the 917 major case, they were not afraid of life and death, and protected the safety of people's property. Hereby, Yang Wei and Fang Wei are awarded a personal third-class merit once. , I hope you two will continue to work hard and serve the people."

The 917 major case, that is, the case of the Xiaowantang sand mining site.

Although the two of them are basically a foil, they are indeed fearless of life and death, extremely brave, and it is reasonable to take this third-class merit.

After the announcement was over, Lu Geng personally adorned the two with meritorious service medals and distributed awards.

Finally, he returned to his original position, looked at Xu Lin, and smiled.

Taking out the last document from his pocket, he read aloud: "Comrade Xu Lin, he solved the kidnapping and murder case on September 11 and helped the police catch the murderer. In the next two days, more than 20 thieves were arrested. , The amount of stolen money seized was as high as more than 2 million. On September 12th, the B-level wanted criminal was arrested, and he was bravely injured. In the 917 case, he was fearless and successfully helped the police destroy a huge hiding place and killed the wanted criminal. One criminal, help the police arrest 11 wanted criminals..."

"After the Jiangyun City Traffic Police Detachment and the Jiangyun City Bureau meeting discussed and decided, Comrade Xu Lin was awarded a second-class merit once, and he was promoted to the first-level superintendent as an encouragement."

huh huh huh...

Deafening applause echoed throughout the meeting room.

Xu Lin immediately stepped forward, stood at attention and saluted.

Lu Geng came to him, took out a second-class merit medal from a red box, brought it to Xu Lin himself, and handed the award order to him.

"Xiao Xu, congratulations." He smiled and patted Xu Lin on the shoulder.

Although the face is very happy, but also a little helpless.

Excellent talents cannot be retained after all, and he knows this very well.

The applause sounded again, Xu Lin straightened his chest and saluted everyone.

At this time, Lu Geng had completed his mission and stepped aside.

Xia Weihai stepped forward and looked at Xu Lin with a smile on his face.

At this time, Xu Lin's face was full of excitement.

Didn't you say third-class merit, why did it suddenly become second-class merit?

He still couldn't believe it. Everyone said that the second-class meritorious service was received lying down, but considering his own injuries, if it were someone else, maybe he would have received it lying down.

"Comrade Xu Lin, I still have it here!"

Just when he was secretly delighted with the case, Xia Weihai spoke up.

Xu Lin raised his head with a puzzled look on his face, what else?

The former took out a document from his pocket and read: "Because a large team of traffic police, Comrade Xu Lin, assisted us in successfully cracking a murder case during the cleaning operation, and found important clues, helping us successfully eradicate the entrenched A malignant tumor in Jiangyun City for more than ten years. Comrade Xu Lin was awarded a 'Second Class Merit' by the Municipal Bureau Party Committee meeting..."

When Xia Weihai's second-class merit came out, Xu Lin almost fell into a state of shutdown.

One is not enough, another one.

I have been a traffic policeman for more than ten days, and I have directly obtained two second-class merits. With such a terrifying record, I am afraid that I will not be able to find one hand in the whole summer, right?

No, that was unprecedented.

You know, he is a traffic policeman.

Two second-class merits, from a probationary police officer to a five-level jump, and was promoted to a first-level superintendent.

The surprise came a little quickly and suddenly, which made him a little confused for a moment.

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