You Are A Traffic Policeman, Is It Appropriate To Rob Criminal Investigation Cases?

Chapter 46 Xu Lin Draws The Gun, The Consequences Are Serious

Huang Weihan held a gun in both hands, the muzzle of the gun was facing down, and he came behind Xu Lin in a few steps.

"Xiao Xu, what's the situation?" He looked very solemn.

He had just listened to Chen Hua's report that when Xu Lin rushed into the rental house of Wang Erhe and the other three, he saw that the other party was holding a murder weapon, but he still did not draw his gun.

But now, this guy draws his gun without seeing anyone, which shows the seriousness of the situation.

Xu Lin stared at the villa in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and pointed to the window sill on the second floor of the villa.

He didn't speak, and even moved carefully.

Huang Weihan followed his line of sight and didn't see anything at first, but when he saw it, the pupils of his eyes shrank violently.

Although their location is more than 20 meters away from the villa, anyone with good eyesight can see a glass mirror leaning against the corner of the balcony on the second floor of that family.

What Xu Lin saw was in that mirror.

If you don't look for it deliberately, maybe even if you stare at it for a long time, you may not be able to find what is reflected in the mirror.


Two corpses!

Yes, on the balcony on the second floor, behind the curtains, there were two corpses tied to chairs and their mouths sealed with tape.

Both of them had their heads back, and there was a hideous scar on their necks, which was fatal with one blow.

Huang Weihan saw it, and after a few seconds, Chen Hua saw it too.

Then the criminal police members, who were trying to find the target one by one, also saw the corpse one after another.

Everyone's faces became serious in an instant.

Huang Weihan looked at Xu Lin and said in a deep voice, "How did you find out?"

Xu Lin: "I smell blood and a faint smell of corpses. I estimate that the time of death is no more than 36 hours."

"You're bragging again, aren't you?"

Huang Weihan couldn't help muttering: "You can smell the death time of the corpse just by smelling it?"

Xu Lin didn't explain anything. He pressed his hands to the people behind him, then put away his pistol, took a few steps back to create a distance, and then ran quickly towards the villa.

"What are you doing?" Huang Weihan's face changed greatly when he saw his actions.

Chen Hua and a group of people were also extremely nervous, and the palms of the hands holding the gun were covered with cold sweat.

However, the next moment, they saw a scene that people will never forget.

Seeing Xu Lin rushing to the corner of the villa, he jumped up suddenly, stepped on the wall with one foot, raised his body, and stepped on the wall with his left foot again for strength.

With a whoosh, this guy's body was hanging on the balcony drain that was at least four meters high.

Then with both arms, he turned over and went to the balcony.

As soon as his feet landed, his gun was in his hand again.

He looked indifferently at the environment in the room through the glass mirror. Because of the angle, he could already see everything in the room clearly.

However, it was precisely because of this that he gasped.

Not two bodies, but four.

In addition to the two sitting people, there are also two lying down.

All four of them were killed with a single blow. The murderer shot very quickly, and the incision was very smooth, as if it was a straight line.

He walked into the room, quickly glanced around, and after confirming that no one was there, he squatted down and looked at the corpse in front of him.

The deceased were three men and one woman, all of whom looked very young, probably not more than thirty years old.

Corpse spots appeared on the corpses. According to the current temperature, as he guessed, he had been dead for at least 24 hours, but not more than 36 hours.

In other words, the person died yesterday.

And it is obvious that the bound man and woman were tortured to extract confessions before they died.

Their bodies were covered with bruises, almost all of their fingernails had been pulled out, and several teeth were also pulled out.

And one ear was cut off, and they were thrown beside the corpse.

Teng Teng Teng...

Footsteps sounded downstairs, Huang Weihan led people in through the main entrance, and finally came upstairs.

When the door of the room was opened, even if they were mentally prepared, everyone couldn't help but gasped.

"Four corpses!" Huang Weihan exclaimed, his face extremely ugly.

This is definitely another huge case, maybe it will be listed by the provincial department.

He was sullen and was about to walk in, but Xu Lin raised his hand to stop him: "Don't come in yet, I'll take a look at the scene."

Huang Weihan's face darkened when he heard this.

What do you mean, we are not allowed to go to the survey site?

You kid, I'm afraid you have forgotten your identity, right?

But he just thought about it in his heart, and he still admires Xu Lin's ability.

In addition, the entire room was almost covered with dried blood, and it would be easy to destroy the scene if one was not careful, so he led someone to stand in front of the door and did not go in again.

Xu Lin was lying on the ground, looking sideways towards the lighted balcony, and could vaguely find a few footprints on the ground.

Some of the footprints were obviously the slippers worn by the two tied dead men, and the other set of footprints were the leather shoes worn by the two lying corpses.

In addition to these, there is also a human footprint.

The footprints of a lady's leather shoes, size 38, judging from the footprints left in the dried blood, it is an adult woman, and the footsteps are steady and even, not like they were left hastily.

"The fifth person!"

He said something to himself, his nose twitched slightly, and there were indeed five people in the remaining breath in the air.

However, because of the smell of corpses and blood, these five breaths have been diluted a lot, and it is almost difficult to distinguish the smell.

After Xu Lin confirmed the existence of the fifth person, he nodded towards Huang Weihan and the others, and then a large number of criminal police members came in and began to investigate the scene.

Xu Lin stood aside and looked at the corpses carefully. Except for a knife in the neck, each corpse had no other fatal injuries.

The three men and one woman, especially the two guys who were lying down, were tall and big, and they were not tied up yet, so they were killed with one blow.

The murderer is definitely a master, the kind who kills without blinking an eye.

And according to Xu Lin's judgment, the owner of the fifth footprint, that is, the woman wearing a shoe size 38, is the murderer.

Because he saw the footprints in front of the two corpses sitting on chairs, and behind the two lying corpses.

Unlike walking, the footprints are slightly missing a piece, and there are drag marks. Obviously, such footprints can only be stepped on when the feet are bent and exerted force.

After the murder, he didn't hide his traces at all, which also proved that the murderer was extremely conceited, and even ignored Jiangyun City's criminal investigation detachment at all.

Xu Lin's face was a little gloomy, this is so crazy!

If he didn't catch the murderer, he wouldn't care whether the criminal investigation detachment was ashamed or not, but he couldn't pass this level.

"Huang Zhi,..." Xu Lin raised his head, just in time to see that Huang Weihan was already arranging work, so he didn't say anything else.

In less than half an hour, the entire villa was inspected. All the property in the villa was still there, and nothing was missing, including cash and jewelry.

This situation told them that it should not be a burglary and homicide.

So... why did the murderer kill?

Soon, the people from the forensic side also came over. After taking samples on the spot, they loaded the body into a car and took it away.

They will conduct an autopsy on the body and issue a detailed autopsy report.

"Xiao Lu, Qin Dali, the two of you guard the scene, and the others return to the team for a meeting!"

Huang Weihan saw that it was almost the same, and left two criminal investigator brothers to guard the scene and lead the team to return to the detachment.

For such an important case, it is necessary to hold a meeting immediately to study the idea of ​​solving the case, and then make a written report to the superior.

Seeing that there was no point in staying, Xu Lin also left with Huang Weihan.

Sitting in the car, he kept frowning and thinking about the case.

The murderer is very professional, and a person like this will never be shot easily. Among them, certain interests must be involved.

As for the other two male corpses, they were obviously not in the same group as the man and woman.

"If it was a vendetta, there is no way to explain the two corpses."

He closed his eyes, possibilities running through his mind.

"They also endured severe torture to extract confessions. The murderer was looking for something?"

"So if I were them, where would I hide my things?"

There is another problem, that is, they found traces of the crime in the villa, but outside the villa, there were no traces left by the murderer, not even his tracking skills.

How did that person leave?

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