"Are you good at playing?"

Xu Lin put the saber on Hong Wenhan's neck again, and said jokingly.

If his waist and abdomen were not strong enough just now, he might have really been countered by this guy.

Hong Wenhan: "..."

His heart twitched, this kid was a little perverted.

After being thrown over the shoulder, he can react instantly and jump up like a zombie. What kind of explosive power and waist strength is this?

"Traffic police!"

At this time, Shao Changqing just exclaimed, and Hong Wenhan's jaw almost fell to the ground.

"Calm down, dude."

A special forces member stepped forward and stretched out his hand in a pressing gesture.

Then he asked Shao Changqing: "Captain Shao, hurry up and take out your IDs."

When Shao Changqing heard the words, he immediately reacted, took out a document, and threw it in Xu Lin's direction.

In the dark night, the line of sight is not very clear. In addition, the certificate is black, except for the police badge on it, which is a little bright, but it is actually not visible at all.

When throwing it out, Shao Changqing regretted it a little.

But the next moment, a hand grabbed his ID like a ghost.

What kind of look is this?

A group of special forces members wearing individual night vision goggles were all numb.

No one knew better than them the significance of Xu Lin's actions just now.

He can accurately catch documents smaller than a slap. Can he see things clearly in the dark?

They guessed right.

Xu Lin has already turned on the Eagle Eye skill. Although it is incomparable to day vision, it is clearer than night vision.

Technology, after all, can't compare to hanging forces.

Xu Lin picked up the ID, opened it and glanced at it.

"Nanlin City Criminal Investigation Detachment, Deputy Chief, Shao Changqing?"

The certificate is genuine and can be confirmed.

He compared the photo with Shao Changqing's appearance again, and he was sure it was him.

"Sorry, I'm Jiangyun City Criminal Investigation Detachment... No, I'm a trainee traffic policeman from Jiangyun City Traffic Police Team One." Xu Lin said, letting go of Hong Wenhan, who was covered in cold sweat from fright.

Then he took out his ID and walked towards Shao Changqing.

After Shao Changqing took it, the team members under him immediately surrounded him, turned on the flashlight and looked at him, the expression on his face seemed to be constipated.

He handed the ID to Hong Wenhan, but the special operations captain couldn't help cursing the moment he saw Xu Lin's ID.

Are all of you Jiangyun City so awesome?

Such a character, lost in the traffic police force as a trainee police officer?

Is it because my brain is not working well, or is this world crazy, God wants to torture me like this?

When everyone was looking at Xu Lin, his expression was fixed, his eyes fixed on a bush hundreds of meters away, and he said in a deep voice, "Be careful, they are coming."


It wasn't until this time that Hong Wenhan and Shao Changqing realized that those mercenaries were still there, so they were almost negligent.

Xu Lin made a dodge, and came to the back of a big tree in a blink of an eye, and then saw him carrying a long gun on his back, which was a civet cat's sniper rifle.

At this moment, the civet cat and another special forces member were still in a coma.

Seeing the civet cat's sniper rifle, Hong Wenhan remembered the civet cat that had been knocked out, and immediately sent someone to wake him up.

It's obviously the weapon of one of your team members, so what's the point of being held by a traffic policeman?

"Civet cat, wake up!"

"Civet cat!"

clap clap...

After several consecutive slaps, the civet cat lying on the ground woke up leisurely.

His eyes regained some focus, and then his pupils shrank violently, and he jumped up from the ground.

"Enemy attack..."

The next moment, he saw Hong Wenhan squatting beside him, and several other team members.

"Boss, we met..."

He had just opened his mouth to report, when he suddenly saw the figure standing under the tree more than ten meters away, and immediately exclaimed: "Boss, it's him, he attacked us!"

The civet cat's scream pierced the tranquility of the night sky.

Xu Lin's complexion changed suddenly. He fixed his eyes on the direction of 10 o'clock. After hearing the movement, several people on the other side immediately lurked.

The visual distance is at least 300 meters.

He frowned and looked at the civet cat, then looked at the sniper rifle in his hand, and with a slight movement in his heart, he called the system.

"System, activate the Gun King time limit card!"

【Ding! The time limit card of Gun King is activated, and the time limit is 3 hours. 】

The prompt in his mind appeared, and in the next moment, countless gun knowledge appeared in his memory.

Including various types of pistols, various types of rifles, sniper rifles, machine guns, heavy machine guns and so on.

In the blink of an eye, he changed from a rookie who only knew pistols and rifles to a real gun master, a gun king level existence.

The muscle memory of his hands was integrated into his nerves in an instant, forming a terrible nerve reflex, and shooting has almost become a subconscious instinct.

"Give me back the gun!"

Suddenly, the civet cat broke out again.

As a sniper, the sniper rifle is equal to his second life, the gun is in the person, the gun falls and the person dies.

So when seeing Xu Lin holding his sniper rifle, the civet cat rushed out almost subconsciously, with a ferocious expression on his face.

"Civet cat!" Hong Wenhan's face changed greatly when he saw this scene, and it was too late to stop it.

He couldn't help being furious, staring at Xu Lin and shouting, "Give him the gun!"

Xu Lin completely ignored the two of them, sorry, he didn't believe anyone except himself at the moment.

Because, he has become the gun king.


The gunshot rang out, and the running civet cat suddenly felt a terrifying killing intent a second ago, and subconsciously lowered its head and threw itself down. It was this action that saved his life.

The bullet flew past his head, hit the big tree on the right, and opened a big hole.

"Sniper! Take the gun..."

He subconsciously yelled at Xu Lin, but just as the words were out of his mouth, he saw Xu Lin suddenly raise the muzzle of his gun, aim and shoot!


There was a dull gunshot.

The standard movements, the indifferent eyes, and the terrifying reaction speed changed the expressions of all the people present who knew about sniping.

The civet cat even subconsciously shouted: "1.7 seconds!"

It takes about 2.5 seconds for a sniper to find the target, lock it, and shoot.

You must know that this is already very scary. After all, you need to calculate the air density, humidity, wind speed and other factors that affect the trajectory before shooting.

Legend has it that some sniper masters can do it faster, but almost all of them finish in 2 seconds.

Every time this time increases by one second, it is as difficult as climbing the sky.

Of course, if it's a random fight, it's another matter.

However, after Xu Lin shot, there was a sudden exclamation from the opposite side nearly 300 meters away. Although the sound reached them very softly, everyone heard it.

Within 2 seconds, Tanuki's eyes were full of disbelief.

No! Not only within 2 seconds, but also 1.7 seconds, a difference of 0.3 seconds.

This 0.3 seconds is a gap that can never be crossed in most snipers' careers.

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