You Are A Traffic Policeman, Is It Appropriate To Rob Criminal Investigation Cases?

Chapter 56 Stepping On The Enemy Bandits, One Person Guards The Pass, An Unforgettable Scene

Jin Meigui looked at the border that was getting closer and closer, her eyes were wide open, and a gleam of hope burned in her eyes.


very close.

150 meters, 100 meters, 50 meters...

"There are still 50 meters, the last 50 meters."

"As long as I pass the 50 meters, I will escape. The military and police in Daxia will never dare to shoot outside the country. They don't have the guts."

As the hope in Jin Meigui's heart grew, another voice sounded in her mind.

"Why? Why did he let me go?"

"Could it be that Zalu and the others captured their people?"

"Yes! It must be so, it must be so."

30 meters, the last 30 meters!

20 meters, and I will be free in 20 meters.

"Haha! Daxia, a forbidden place for mercenaries? That's all!"

A smile appeared on Jin Meigui's face.

At this time they had already left the jungle, and on the open plain, at a distance of about 300 meters from them, a group of people were rushing towards them.

At the same time, Hong Wenhan and others frantically chased after Xu Lin.

"That traffic policeman, what are you doing?"

"Asshole, are you treason?"

"Damn it, what the hell is this guy going to do?"

A group of people were dumbfounded, watching Xu Lin lead them to the sacred border, which was less than 10 meters away.

Going forward, it is Mianbang.

No matter how important their actions are, as long as they touch that line, they must stop abruptly.

Everyone's hearts were raised, until Qin Xu casually threw the golden rose 10 meters away from the border, and then stepped on her wound with one foot.


A shrill scream sounded, Jin Meigui trembled in pain, gritted his teeth, and stared at Xu Lin, the hope in his eyes was completely shattered at this moment.

She gets it.

She finally understood.

The reason why this guy brought himself to the edge of the border was because he wanted to let himself experience that terrible despair in the face of hope.

Hope is close at hand, but no matter how hard she struggles, she can't touch it.

"In this world, the scariest thing is hope."

There was a sneer on the corner of Xu Lin's mouth, he stepped on the golden rose, and suddenly raised the sniper rifle in his hand.


Gunshots shot through the air, and a group of people who were rushing over directly fell down two.

Kill two birds with one stone!

The level of the gun king is definitely a miraculous existence.

"Damn, stop!"

The more than 20 people who rushed over squatted down directly.

But it didn't work at all.

Xu Lin's eagle eye skill has enhanced his night combat ability several times, and the dark night is just dusk to him.

He pulled the bolt, and aimed again.


A bunch of blood flowers flew up, and a mercenary hiding in the grass fell down.


Pull the bolt, raise the gun, shoot.

Boom! Boom! Boom! ...

Every gunshot took away an enemy.

A group of mercenaries were hiding in the grass, everyone's faces were filled with horror.

"Go to hell!"

With a roar, Zalu stood up suddenly, holding a sniper rifle in his hand.

Lock on target, take aim.

However, just as his finger was on the trigger, he saw a flash of fire in the scope of the sniper rifle, and the next moment his head exploded.

Blood and brains splashed all over the floor, and all the mercenaries looked at the scarlet liquid in horror.


This kind of sniper ability is almost invincible on this small-scale battlefield.

On the left side of Xu Lin, Hong Wenhan and Shao Changqing's eyes widened, and everyone's eyes showed a look of shock and horror.

They swore that they would never forget this scene in their entire lives.

One person shoots one shot, stepping on the enemy bandits under the feet, and shooting the powerful enemy who comes.

In response to the old saying: One man should be the gate and ten thousand men should not be opened!

"Go! Everyone, retreat!"

Finally, facing Xu Lin's terrifying precision rapid fire, the mercenaries who were close to 300 meters away could no longer calm down.

Their sniper has been killed, even though the sniper rifle is still there, they dare not look up at all.

Zalu's counterattack just now is still vivid in his mind, looking up means death.

"Everyone run together, hurry up!"

A leading mercenary yelled and got up to run.

At this time, Hong Wenhan and the others finally came to their senses, and led others to rush forward without saying a word.

Xu Lin was far away from those mercenaries, but they were not far away, only less than 200 meters away.

When he found that the opponent was fleeing for his life, Hong Wenhan immediately organized an attack.

Da da da……

Gunshots continued to ring out, and the Falcon Commandos were like a pack of wolves, each with a powerful and ferocious aura.

Even Shao Changqing and other criminal police officers rushed forward like crazy.

With pistols in their hands, even if the enemy is beyond their range, they keep shooting, which can disturb the enemy's heart and create opportunities for the brothers of the special forces.


Boom! ...

Xu Lin was still shooting, but he was sniping.

His eyes were a little red, he could barely keep his eyes open, and his figure was a little weak. He only felt some pain in his left lower back, as if blood was gushing out.

I can't control so many, killing one is one.

In less than 10 minutes, the battle was over.

Hong Wenhan and others chased to the border, saw that there were only three mercenaries jumping into the river to escape in embarrassment, gritted their teeth, and sighed helplessly.

The line under their feet is their insurmountable red line.

"Everyone, clean up the battlefield and see if there are any survivors? Be careful!" Hong Wenhan said.

"Yes!" The team members under him immediately started to act.

Shao Changqing looked at his brother behind him, and said, "Go help too, be careful."

"Understood!" A group of criminal policemen nodded one after another.

Then the two captains glanced at each other, and they ran towards Xu Lin almost at the same time.

After a while, they came to where Xu Lin was.

I saw that the person under his feet had passed out, while Xu Lin was still standing straight, his eyes were blood red, which was extremely scary.

There was a large amount of blood on his chest and waist, but he remained motionless, still holding his gun.

"Brother, the battle is over, put down the gun!"

Shao Changqing said.

As a result, Xu Lin didn't seem to hear it, and still didn't move.

It wasn't until Hong Wenhan stepped forward and touched him lightly that his body staggered and sat on the ground, and then fell down with his head up.

"Brother!" The expressions of the two changed drastically, and they hurried forward to check.

Hong Wenhan checked it, took out a bandage to bandage Xu Lin's wound, and said, "The rib is bruised, a bit serious, but not life-threatening. This guy is too fierce, he must be tired, and he has lost a lot of blood." .”

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