Guanghua Decoration Company, Xu Lin sat behind a luxurious desk.

As long as the group of people in front of him could touch the ground with both feet, they all squatted there, holding their heads and daring not to make a sound.

A few broken legs, or broken ribs, were all lying on their stomachs or lying down, gritting their teeth, their faces almost turning purple.

Xu Lin glanced at the people in front of him. Although his shots were heavy, they were measured.

Regardless of whether the bones are broken or not, their injuries are not fatal, and there is no problem at all if they drag on for a day and a half.

Time passed by, Wang Liang lowered his head, sweating profusely, and his body trembled a little.

Thoughts flashed through his mind, but he finally gave up.

Resisting will only make you more and more painful.

That guy is not human, he now feels like his gums are about to be pulled apart.

At this time, the siren suddenly sounded outside, the sound came from far to near, and soon came to the downstairs of Guanghua Decoration Company, and stopped.

Xu Lin was stunned, thinking Huang Zhi and the others weren't so fast, were they?

It's only been less than an hour, did they fly over?

After a while, footsteps sounded, and then a group of people rushed into the office quickly, led by a young policeman about 30 years old, holding a black pistol in his hand.

"Wow! Captain Wu, save me! Help me!"

Seeing the person coming, Wang Liang cried and crawled in front of the policeman, crying with snot and tears.

The young policeman looked down and said after a while, "You are... President Wang?"

"That's right, it's me. Captain Wu, save me. This guy abused lynching, and my brothers and I were almost beaten to death by him." Wang Liang pointed at Xu Lin and cried.

Xu Lin met his gaze, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a half-smile.

When Wang Liang saw it, his whole body trembled, and he immediately lowered his hands, not daring to look at Xu Lin again.

Wu Xiaofeng couldn't help showing a smile when he heard this, but he was restrained quickly.

He kicked Wang Liang away, gave him a disgusted look, then came to Xu Lin, and asked in a deep voice, "Who are you?"

Xu Lin: "Going together."

"Going together?" Wu Xiaofeng was stunned.

Glancing at the rogues who were beaten all over the floor, he shook his head and said, "This is the first time I've seen such a ruthless colleague. Brother, where is your ID?"

Obviously, he was skeptical of Xu Lin's words.

Xu Lin smiled, took out his ID, and threw it on the table.

He couldn't see clearly the Wu team in front of him. The latter obviously disdained Wang Liang, but why didn't he clear this group of people?

Knowing that they have done a lot of evil things, why not just arrest them all?

Wu Xiaofeng took the certificate, and when he saw the police badge, he no longer doubted the authenticity of the certificate.

After he picked up the certificate and opened it, the expression on his face suddenly froze.

The pupils contracted violently, and he exclaimed: "Criminal investigation detachment, deputy detachment leader!"


Taking a deep breath, he glanced at the photo of his ID card, then at Xu Lin, and immediately stood up straight, saluting and shouting: "Hello, leader!"

As for the legend of Xu Lin, as long as they have some status in this system, almost everyone has heard of it.

Especially the criminal investigators, who doesn't know that Jiangyun City's criminal investigation detachment has a great master who solves cases like a god. He has eliminated several major cases in a few months, and even brought down the richest man in Jiangyun City horse.

It was hard for him to imagine that this great god was so young.

Wang Liang trembled all over when he heard the words "leader good", and almost got down on the ground.

Their Guanghua County is a small county, and the chief of the bureau is at the same level as the head of the criminal investigation detachment, or even worse.

In other words, this person's level is not much lower than their bureau chief.

Of course, this is not the most important.

The most important thing is that this guy is still so young, he has a bright future!

Xu Lin glanced at Wu Xiaofeng expressionlessly, waved his hands and said, "Wait."

When Wu Xiaofeng heard this, his heart skipped a beat, and he didn't dare to speak easily.

He waved to his men and told them to put away their weapons first.

Then he asked cautiously: "Deputy Xu Detachment, this Wang Liang's matter is not small, we are going to put a long line to catch big fish."

Hearing this, Xu Lin raised his head slightly and asked, "Is your line ready? Are your hooks ready?"

Wu Xiaofeng: "Deputy Xu detachment, take a step to speak."

Xu Lin didn't speak, stood up directly, and came to the next corridor.

Wu Xiaofeng came over, took out a pack of cigarettes and gave Xu Lin one, but Xu Lin didn't pick it up.

He didn't care, he lit one himself, took a puff and exhaled a thick puff of smoke.

"Deputy Xu Detachment, can I trust you?"

Looking at Xu Lin's young face, Wu Xiaofeng looked a little hesitant.

After Xu Lin heard this, he was slightly taken aback, and his eyes narrowed.

"That depends on what you think. I can only say that I have never done anything based on my conscience." He said without much explanation.

Wu Xiaofeng nodded slightly and said, "Deputy Xu Detachment, I'm the only one in the entire county who knows what I'm going to say next. I dare not tell anyone."

"Huh?" Xu Lin was even more shocked.

This Wu Xiaofeng, no matter how you look at it, looks like a well-rounded person, even Wang Liang can be familiar with him, but he can still hide a secret that only he knows?

"Our Guanghua County has a very special organization, or not only our Guanghua County, but the entire Jiangyun City, even Haiyuan Province, and even the entire Daxia. That organization is very powerful."

"All I know is that they have a leader called 'Banker' and another leader called 'Litiger'."

Xu Lin raised his head suddenly, his eyes fixed, and he asked, "How do you know?"

Wu Xiaofeng: "That guy Wang Liang slipped his tongue when we were drinking with me. As for the litigator, I learned about it from another person, but that person is already dead."

When he said these words, Wu Xiaofeng's expression was extremely solemn.

He was afraid that after revealing these two identities, he would follow in that person's footsteps and die without knowing how.

Two professions, two people, Xu Lin instantly felt as if he had lifted a veil, but what awaited him was still layers of mystery.

Xu Lin reached out, took the cigarette from Wu Xiaofeng's hand, took one and lit it himself.

When the latter saw it, his body shook and his face was full of emotion.

Regardless of this simple action, this is Xu Lin's affirmation of him.

"Wang Liang has a murder case, so he can be arrested." Xu Lin took a puff of cigarette, not used to it, and handed it back to Wu Xiaofeng.

"But if Wang Liang is caught, we may lose the line of the banker."

Wu Xiaofeng said hastily.

Then he reacted suddenly and exclaimed: "Wait! A homicide case?"

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