After Xu Lin's order came down, all the detective brothers took action.

It is not a small amount of work for them to thoroughly investigate all complaint calls.

At this time, a person came to the hotel where Xu Lin and the others were staying.

This man is bloated, smells of alcohol all over, and has a pair of slender eyes, which makes people feel uncomfortable when looking at people.

It was Wu Xiaofeng who walked in front of this person and led the way.

"Huang Zhi, Deputy Xu, our chief is looking for you two." He said with a wry smile on his face.

The bureau chief glanced at the two of them, then pretended to glance at Wu Xiaofeng casually, and said eccentrically, "The two detachment leaders are so majestic, they just arrived in Guanghua County, and they summoned all my people."

Huang Weihan and Xu Lin looked cold when they saw the fat man coming in, reeking of alcohol.

Huang Weihan: "Sorry, Bureau Qi, we are also eager to handle the case, it is really..."

"That's not the reason for you to use my people without reporting!" Qi Dacong interrupted without waiting for Huang Weihan to finish speaking, with an extremely sharp tone.

Huang Weihan's face darkened slightly.

However, he still patiently said: "Qi Si, the situation is urgent, it is really..."

"Don't tell me these things, come to my territory to arrest people, no matter what you say, you have to tell me first? You just arrested Wang Liang and others, and you put me in your eyes?"

Huang Weihan was interrupted again, and the anger in his eyes had already begun to rise.

But without waiting for him to speak, Xu Lin walked up to the Qi Bureau and said coldly: "Jiangyun City Criminal Investigation Detachment, it is only natural to ask your county's brigade to assist in handling the case. If you have any objections, go directly to Xia Bureau."


Qi Dacong looked at Xu Lin jokingly, and said, "You don't even have a boy like Mao. Don't think that you won't know the heights of the world after solving one or two big cases. Our Guanghua County is not a place for you to run wild."

"You can arrest people, but you must first obtain my consent!"

Xu Lin smiled and asked, "Does it mean that you need to agree with us to catch a wanted criminal? If someone escapes, who will be responsible?"

Qi Dacong sneered: "Don't label me, you are not qualified. If you run away, it is because you are not prepared, what does it have to do with me?"

"Anyway, you are ignoring our county bureau without my consent. If that's the case, then don't blame me for not cooperating."

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wu Xiaofeng and said, "Wu Xiaofeng, from now on, you have been expelled from us. If you eat the inside and outside, get out of here!"

Wu Xiaofeng's complexion changed completely. He wished he could slap the fat pig twice, but after all, this is his superior. If he really slapped him, even if he could be reinstated in the future, what would the superiors think of him?

Huang Weihan's face turned black with anger, and he was about to speak, but Xu Lin pulled him back.

Then I heard this guy ask: "Qi Bureau, we are investigating the case of counterfeit banknotes, please cooperate. Wang Liang is a serious criminal and involved in a homicide case, so I hope you can cooperate with us."

"Cooperate with you?"

Qi Dacong was extremely arrogant. He sneered and said, "I'm sorry, I don't know about counterfeit banknotes. Today, you leapfrogged the case, which makes me very uncomfortable. Especially Wang Liang, he is involved in a murder case, do you think I believe it or not?"

Xu Lin: "Qi Bureau, the case is urgent, please cooperate."

"If you really want me to cooperate, you can come to me with the documents."

Xu Lin smiled and asked again: "Really?"

"What's the matter, I said no, is it possible that you still have to leapfrog the level to handle the case? Let me tell you, in this Guanghua County, you can't move a single step without my support."

Xu Lin was really happy, this guy is looking for his own death!

He raised his hand, only to see that he was holding a mobile phone, which showed that he was still talking.

"Qi Dacong..."

A roar came from the phone, and it was Xia Weihai.

Qi Dacong shuddered, and immediately widened his eyes, staring at Xu Lin's cell phone.


"Qi Dacong, from now on, you will be suspended immediately. Huang Weihan, you are fully in charge of the Guanghua County Bureau, and immediately start investigating the counterfeit banknote case without any mistakes."

"Yes! Xia Bureau!"

Huang Weihan shouted from the side.

The drunk Qi Dacong shuddered suddenly, broke out in a cold sweat, and then sobered up from the wine.

He suddenly realized that his drunkenness today directly ruined his future.

To say that he and Wang Liang didn't have much relationship, they just ate a few meals and received a few things.

It doesn't matter to him whether the guy scratches or not.

But... Leapfrogging the case and ignoring himself is what makes him the most annoyed, and it is precisely because of this that he wants to make things difficult for the criminal investigation team.

Unexpectedly, a meal of wine directly pulled him off the horse.

"Xia Ju, I was wrong, Xia Ju..."

He hurriedly wanted to explain, but Xu Lin had already hung up the phone, he said: "If you have anything to say, go and talk to Xia Ju!"

"You hurt me!"

Qi Dacong reacted and looked at Xu Lin viciously.

Xu Lin smiled and said, "Yes, I cheated on you. But what can you do, you are just suspended now, if you interfere with our case, I will arrest you."


Qi Dacong's heart skipped a beat, he saw killing intent in Xu Lin's eyes.

"Stop standing still, Wu Xiaofeng, act!"

Huang Weihan didn't bother to talk to Qi Dacong, and waved to Wu Xiaofeng beside him.

The latter was shocked when he heard the words, and went to execute the order without saying a word.

In one morning, all 32 reporting calls were investigated. Every call is made with a virtual number or a public phone, and there is no way to verify it.

After Xu Lin heard the news that Huang Weihan brought back, he immediately realized that his guess was right.

As expected, the litigator is in Guanghua County.

Although he didn't know if the banker was here, what he could confirm was that the other party had a very important line here.

"It's interesting."

Xu Lin smiled slightly and said, "I was thinking, how did the 4 million counterfeit banknotes be transported to Guanghua County? There is no waterway here, and there are only roads and high-speed rails for landways..."

He fell into deep thought. At the same time, Huang Weihan and others did not stop raiding those underground places. Anyway, they wanted to make a mess of the entire Guanghua County and force people out.

At the same time, Huang Weihan ordered all the police forces of the county bureau to cooperate with the traffic police department to investigate the main roads entering and leaving the county.

It was noon, and everyone working in the county bureau was going to the cafeteria for dinner.

Xu Lin and Huang Weihan also went to the cafeteria for a meal, and then returned to the office.

They just sat down when a figure entered the office, it was Wu Xiaofeng.

He said: "Huang Zhi, Xu Fuzhi, Wang Liang recruited. He said that the counterfeit money was taken from Wanheng Company, but after our investigation, this Wanheng Company does not exist at all."

"As expected, don't say that Wang Liang has no clues, I guess my two little ones won't have any clues either." Xu Lin said with deep eyebrows.

"We may have to find this clue by ourselves. Take out all the counterfeit banknotes and see if there are any clues."

Huang Weihan nodded, and soon 4 million counterfeit banknotes covered two desks.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

The clues in the criminal evidence really need to be excavated. Isn't that what it is?

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