Xu Lin walked like flying, and his speed had reached a terrifying level.

The distance of nearly 200 meters was rushed over in less than 20 seconds, and the speed could compete with the world champion's full sprint.

When he rushed out of the corner, he saw a black figure, and he ran forward quickly, and disappeared into the night in a short while.

Xu Lin wanted to chase, but gave up after seeing the special mark.

He couldn't escape anyway, and he hoped that this murderer could bring him greater gains.

Turning around and walking towards Xiangxiang jewelry store, just halfway there, I saw Huang Weihan, Chen Hua and others running over in a hurry.

"Xu Lin, what's the situation?"

"Deputy Xu Detachment, did you just see the murderer?"

"Where are people?"


Everyone asked questions one after another, looking around vigilantly.

Xu Lin shook his head and said, "The man ran away. But I'm not sure if that man is the murderer."

"Let's deal with the scene first!"

As Xu Lin said, he walked into the scene of the crime, that is, thinking about the jewelry store.

Huang Weihan handed over a pair of white gloves. He took them and put them on, then squatted beside the corpse.

A knife in the heart and a knife in the neck are fatal wounds.

The deceased was a woman around 25 years old, with delicate features, and her open pupils were filled with the fear of death.

Xu Lin took a look at the situation on the ground. There were many footprints, and it was almost difficult to collect evidence.

After all, it was a public place, and it was impossible to determine what size shoes the murderer was wearing.

Then he came to the computer in the store, opened it, and suddenly found that the surveillance video of about 10 minutes had been cleared directly. Not deleted, but cleared directly from the server.

Obviously, the other party is a computer expert.

"The clue is broken." Huang Weihan shook his head and sighed.

Xu Lin didn't think so. He walked into the warehouse behind the jewelry store and found a lot of small paper boxes about 15*20 in size.

Some boxes hadn't been opened yet. After he opened a box, he found a string of defective hand beads lying inside, and five counterfeit banknotes neatly arranged.

"It's really an express delivery!" Huang Weihan was shocked.

Wu Xiaofeng looked at Xu Lin adoringly, and said, "Deputy Xu, do you still accept apprentices? Although I am a little older, I promise to be diligent and studious."

"Wu Xiaofeng, let me go. If you want to be an apprentice, I will come first." Chen Hua pulled his classmate away.

Xu Lin: "..."

Huang Weihan: "Stop talking nonsense, and track the sender quickly."


When the two heard the words, they immediately started to act.

After arriving at the courier site, the other party cooperated unconditionally and directly told them all the sites of the senders.

The results showed that the sender's location was in Nanlin City.


Xu Lin remained silent the entire time. He opened his system interface and clicked on the special mark.

In the dark night, a person was sitting on the balcony of a building. There is a computer in his arms, and there are monitoring screens on the computer.

Those surveillance cameras were actually surveillance videos on the streets of Guanghua County, densely packed, and almost all civilian videos were hacked.

Xu Lin's eyes froze.

This is my first perspective, that is to say, the murderer's perspective.

Then the person holding the computer is the murderer's assistant, an existence with powerful hacking ability.

Xu Lin can almost confirm that this person cleared the surveillance of the jewelry store.

Then Xu Lin observed their environment, and a sharp light gradually appeared in his eyes.

"That's... the teaching building of Guanghua High School!"

He may not be familiar with other places.

But he is very familiar with the teaching building of Guanghua High School, because this is his alma mater.

That was the roof of the teaching building, and he had been there many times before.

Everyone stood at the door of the courier station, most of them were looking at Xu Lin, to see if he had any other clues?

After all, for now, the clues have been broken.

Xu Lin glanced around indifferently, and said slowly: "Old Huang, how many private surveillance do you think there are in Guanghua County?"

Huang Weihan was taken aback: "How do I know?"

"Our technicians, can you turn off all the private monitoring?" Xu Lin asked again.

Huang Weihan: "It's unlikely, unless you contact all monitoring vendors and shut down all their servers."

"Then contact all the monitoring manufacturers." Xu Lin said calmly, glanced at the monitoring, and a strange smile slowly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

On the roof of the teaching building of Guanghua County High School, the man in black holding a computer was watching an enlarged video.

The picture in the video is exactly the picture of Xu Lin and others standing at the door of the courier company.

Suddenly, he saw Xu Lin raised his head and looked at the camera with a sly smile.


The young man holding the computer pushed his glasses, only feeling a little creepy.

That look seemed to be looking at himself, and he still showed a disdainful smile at him.

"Butcher, who did you offend?"

The young man raised his head, revealing an incomparably delicate face, and he was definitely not more than 20 years old.

The butcher was still wrapped tightly, looking at the surveillance screen with his slender eyes, and said, "Xu Lin, the deputy head of the Criminal Investigation Detachment of Jiangyun City Bureau, is a master."

"But... don't worry! He can't find us..."

As soon as the butcher's voice fell, Xu Lin in the surveillance raised his hand, pointed at him, and then made a gesture of handcuffing.

As soon as this movement came out, let alone the boy with glasses, even the butcher tensed up.

At this moment, the monitoring screen suddenly went black.

"what happened?"

The face of the butcher hiding under the mask suddenly changed.

The boy with glasses looked solemn, and he quickly tapped on the computer with both hands, while saying, "They turned off all the private camera servers."

"How is it possible? There are so many private camera manufacturers, how did they do it?" Butcher was a little incredulous.

The boy with glasses: "How is that impossible? Don't forget, what we are facing is the government of Daxia, the state apparatus."

As soon as this remark came out, the butcher's expression turned completely cold.

The words "state machine" put him under enormous pressure.

He said: "Elf, can you turn it on again? Otherwise, use the official camera directly."

"Are you crazy, are you looking for death? Those official technicians you are working as are just a display?" The boy with glasses, also known as the elf, suddenly raised his head.

He said: "Do you know where those ancient gods on our network are? 90% are serving the government, butcher, you want to kill me?"

Seeing that the butcher didn't speak, he said again: "Give me 5 minutes. Fortunately, I have left backdoors in the servers of all monitoring vendors, so they can be restarted."

As he spoke, he accelerated his computer control, and after about 4 minutes, a video screen came back on.

Then, one by one, the private surveillance restarted repeatedly.

With a slight smile in his eyes, the elf immediately started to drive all the cameras, looking for Xu Lin and the others.

Soon, the locked Xu Lin appeared on the camera.


"Damn it!"

When they saw the picture in the camera, both of them exclaimed in unison and almost peed.

I saw Xu Lin getting out of the car, and his location was impressively at the gate of Guanghua County High School.

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