Just as Xu Lin was trying to scare the snake away, people from the Security Bureau also led by Heizi to conduct a full-scale surveillance.

After taking the butcher away, they interrogated him.

Even for professionally trained people, it is difficult to withstand the means of these professionals.

The butcher recruited, but he didn't know much.

He only knows about an elf and a banker, but he doesn't even know about a lawyer.

As for their appearance, the butcher just dictated it, and after the portrait artist made a description, he distributed it to the armed police force and asked them to conduct investigations at various intersections leaving the city.

But doing so is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

As long as the genie and banker don't move, it's useless at all.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye, and the people from the Security Bureau found nothing.

As for Xu Lin's monitoring of the elves, he also encountered problems.

The banker didn't reply to the elf all this time, and this guy was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

"Damn banker, you betrayed the organization, printed counterfeit money privately, and caused us so much trouble. Now you are still playing with me and disappearing. You asked for it."

There was a hint of sinisterness on the elf's handsome face. He picked up his computer and quickly typed on the keyboard. After a while, a dialog box appeared on the interface.

"Saint, I'm an elf. I've found out that everything was done by the banker. He's hiding now and refuses to see me. The butcher has been arrested by the police, and I'm trapped in Guanghua County."

"Received, I will send people from the cleaning department to remove the bankers. In addition, the lawyer and the banker have a good relationship, so I can't keep this person." A line of words quickly appeared on the computer interface.

Elf: "Got it, which cleaner are you sending here?"

"The corpse bearer."

Three words popped up on the computer interface, and then the pop-up box disappeared.

"The corpse bearer!"

There was a hint of horror in the elf's eyes.

This guy is very mysterious. There are only legends about him in the Light Organization, and few people have seen the real appearance of this person.

It is said that the corpse-carrying man is the saint's right-hand man, a true veteran existence.

Unexpectedly, that person actually sent him directly.


All movements on the elf's side were marked with special marks, and Xu Lin, who had opened his eyes, could see them.

Seeing the word "sage", he couldn't help but want to scold his mother.

What's the matter, if the opponent is in front of him, he will directly throw a few big dicks in front of him, and tell him not to pretend to be 13 in front of him, and he can't beat him to death.

Then, he saw the words written by the corpse bearer.

His pupils shrank sharply.

The words "body bearer" make people feel a little uncomfortable, even a little shuddering.

It can be seen from the name alone that this person is definitely a fierce character.

A cleaner in the cleaning department?

Xu Lin thought of the butcher, and wondered how many other existences like this existed in the cleaning department of this organization?

"No matter what, these people must be eradicated, otherwise there will be endless troubles."

He said in his heart, got up and walked out of the room.

"Linzi, where are you going? It's almost time for dinner, we'll leave after dinner." Mother Xu said immediately when she saw Xu Lin coming out.

Xu Lin: "Mom, if I have a task, I won't eat."

"Okay, be careful yourself."

Mother Xu nodded, with a look of worry in her eyes.

Father Xu also came out of the study, looked at Xu Lin, said after a few seconds of silence, "Be careful."


Xu Lin nodded and smiled, turned and went out.

He drove the car and quickly came to where the elves were.

This is a three-story self-built building, and the elf is in a rented house on the third floor.

Cunning Rabbit Three Caves, this guy is obviously very cautious. He has never been out of the house since he came here. Except for going to the supermarket to buy food and water for two whole days, he spent the rest of his time in the room.

Xu Lin got out of the car and bought something to eat, then sat back in the car.

Squatting is the foundation of the foundation of criminal investigation.

Since he started criminal investigation, he and Chen Hua went out to squat once, but that time was not exactly called a squat at all, because within two minutes, he locked down those criminals.

This time, he was really planning to stay here for a while.

It doesn't matter if the elf catches it or not, the corpse-bearer must be caught.

The cleaning department of the Radiance Organization is a tool for killing people. One day such people exist, and they pose a greater threat to this stable society.

But Xu Lin never imagined that his squatting would last nearly 20 days.

In 20 days, he gave the elves special marks 7 times, but the corpse-bearer didn't show up for a long time, which made his mentality almost collapse.

Of course, he didn't really stay downstairs with the elves all the time, but rented a house in a rental house opposite.

One day Xu Lin was smoking instant noodles when his phone rang suddenly.

Seeing the caller ID, Xu Lin immediately put down the instant noodle bowl and picked it up.

"Hey, Ju Xia!"

"You kid still know me as the bureau chief? I'll ask you, what are you doing?" Xia Weihai's tone was a bit hostile.

The week-long vacation has been canceled long ago, but the kid hasn't come back for a long time. The Criminal Investigation Detachment is so busy that they don't touch the ground every day.

Coupled with the occurrence of two more cases of intentional injury and two cases of sinking corpses, the Criminal Investigation Detachment is already a bit overwhelmed.

Xu Lin: "Summer Bureau..."

After opening his mouth, he thought about it and said, "All right! I'll be back tomorrow."

He has already made a decision. Waiting like this is not an option. If it is impossible, he should hand over the information he has to the Security Bureau, and hope they can handle it.

No matter what, the job cannot be lost.

He didn't even know that the black guy from the Security Bureau had already been scolded bloody.

For more than 20 days, in addition to the few contact points explained by the butcher, they also applied for the assistance of the armed police to control all routes entering and leaving the county.

But so far, none of the so-called bankers, lawyers, elves, etc. have appeared.

"Boss, could it be that kid who deceived us?"

"Yes! Team leader, a little detective, can he find out so many things?"

"I don't believe it anyway."

"I don't believe it either."... Several people expressed their opinions one after another, only the tall and powerful Tieniu remained silent.

"Tie Niu, why don't you talk?" asked the tall and thin young man code-named Chawan.

Tieniu stroked the beard stubble on his chin, and said, "I don't know about the investigation, but I feel that Deputy Xu's team should be quite strong. He has an aura about him, the aura of a master."

Hearing this, Heizi couldn't help being slightly surprised.

In terms of combat effectiveness, there are really not many that can make Tieniu face up to it.

Of course, except for those perverts in Group Nine.

"It's only been a week, damn it, if I don't get anything this time, the chief will skin me." Heizi couldn't help but turn dark when he thought of the military order he had issued.

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