The news that He Le and the girl went on a date soon spread throughout the Sheriff's Office.

Except for He Chang who doesn't know, the aunt in the canteen knows.

"The prince went out on a date, he was introduced by Captain Liu, and he came to assist in the case!"

"What? The prince went out on a date

, and he was a criminal caught by Captain Liu?" "What? The prince became a criminal

and went out on a date with Captain Liu?"

He was investigating the ghost tank, but Zeng Ming told him that the case was closed, so he rushed back non-stop.

"He Le went on a date? really?"

"Really, there are pictures of the scene!" Zeng Ming took out his mobile phone to show him.

The photo is a little blurry, it's obvious that it was taken candidly, and it's far away.

"This woman is a little familiar. Zhen Ku said.

"I saw it last night, the daughter of the dessert shop owner.

Zeng Ming gossiped: "People are very beautiful, and their temperament is better than those big stars." "

I just saw you last night, so I'm going on a date today?" Zhen Ku felt that it was more likely that this group of people were interested in lewdness.

"Young man, do you think it's like us old antiques

?" Zeng Ming straightened his hair in the mirror, "Speaking of old antiques, Director Jin is hospitalized, do you know

?" "Ah, what's wrong with him?" Zhen Ku was just about to drink water, and when he heard this, he put down the water glass again.

"Tumor, speaking of this, it is also related to

He Le!" Zeng Ming said with a mysterious face: "He Le can tell fortunes!" "

What do you mean?"

"At that time, he sat down to eat with several leaders, and after taking a look, he said that Director Jin had a tumor in his head.

And you can tell exactly if it's on the right or benign.

At that time, after he finished speaking, Director Jin was about to go to the hospital for an examination, but he fainted as soon as he walked out of the cafeteria!

" "So mysterious?"

"Now it has been spread all over the department, and when He Le comes back, I will also ask him to calculate it for me to see when I can find a girlfriend!"

Zhen Ku took a sip of water and said, "Maybe I'll meet it when I go out."

I'm going to visit Director Jin, are you going?"

"Go, it's time to get off work!" Zeng

Ming took his coat and waved to a few other colleagues, who had agreed to see Director Jin before.

So more than a dozen people, four cars, huhula went to the hospital.

With a leader of Director Jin's level, he is fully qualified to live in a special ward.

But he chose to be happy with the people and was admitted to a general ward.

There was a shortage of wards in the Department of Surgery, and Director Jin had to live in an ordinary ward, but in the end, the doctor had no choice, and only the orthopedic department had to ask and ask, so he was sent to the orthopedic department.

Director Jin only went in on the front foot, and the reporter came on the back foot.

As soon as he saw Director Jin, the dignified director of the General Security Bureau, who only lived in an ordinary ward, he immediately wrote a manuscript and praised it.

Looking at the reporters who left, Zhen Ku complained

: "These reporters are really smart, we have been looking for the ward for a long time, and they actually arrived before us!"

Hearing this, Director Jin, who was drinking water, coughed, put down the water glass, and said with a smile:

"You are here!

Zhen Ku put down the fruit basket, "This is what everyone bought with money, a little heart."

I wanted to buy one by myself, but you can't eat that much by yourself, for fear of wasting

!" "It's okay, it's okay, I don't like to eat fruit!" Director Jin clasped his hands in front of his abdomen.

"What does your doctor say? "Surgery

, early surgery, early recovery, there is still a lot of work waiting for me in the department!"

Director Jin waved his hand, "You all sit, you don't have to stand." "

Eleven people, standing and sitting, filled the ward, and this led to the fact that good people had to be squeezed in if they wanted to come in.

In fact, everyone is not familiar with Director Jin, except for Zhen Ku who is talking, Zeng Ming occasionally says a few words, and everyone is silent.

The leader can't remember who came, but who didn't come must remember.

So, everyone is actually here to mix up the opportunity not to be remembered.

Zhen Ku didn't have anything to say, just a purely awkward chat, a few words, greetings, the time is almost up, and you can go.

More than ten minutes later.

Just as everyone was thinking about how to leave, a scolding voice sounded at the door.

"Stepping on a horse, such a big hospital doesn't even have a special ward, what kind of hospital is opened? Forget about closing down early

!" "Be quiet, this is not a private hospital, and your father will have to live in an ordinary ward when he comes

!" "Damn, I knew I wouldn't be here!"

"Who told you to snort in pain, this hospital is the closest! And it's better to choose Chinese medicine for orthopedics!".

Cui Xiang and the three appeared outside the ward, and as soon as they pushed the door open, more than a dozen pairs of eyes looked at them in unison.

The security officer, who is still in the criminal team, has a different look in his eyes than ordinary people.

Especially for the kind of gangsters, unclean hands and feet, and impure minds, there is a kind of natural suppression.

Feeling Zhen Ku's gaze, Cui Xiang and they felt very uncomfortable, they didn't like it very much, they were irritable, and they walked inside with their faces down.

"How can we get in if you block the road?" Cui Xiang said coldly.

Several of the vigilantes got up and made a way.

Cui Xiang walked in and lay directly on the hospital bed inside.

Yao Xuan and the others followed behind and sat down casually.

"Are you feeling better?" asked Huang Hao.

"The numbing hasn't passed yet, I don't feel it.

Cui Xiang scolded and said: "What kind of shit did that fool grow up eating

, and he has so much strength?" Yao Xuan recalled: "At that time, we looked at him just touching you, and to put it mildly, his strength is not ordinary

!" Huang Hao snorted coldly, "Strength is useless, I have a hundred ways to kill him!"

Cui Xiang said angrily: "This person's information hasn't been found yet?

Let me see. Huang Hao took out his mobile phone to check the information.

Here, Zhen Ku said goodbye to Director Jin and stood up.

Several other people who were restless also stood up.

I can finally go!

" I found it, the dog's name is He Le, and there is a sister named He Xiaoxi, and his father's fucking information hasn't been found yet.

Huang Hao looked at his phone and said excitedly.

Next to him, the eleven people who stood up and were about to leave sat down again.

Heh, there's a good show to play

!Then sit down again!

"Don't worry about his mom and dad, it's mainly this kid, Nian Nian!" Cui Xiang pillowed with one hand and closed his eyes.

"He Le, a sophomore at the Law School of Dahai University, is twenty years old and one month apart, and his birthday is the fifteenth day of the first month.

It's a law school grass, and suitors line up from law school to the school gate, but they are still virgins.

The monthly living expenses are 2,000 and there is a small electric donkey.

Dormitory Building 10 617, there are three roommates, usually don't play games, love to read, don't like sports much.


in character and learning, has won many outstanding student scholarships, likes to help others, and has helped many old people in the city center!

"Miss that girl. Yao Xuan said.

Huang Hao flipped down, found Wu Qingying's personal information, and read:

"Wu Qingying, a sophomore at the School of Culture and Media of Dahai University, is twenty years old and five months apart, and her birthday is in early May.

It is the school flower of cultural communication, and the suitors are lined up from the academy of literature and communication to the school gate, but they are still young girls.


hearing this information, Yao Xuan was surprised: "Just looking at this information, they are indeed talented and beautiful, a natural pair, and they are a good match!" "

Hmm? Do you want to die?"

"Hahaha, I'm sorry, I feel it." Huang Hao asked, "How do you plan to take revenge on him?"

Just looking at this information, they are ordinary college students, who have never been out of society and have not experienced severe beatings. "

Then let them experience a beating!" Cui Xiang's tone was cold:

"Find a dozen people and block them on the road and beat them."

Don't kill him, just cripple him, I want him to have comminuted fractures of both hands and feet.

Cui Xiang said hatefully.

"Let them pay attention, there are children in there, don't beat them to death!" Huang Hao reminded.

"Oh, yes, and that kid, her name is He Xiaoxi, break her hands for me!" Cui Xiang said resentfully.

They spoke unscrupulously, but they didn't notice that the expressions of the twelve people in the ward were more wonderful than the other.

Zhen Ku stood up, the other ten people also stood up, and Director Jin also sat up from the bed.

They walked to Cui Xiang's bedside and surrounded the three of them.

"I'm still looking for the last few, I don't have to worry about them doing things, and they are full of momentum, what are they called, Tyrannosaurus rex, right?

I heard that he was making short videos and made a few bucks, and if they do well this time, I don't mind letting them give him some traffic.

Cui Xiang said what he thought in his heart, and after saying a few words, he didn't see Huang Hao Yao Xuan answer, and he was curious, so he opened his eyes.

When he saw more than a dozen people gathered around the bed, looking at them with gloomy faces, murderous, he was dumbfounded.

"You... What do you want to do

?" Zhen Ku looked at Cui Xiang coldly: "You want to break He Le's hands and feet?"

"What's the matter with you?" Cui Xiang said with a stiff neck.

Zhen Ku grabbed Cui Xiang's hanging right hand and broke it hard, and the hand he had just picked up was broken again.

But before the anesthetic was over, Cui Xiang couldn't feel the pain, he got up to resist, but was slapped on the bed by Zeng Ming:

"You still want to break He Xiaoxi's hands

?" "What are you going to do?" Huang Hao said angrily.

"You're doing what you're going to do!" Zhen

Ku gave him a slap with his backhand, and the weak chicken who was hollowed out by the wine could not withstand the beating, and he fell to the wall with a slap, dizzy.

"Do you know who we are?"

"I don't care who you are?!" Zeng Ming kicked Yao Xuan's thigh, kicking him and screaming in pain.

There were many people on the other side, and Cui Xiang knew that he could only admit it at the moment, so he immediately said in a harmonious voice:

"Brothers, what is the matter? I have money if I want money, how much I want, you can say it directly!" "

Who wants your money from the horse?" Zeng Ming reprimanded.

"Then what do you want to do? If you do this again, I will call the police, and you will not be able to please it then!" Cui Xiang said calmly.

"Then you call the police, we'll wait!" Zhen Ku said coldly.

"Okay!" The

ants are also angry, not to mention people, not to mention Cui Xiang, who has been clothed and fed since childhood.

He doesn't care so much, horizontal and vertical is death, he was already very aggrieved, and now he is humiliated, where can he bear it, he immediately took out his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hey, Sheriff's Department? I'm going to report the crime, and a dozen people have surrounded me and have already done something to us.

Yes, Dahai No. 2 Central Hospital, Inpatient Department, 10th Floor Orthopedic Department, Ward 12. "

Okay, we'll send someone right away!" said the operator.

Cui Xiang hung up the phone and sat on the bed looking at Zhen Ku and the others.

He didn't understand what the confidence of these people was, even if it was him, he didn't want to enter the security department.

If you drag it like this, you can still be the son of the sheriff? There are not twelve sons of the sheriff?

Ma De, it doesn't matter, if you have the ability, you will kill me, but you can't kill me this time, and when I go back, we will see how I kill you!

Cui Xiang was thinking in his heart, when the phone rang, he looked down, but it was not his.

Zhen Ku, who was standing in front of him, took out his mobile phone.

On, hands-free.

"Hey, Captain Zhen. "

I am!"

"Someone just reported the crime, someone was surrounded by more than a dozen people, and they also moved, you go over and take a look."

The address is the Second Central Hospital of Dahai, the inpatient department, the orthopedic department on the tenth floor, the twelfth ward, and the informant is Cui Xiang.

"I see.

Zhen Ku said, hung up the phone, and then looked at Cui Xiang coldly.

At this time, Cui Xiang's face was as ugly as eating.

The same is true of Huang Hao Yao Xuan on the side.

What do you mean, werewolves kill, right? One or two of them pretended to be masters without talking on the side, damn

! Thinking that he had just discussed how to get people in front of a group of security officers, Cui Xiang was embarrassed and surprised.

But I'm going to Nima, why didn't a group of security guards pretend to be forced when they were in the ward!

"What are you doing? What are you doing, but you're doing it to us, I'm going to complain about you!" Cui Xiang scolded angrily.

"Come on, complain, I'm their top boss, come and complain to me!" Behind

the crowd, Director Jin sat on the hospital bed, clasped his hands around his chest, and looked at Cui Xiang coldly.

"You... I want to complain, you are complicit, and I will complain with you!" Cui Xiang said angrily.

"Yes, I'll give you a chance!" Director

Jin took out his mobile phone, found the director's phone, dialed it, and pressed the speakerphone.

Three seconds later, the phone was connected.

Say. "

Director, some people want to complain that I shielded my subordinates, and that Zhen Ku used lynching on him. "

Reason. "

They said that they would break He Le's hands and feet, and they would also break He Xiaoxi's hands. There

was silence on the other end of the line for a moment, and then a cold, calm voice came.

"Don't get killed.


Director Jin hung up the phone and looked at Cui Xiang, "The biggest person in Dahai City is the director, and if you still have to complain, you can only go to the capital." "

Complain to the director, give Cui Xiang a hundred dares, he doesn't dare.

They have a little money, but in front of the five biggest executives in the city of the sea, bullshit is not.

These five go one step further, and they are the executive officers of the Beijing Senate Association, and the executive officers are the elders.

The patriarch is the biggest, and there is no way to advance.

Money is a toy in the face of power.

Moreover, their family is the richest man on the surface, but secretly it is just a target pushed by the family.

At this moment, he remembered what He Le had said before:

"I will give you a name to make you sensible."

I didn't pay much attention to this sentence at the time, but now that I think about it, it is full of deep meaning.

"Which family is he from?" surnamed He, there is no surname He in the five major families, and the five executive officials in Dahai City do not have the surname He, who is he?"

At this moment, looking at Zhen Ku and the others, Cui Xiang's face finally showed fear.

Zhen Ku just sneered, interrupting He Le's hands and feet with you, as long as you can beat it.

Do you still want to break He Xiaoxi's hands, don't you know that she is the group pet of the State Administration of Public Security?

Oh, no, there is also the rule of law court, she is still the group pet of the rule of law court.

You have offended all the two violent departments, which is equivalent to booking a one-stop funeral service for yourself.

Oh, if he is the son of the former richest man, he will do business.

"Let's do it. Zhen Ku said lightly.

With the director in charge, as long as you don't play people to death, it's not a big problem.

It's not a big problem to play dead, Princess Xiaoxi, the title of princess is not called in vain.

If that one knows, all the Cui family's industries will be replaced, the resources will be liquidated, and if one is counted as one, the family will be ruined.


He Xiaoxi has a habit when eating, that is, eating from the bowl and looking at the pot.

I'm still eating in my mouth, and I've already thought about what I'm going to eat in the next bite.

He Le usually picks up vegetables for her through her eyes.

But at this moment, she looked at the meat on the plate

and was a little sad: "Brother, the chicken was eaten by us, will the mother chicken be sad?"

He Le sandwiched a piece of meat for her and said, "No."

"Why? I'm not at home, my mother will miss me!"

"Because this is roast duck, not roast chicken." Besides, Mother Chicken is busy playing basketball and doesn't have time to think about these things.

"Why do chickens play

basketball?" "I don't know how to explain this question to you, maybe each chicken has a different physique, some are suitable for roasting, some are suitable for cooking, some are suitable for white cutting, and some are suitable for playing basketball." "

Oooh. He Xiaoxi nodded, "I know the white-cut chicken, I've eaten it, it's delicious!

There are also spicy chicken, saliva chicken, called flower chicken, and heaven chicken."

Sister Wuwu, have you ever

eaten it?" Wu Qingying took a small bite of the food, and when she heard He Xiaoxi ask, she raised her head: "I have only eaten roast chicken, not those chickens." Her

hair was about to touch the plate, and He Le reached out to help her pin her hair behind her ears.

The two glanced at each other, and Wu Qingying quickly avoided it.

"Xiaoxi likes to eat very much, and her eyes are shining when she sees food, and some children are very picky eaters. Wu Qingying said.

He Le glanced at He Xiaoxi and said, "Xiaoxi is a person who likes to think, he eats attentively, it is more convenient for him to think, he will be a scientist in the future

!" "Hey, yes, Xiaoxi has a strong desire to learn!" Wu Qingying smiled.

"What does intellectual curiosity mean?" He Xiaoxi turned his head to look at Wu Qingying, and there was a little oil on his nose.

"It's the desire to know one thing.

Wu Qingying wiped the oil off He Xiaoxi's nose, and then got up: "I'll go to the bathroom." "

I'm going too!" He Xiaoxi threw away the bones in his hand.

"Let's go!" Wu Qingying wiped her hands, and then carried her to the bathroom.

Unlike He Xiaoxi, this meal was not for the sake of being full, so He Le put down the chopsticks after Wu Qingying and the others went to the toilet, and waited for them to come back before eating.

He looked at the watch on the side that He Xiaoxi used to hold bones, threw the bones inside into the trash, took them in his hand, and then buckled off the diamonds on it one by one.

Cut diamonds are really good-looking, but I don't know if they're real or fake.

The glass will look good even after it has been cut.

Maybe it's the refracted light that looks good, not the light itself.

He Le took the diamond and looked at the light for a while, then turned on the discrimination mode to check the authenticity of the diamond.

"Cut diamond, 0.3 carats...""Cut diamond, 0.4 carats...", "Cut emerald, 0.6 carats...", "Cut sapphire,

0.6 carats

...""Terry, 36 years old, head of the Great Xia Kingdom in the Eastern Region of the Hades Killer Group

...""Daisy, 29 years old, professional killer, once assassinated



Shelley, 37 years old, intelligence businessman..."

"Arnold, 35 years old, a spy of country A, plotting to snatch the scientific research information of the future biological company, was wiped out by mercenaries

, and the plan failed! Hide his identity as an agent of the Great Xia Kingdom, codenamed Sewer, and have been lurking in country A for fifteen years! He

Le was originally looking at the diamond, but when the diamond was put down, his eyes swept and he saw the information of the four people sitting at the table by the window in the distance.

Unintentional moves, but there are unexpected gains.

"This mercenary invited by Arnold can't be the one that was wiped out by my group, right

? Hey, he turned out to be sent by our Great Xia, how did he get turned against him?

No, he is a Great Xia person, mixed blood, so he looks like a foreigner. "

He Le is not interested in the head of the killer group, the sexy killer, the intelligence businessman.

Very interested in this Arnold.

He stared at Arnold, who seemed to sense something and turned his head to look at him.

From the self-cultivation of the spy, Arnold looked calm in the face of He Le's gaze, and raised his wine glass to signal to He Le.

He Le stared at him without any expression.

What does it mean to stare at it all the time

? Arnold muttered in his heart:

"I just took a picture of him, there is no reason to stare at me like this, you know my identity?

The only person in the entire Great Xia Kingdom who knows my true identity is a unicorn. Shelley

saw Arnold looking at He Le opposite him from time to time, and said, "Don't keep staring at him."

As I said, there can be nothing wrong with my intelligence.

It was he who rushed into the building, and he solved the Borderless Mercenary Group alone.

Only one person died, and all the others were shot four times, and in the same position.

For a top Gunners, when you stare at him, you're challenging him.

Arnold turned around and said calmly: "It's not that I want to see him, it's that he wants to see me, will our identities have been revealed?"

"No, if there is an ambush, my people will have noticed it early on!" Terry said confidently.

"Also, your people are top-notch and have never missed!" Shelley laughed.

"As the top intelligence merchant, you should know what we're capable of!" Terry said.

"You're the top killer group, and of course I believe you. Shelley said.

"That's... Interrupt your business blows.

Arnold said: "If Ho Le is here, it seems that there is no need for an ambush, he alone is enough." "



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