More and more people gathered downstairs, all of them residents upstairs, with expressions of the rest of their lives.

"Fortunately, it wasn't late at night, or everyone would have slept, and no one would have known that there was a

fire!" "Yes!" "Actually, the most dangerous thing about a fire is not fire, but smoke and dust, and most of the people who died in the fire were suffocated

!" "Yes!"

Fortunately, it's the fifteenth floor, and it's almost to the top floor, if it's the first, second, or third floors below, it's over

!" "Yes!"

"Which building do you live on, brother?"

"Fifteenth floor.

He Chang looked at the little brother on the side and replied with a light smile.

His answer attracted the attention of everyone around him, and some people gathered around.

"What's the matter with Big Brother, why is it on fire?" asked a man.

"I don't know, I slept all of a slept, and it caught fire!" He Chang smiled bitterly.

"Surely it won't catch fire for no reason, is it an aging circuit, or is it a short circuit in the electrical appliance?" someone asked.

"It's all possible!" said He Chang.

He Xiaoxi turned her head to look at these people, and then looked at He Chang, she didn't understand why her father didn't tell the truth.

Obviously, she lit the fire

! As a good boy, you must not lie!

He Xiaoxi frowned, and immediately said loudly: "I did it!"

Everyone turned their heads to look at He Xiaoxi,

slightly surprised.

Seeing that everyone didn't speak, He Xiaoxi said confidently: "I set this fire

!" He Le hurriedly covered her mouth and said to the neighbors with a smile: "The child is not sensible, and he hasn't woken up yet!"

The fire was already completely ablaze, not like it was before when it was just smoke billowing out.

Now through the window, you can see the raging fire inside.

Looking at He Xiaoxi, who was writhing and struggling like a maggot in his mother's arms, He Le leaned up and whispered:

"Sister Xi, this is not a glorious thing, don't be so arrogant and say it with confidence."


"Don't speak, brother go and put out the fire, okay? Just nod!" He Le said.

"Hmm..." He Xiaoxi opened his two big eyes and nodded vigorously.

Seeing this, He Le let go of his hand.

Wen Meiqing was surprised: "You go to extinguish the fire, how do you put out the fire?" It's not something that can be done with a lot of strength!" "It's easy to put out the fire,

it mainly depends on whether Dad agrees or not!"

He Le said with a mysterious face.

"Why do you need your father's consent to this? If you can put out the fire, he can't ask for it!" Wen Meiqing said with great certainty.

"Really?" He Le pretended not to believe it, "then what

if he gets angry?"

"You put out the fire, why is he angry?

If you can put out the fire while ensuring your own safety, if your father dares to be angry, you see how I clean him up!

Let it go,

my mother will give you the cover!" Wen Meiqing said with great momentum.

"Okay, that's what you said!" He Le turned off the recording of his phone and archived the file.

"Huh?" Looking at He Le's operation, Wen Meiqing had an ominous premonition.

He Le squeezed into the crowd and ran away in an instant, but soon he came back with a box the size of a coffin in his hand.

"What are you?"

"Something that puts out fires." He Le put down the box and opened the lid, revealing the contents of the box.

Small shells, like rockets, were erected in boxes, neatly arranged, to say the least, fifty.

There is also a grenade launcher embedded in the lid.

He Le took off the launcher, loaded it with combustion-boosting bombs, and after confirming that there was no one in the building through the intelligence plane, he raised the launcher and prepared to aim and launch.

"Wait a minute, are you sure this can put out the fire?" Wen Meiqing asked suspiciously.

"Mom, don't worry, you can definitely put out the fire. After

speaking, He Le pulled the trigger.

With a whoosh, the bomb flew into his bedroom on the fifteenth floor.

The bedroom, where I could only see the light of the fire dancing just now, exploded in an instant, and flames rushed out of the window.

Not only was it an explosion, the flames would decrease after the explosion, but after an explosion in the bedroom, the flames were not smaller, but they filled the entire floor, along with the other rooms.

The flame seemed to ignite even the walls, and it spread quickly upstairs and downstairs along the walls.

In an instant, the upper and lower floors were also ignited, burning faster than gasoline.

"You... Didn't you say extinguishing the fire? Why is the fire even bigger?" Wen Meiqing let out a loud roar.

"It's to put out the fire, and the fire won't be extinguished after all the fire is burned. He Le blinked, looking innocent.

As he spoke, he continued to fire incendiary bombs at each floor.

"You... You...... Do I mean that?"

Seeing that only one floor was on fire just now, and twenty seconds later, the entire building was on fire, and Wen Meiqing's body was trembling.

"Isn't it?" He Le scratched his head, "Did I misunderstand?" Hahaha, in fact, it's all the same, the fire will be extinguished anyway!"

"He Le!" He Chang also let out a roar, "What are you doing?

!" "Extinguish the fire!"

"Have you put out the fire like this?Is the fire extinguished?Can the incendiary bomb extinguish the fire?"

He Chang asked three times, his face pale.

In the past, it was okay to do evil behind his back, but today he is doing mischief in front of him.

He couldn't help it immediately, "I have to break your leg today

!" "Wait!"

He Le hurriedly stopped.

"What are you waiting for, our He family's tradition, beating children will not be overnight!" He Chang shouted angrily and rushed towards He Le.

He wanted a flying kick to kick the rabbit cub out of

the air!


As soon as He Chang moved, there was a loud bang, and the entire building collapsed, the wall tiles turned into mud powder, and the steel bars turned into molten iron.

The heat wave spreads outward in layers.

Everyone was taken aback.

What the hell? This is a reinforced concrete building, not papier-mâché, and even if it was, it would take hours to burn the whole thing.

Palm-sized toilet paper burns out so quickly.

"You... I..." He Chang stared at everything in front of him with wide eyes, unable to speak for a long time.

This scene is too shocking to know.

"Look, the fire is out!" He Le was also surprised by the effectiveness of the combustion, he thought it was just like gasoline to make the fire bigger.

Who would have thought that a few incendiary bombs would hit it and a building would be burned down.

The whole process is only half a minute and forty seconds.

He Chang's cognition was subverted, his thoughts fell into a whirlpool, he struggled desperately, trying to control, but he fell deeper and deeper.

It was only when the whirlpool was gone and the water calmed down that his mind surfaced and he regained control.

When he calmed down, his thoughts were not limited to He Le's daring behavior, he wanted to teach this rabbit cub a good lesson.

Rather, it is associated with the effect of the incendiary bomb, not to mention what technology is used in production.

This thing is better than a nuclear bomb just for military purposes!

There are even more scruples about using a nuclear bomb, and if this thing is hit, it will be useless for any fortifications.

And the victim won't say much.

This is the view of

the overall situation, and how can he often sit in this position, and reason is not something that ordinary people can have.

In addition, He Le has done too many daring things in the past few days, and he is used to it.


He Chang reined in his momentum, regained his composure, and sighed and said, "The matter has come to this... Let's first. "

Huh?" He Le thought he would say something, but he didn't expect it to be true.

What is this? a reminder? Or is it helpless?

He often holds his ass, trots all the way out of the crowd, and goes to the bathroom.

He Le scratched his head, "Why didn't you scold me

?" "You didn't scold you, are you


Wen Meiqing walked over with a cold face and picked up He Le's ears:

"Bold, willful, lawless, and evil

!" Who gave you the courage?!"

How many times have you told you that our family is not a landlord or a bully, or a bandit

! How did you promise me?"

I didn't agree..."He Le said weakly.

"Do you still dare to talk back?!"

"Eh, Mom, it hurts, light,

Xiaoxi save me!" He Xiaoxi is very righteous, when she heard He Le's plea for help, she immediately put her ear in front of Wen Meiqing, "Pull me!"

"Pull you?" Wen Meiqing immediately let go of He Le and picked up He

Xiaoxi's ear.

He Le was saved, and ran away in an instant, put away the box, and prepared to escape.

He Xiaoxi cried loudly without tears, "Mom, I know it's wrong, woo woo..."

"Aren't you very righteous? You want to take it for your brother, why do you know that it hurts now?" Wen Meiqing asked angrily.

"Mom, don't punish my brother, my brother knows it's wrong!" He

Xiaoxi hugged Wen Meiqing's neck and kissed her on the face, "Mom is the best!"

"You kid..."

He Le wanted to leave, but ran into trouble.

A large crowd surrounded him and prevented him from leaving.

These people, all residents of the building, witnessed Ho Le fire incendiary bombs and burn the building to the ground.

No matter how he did it, he couldn't let him go, and who would he ask for compensation if he left?

A person may not dare, but as soon as there are more people, he will have a lot of confidence.

"You burned our house, and you still want to leave?"

"We have already reported the crime, and you can't go anywhere until the security officers come!" "

Although you are handsome, you will also have to pay compensation for burning our house!"


Le looked at the indignant crowd, and had no choice but to sit down and wait quietly.

It would be immoral to burn down someone's house and beat them up again.

They didn't do anything, they appealed normally, so let's wait, and wait for the sheriff's office to send someone to come.

The action unit did not arrive, but the fire department came first, and the fire department used to be under the control of the Public Security Department, and later it was divided into civilian management.

When they came to the community, they looked crowded with people, but there was no fire.

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