You are Fired!

Vol 2 Chapter 63:

Bai Duanduan raised his face: "Ji Lin, are you drunk?"

"No." Ji Lin almost almost decisively and calmly denied, "I haven't."

This **** is not drunk yet? It is absolutely drunk to say that he is not drunk, not to mention that because this man kissed himself, even he felt a little bit of alcohol and now his face was red and hot. This shows the alcohol concentration!

Bai Duanduan is almost mad, she thinks that people will have obvious drunkenness when they get drunk. Either there are too many words, or the eyes are chaotic. .

His eyes were calm, his expression was calm, and his steps were steady. If he didn't talk to him, he didn't know that this person was drunk to the point where he lost his normal logic, so much so that Bai Duanduan, Chen Xun, everyone who was there just now Fortunately, no one found Ji Lin was already drunk.

He **** was a calm drunk player.

Bai Duanduan didn't hear that his father mentioned this kind of person. They can drink it, and they won't drink. Even if they get drunk, they won't have any gaffes. The amount of wine is like drinking water, but once they get drunk, You can’t predict the behavior of the other party at all. Such people are drunk, which is more terrible than those who are crazy about drinking, because others don’t see him drunk, so that the drunken person does not know what to do. , I never thought to stop it, this is the real death.

Alright, Bai Duanduan thought, Ji Lin’s drunkenness was a retribution.

He was inexplicably kissed by him, and he couldn't discuss it. Could he let Drunk Ji Lin explain? Or hold him accountable? When he drank to this extent, he probably didn't know what he was doing.

As a result, Bai Duanduan was sulking here, but Ji Lin was still calm. He reached out and touched Bai Duanduan's forehead: "You are blushing and the temperature is high."

Then, the man who did not have a doctor’s license judged irresponsibly: "I think you are still not good, and you have to rescue again."

After Bai Duanduan reacted, she had been gently pressed down on the edge of the fountain again by Ji Lin, and then the man who had actually been drunk and fell down calmly leaned down and kissed Bai Duanduan's lips again accurately.

They kissed a kiss longer than the one just now.

She grew so blushed and blushed that she could not breathe. If there is a blood test now, her adrenaline may have exploded to the point of breaking the watch. Now she feels that she really needs to be rescued.

Then the man on the body didn't let him go. His lips were slightly separated from the white end, and he gasped low, and then he fooled again, and began to kiss the white end.

Damn, what kind of clothes and beasts is Ji Lin? Even if you are drunk and think you need artificial respiration, does artificial respiration do this?

Bai Duanduan was kissed to be unable to resist, but the thoughts in her subconscious mind couldn't stop. She reasonably suspected that Ji Lin was not going to rescue herself, but wanted to take the opportunity to send herself back to the west...

However, Bai Duanduan didn't know how to save himself at the moment. Ji Lin leaned over himself. He had a light men's perfume on him. The clean and cold cedar smell was like a net. He wrapped himself tightly and couldn't escape.

The man kissed himself so carefully and extremely seriously.

His chest covered all the stars in Bai Duanduan, and Bai Duanduan had no intention to see any stars, because she found that Ji Lin's eyes shone more than all the stars.

And this is also the moment when the fountain on the side of the two people suddenly turned on the lights, and then the fountain suddenly turned on, the beautiful water column rushed out, and the sprayed water droplets hit the white end and Ji Lin, which was not working before. The fountain was repaired at this moment, and the timing was wonderful.

So Bai Duanduan lay like this under the starry sky, by the fountain, on Ji Lin's clothes, and then Ji Lin gently pecked and kissed.

Because of the sudden opening of the fountain, the eyes of the rest of the garden were also attracted. Bai Duanduan was kissed unscrupulously by Ji Lin at the edge of the fountain, while listening to the gradual gradual voice and footsteps not far away.

Bai Duanduan was shy and anxious, fearing that the crowd would gather to witness herself and Ji Lin kissing here. She had wanted to push Ji Lin away with brute force, but she didn't expect Ji Lin, who was drunk at this moment, to push it away, Bai Duan Duan realized that Ji Lin was quite powerful.

Fortunately, just before he was about to die, Ji Lin finally withdrew his lips and tongue, and then he looked at the white end where he kissed his face with red hair, and there was a satisfied expression on his face, and then he was serious And calmly commented: "Well, now rescued."


Bai Duanduan just laughed. He was rescued? She was all hot at the moment, even if the water droplets of the fountain hit her body, she didn't feel cold, the whole face was almost burning, and the lips that Ji Lin kissed just now felt that all the most sensitive touches in the body were condensed. Shao's senses were magnified indefinitely, which also made her completely lose control of her body.

This is a completely strange feeling. My heart is beating very fast. It’s like a heart attack. Not only hasn’t I been rescued, but it seems like I can’t be rescued...


Ji Lin finally released Bai Duanduan before the crowd came. At this moment, the two people sat and looked at each other so quietly, Ji Lin was straight and calm, but Bai Duanduan was as disturbed and unstable as if he had done something bad.

Fortunately, the people who flocked to the fountain soon diminished this embarrassment. Yang Fan spotted Ji Lin and Bai Duanduan for the first time and walked over to say hello with a smile.

"Ji Par, it turns out that you are here, hey? At this time, what case are you still discussing with lawyer Bai? Today, when Li Min is overjoyed, you should relax."

Wang Fangfang also stepped up and said: "Ji Par, but I finally found you. Li Min just looked for you. She and her husband wanted to take a photo with you, saying that to commemorate their last work experience, they had to take a photo with the former boss. , You are usually too busy, she said that she hasn't had a picture with you for so many years..."

As Wang Fangfang said, he kindly waved at Li Min not far away: "Li Min, here, Ji Par is here, you wait..."

After Wang Fangfang finished speaking, several other colleagues also arrived. Several men gathered together and led Ji Lin all the way to Li Min and his party.

Although Ji Lin still couldn't see a bit on the face, drunkenness affected his mobility and judgment. Bai Duanduan watched him without any resistance. He followed Yang Fan and his team a little, and was taken away not far away. Office.

Bai Duanduan could have stopped it, but what she was panicking at the moment seemed to be that she had just finished her adultery and finished the science. When Yang Fan and his party had just pulled Ji Lin away, she immediately took advantage of other people's inattention and wanted to slip away. When he arrived at Ji Lin's coat spreading over the edge of the fountain, although Bai Duanduan's face was terribly hot, he tried to pretend to calmly and quickly returned the coat to Ji Lin.

"your clothes."

Don't let him catch a cold, after all, he still has to settle accounts with him!

After Bai Duanduan finished speaking, he didn't dare to look up at Ji Lin's reaction, and hurried away like a frightened rabbit.

It was only very soon that Bai Duanduan met Chen Xun again. He was obviously worried that Bai Duanduan had been taken seriously by Ji Lin just now. After asking a few words to make sure it was fine, he talked about the one he didn’t finish. Wonderful customers.

Chen Xun's narration is still very humorous, but Bai Duanduan only felt absent-minded and could not listen anymore. Ji Lin had been dragged away, and the drunken kiss just ended, but Bai Duanduan still felt the touch on his lips Enduring...

Ji Lin was drunk, but he didn't.

So how do you face Ji Lin tomorrow...

Will Ji Lin remember this? For what reason did he kiss himself? Is it really because you heard that you want to rescue? So even if he remembered, would he choose not to remember because he was too embarrassed?

Bai Duanduan's brain was in a mess, and she was angry and ashamed. Ji Lin, the dog man, threw all sober problems to herself.

This fuck...

As a result, when I thought that way, Yang Fan's exclamation came not far away: "Ji Par? Ji Par? Ji Par What's wrong with you?"

Almost instantly, Bai Duanduan's body reacted before her reason. She didn't listen to Chen Xun's words, and quickly ran towards Ji Lin in the other's amazed eyes.

What happened to him?

Bai Duanduan has forgotten the anger and irritability just now, and only a moment of tension and uneasiness remain in his heart.

When she arrived, she discovered that Ji Lin was leaning on a garden lounge chair, her eyes closed, and her lips slightly pursed.

Bai Duanduan's voice almost blurted out, too late to cover up his worries: "What happened to Ji Lin?"

Yang Fan explained: "Just after they took a photo with Li Min, Ji Par suddenly said to let me help him to the side of the recliner, and I came over, and then when he sat down, he suddenly closed his eyes like this, see Are you tired?

Bai Duanduan stretched out his hand subconsciously, trying to detect Ji Lin's body temperature, but the hand just reached Ji Lin's face. The man opened his eyes slightly. He took Bai Duanduan's hand and looked at her: "Be good, don't make trouble."

The man said softly, "I'm a little sleepy and want to sleep for a while."

Only Ji Lin closed his eyes, Yang Fan and Wang Fangfang didn't. His intimate tone, the two of them shot the searchlight-like gaze towards Bai Duanduan on the spot. Bai Duanduan blushed and explained almost immediately: I don’t know who he wants to say this to, but he must be confused, not talking to me..."

"Bai Duan Duan, I'm talking to you, be a little better."

The result seemed to be that he wanted to dismantle the stage. Bai Duanduan's voice just fell, and Ji Lin opened his eyes slightly again. He glanced at Bai Duanduan, and after closing this sentence, he closed his eyes again.


This **** is embarrassing...

Fortunately, this embarrassing atmosphere was eventually saved by Rongsheng.

It was at this time that Rong Sheng, who was drinking not far away, also heard the movement rushing over, but he was very calm. When he saw Ji Lin's appearance, he shook his head helplessly.

"You are gone."

Yang Fan was a little uneasy: "Ji Par is like this, what's wrong? Did you work too much overtime and fatigue? Why did you fall asleep here, that, although Ji Par is still young, but now many diseases are getting younger, Sudden cardiac death or something, do you want to send Ji Par to the hospital for examination?"

Rong Sheng was very determined: "No." He glanced at Ji Lin. "He just drank too much."

He smiled: "You have drunk too much Ji Ji, you don't get drunk and look calm. If you discuss the case with him now, he can still fight with you for an hour, the logic is clear and strict, a very terrible The man, however, once two hours pass, he can’t stand it anymore, he will start to fall asleep, and then he will fall down to sleep.

Rong Sheng comforted everyone without worrying, while setting up Ji Lin: "Okay, I don't know how he would drink like this. If there is something in your heart, you Ji Par will not drink to this extent, now I Take him home first, you can't leave him here alone..."

With Rongsheng relocating Ji Lin, everyone was obviously at ease. Rong Sheng set up Ji Lin and walked in the direction of the garage. The people also dispersed and returned to the state of chatting.

Everything afterwards was step by step, but Bai Duanduan's heart was still beating all the way, feeling irritable beyond description.

Fortunately, the party finally ended at ten o'clock in the evening, and Bai Duanduan took Yang Fan's car back home.

I originally wanted to go to this party to change my mood and relax. However, not only did I not relax, but Bai Duanduan felt more tense. She lay in bed after washing, thinking quietly for a long time, but still failed to come up with a reason. So, I decided to ostrich and pretend to sleep first. Ji Lin, the initiator, is not in a hurry. As a "victim" of drunken behavior, what is the hurry here?

Bing came to cover up the water and the earth, and adjusted her mindset, and Bai Duanduan ignored it. At one point, she decided to go to bed on time.


It's just that Bai Duanduan went to sleep, next door next to the wall, but Ji Lin woke up slowly after the drunken stamina receded. He looked at the surroundings and realized that he had returned home, just how to go home. He has no impression, his last memory before losing consciousness is kiss.

He kissed Bai Duanduan.

Although he couldn't remember the reason and opportunity to kiss her, they kissed and it was his initiative.

Bai Duanduan did not refuse.

This makes Ji Lin a little bit happy, but also a little unhappy.

Of course she should not refuse herself, but what does she mean by not rejecting herself? She has reunited with Lin Hui! The two of them also took time off to work together to climb the mountain to admire the maple, but she did not refuse to kiss her, did she want to pedal two boats?

The most unacceptable thing for Ji Lin is that even if Bai Duanduan wants to pedal two boats, the other boat cannot be Lin Hui! What is he? Why is he? Does he deserve to be compared with himself?

Although he took a nap for a while due to the effect of alcohol, he drank too much tonight, so that even when he woke up late at night, his mind did not recover, alcohol still kidnapped his reason and enlarged All his negative emotions.

For the first time in his life, he remembered Lin Hui as a person, but he didn't feel any hatred at all, but was completely covered with another feeling.


Ji Lin was going crazy in jealousy.

Alcohol and jealousy made his thinking logic simple and rude, like a pretty unreasonable pupil-

He has kissed Bai Duanduan, and Bai Duanduan is his. She doesn't allow her to stay with Lin Hui. If she wants to be good with herself, she can't be good with Lin Hui. Old dead don't associate with each other, otherwise it is not really good to yourself.

However, at the thought of this issue, Ji Lin was irritated and depressed again, because the dear was dear, but Bai Duanduan never said or promised to be good to himself. These things that made him close to Lin Hui were completely pure. Wishful thinking...

Late this night, Ji Lin, who was drunk, became more and more angry. Before registering for Weibo because of Bai Duanduan’s human flesh, Ji Lin occasionally checked the Internet for buzzwords. Because they don’t understand popular words, they are out of touch with their colleagues who are younger than themselves, so that Ji Lin has also mastered many popular online phrases.

He thought angrily that if he wanted to describe it in one sentence, he is now—jealousy makes him look different.

Women's jealousy is not good, men's jealousy may be even uglier, but Ji Lin can't help it.

He was grieved in his heart, and his brain was fainted with alcohol. Before he could react, he had already picked up his phone angrily, and then impulsively did an irreversible thing...


He clicked on Bai Duanduan's WeChat profile picture and started typing.

He wrote for half an hour, and when he finally finished sending it, he seemed to have vented his grievances and unwillingness. Then he finally got a little tired, throwing away his mobile phone, having a headache, and lying on the sofa and fell asleep.


Probably this night was destined to be not calm. After Bai Duanduan went to bed according to the usual biological clock, although he was tossing and turning, he finally fell asleep, but he didn't sleep soundly. , Waking up the white-end Duan Duan, who had been asleep for a while.

After waking up like this, Bai Duanduan felt a little hungry. Because of Ji Lin's churn, she didn't eat at the wedding party and didn't eat anything. Now she woke up and was hungry, so she decided to wake herself up to make instant noodles. .

It's just that the noodles are soaked, and Bai Duanduan is still not very happy.

She thought about it, thinking that she had suffered too much from this wave.

Ji Lin's operation is too dogmatic, he kisses himself for no reason, but he doesn't like himself at all! This is simply an irresponsible hooligan!

And that was my first kiss!

Bai Duanduan thought more and more angry, why? Could it be because Ji Lin was drunk at this time, should he have his teeth and blood swallowed? I am a lawyer. What are the mission and responsibilities of a lawyer? Haven't you struggled with unfair social phenomena and used legal weapons to protect your rights? Why did Ji Lin take up all the good things and cheap?

This can't be the end.

Can you kiss others if you don't like them? This is shameless! What's more, Ji Lin is so familiar and familiar, does he drink more and think of himself? Is it actually another woman who wants to kiss?

Thinking of this possibility, Bai Duanduan felt that she would be unable to sit still. If she had not been sensible, she probably had to carry the kitchen knife and rushed to the next door to question Ji Lin.

For a moment, she was shy and angry, immediately picked up her phone and decided to throw this embarrassing hot potato back to Ji Lin.

She had just brewed a line in her mind, and was about to open the door to say, "You kissed me after drinking too much" and threw the bombshell directly. As a result, when she picked up her phone, she was dumbfounded.

There are 58 reminders on my phone, including WeChat messages and SMS messages.

Because of the lawyer's instinct, Bai Duanduan sees so many reminders, and has a bit of scalp numbness. Generally, he can contact himself at such a high density and high frequency. Most of them are customers, who can send 58 messages, which can be seen as an emergency. The case went on a business trip?

Bai Duanduan felt uncomfortable, almost subconsciously felt that this was no good, and suddenly felt heavy, frowning to see what had happened, and the urge to send Ji Lin's message also subsided.

However, she opened WeChat and was completely shocked.

There are a total of 49 unread messages in WeChat, and all 49 messages come from Ji Lin.

Bai Duanduan didn't know why, and she was a little nervous. She took a deep breath and then clicked on Ji Lin's head.

Then Ji Lin's 49 messages popped up.

So Ji Lin also remembered the incident after drunkenness, apologized to himself and cleared the relationship and stated his position, hoping he wouldn’t mind being a good colleague and subordinate?

For a time, Bai Duanduan suddenly felt that he was a bit less looking forward to seeing Ji Lin's information.

She bit her lips tightly, closed her eyes, took a deep breath, turned to the first one, and then her eyes widened.

Ji Lin didn't make an explanation about kissing himself, he was completely talking about another thing-

The first one is even an euphemistic accusation against Bai Duanduan—

"Bai Duanduan, were you blind early this year? Where is Lin Hui?"

Lin Hui? What does this **** have to do with Lin Hui?

Bai Duanduan's mood was stimulated by the words "Blind Early Blind", she was mad, what kind of dog man is Ji Lin? If you kissed yourself without your consent, it would be okay to say no to apologize, but you still have to scold yourself with your face?

Oh shit!

Bai Duan was so angry that she saw the second message from Ji Lin.

This message made Bai Duanduan strangely stop his inner anger.

This is a complaint from Ji Lin-

"Where do you like Lin Hui? Where is he comparable to me?"

Then the third, fourth, fifth, sixth...

"He is so old, much better than me. You will have a generation gap in the future. When you are thirty, he is almost fifty, almost damn."


"He doesn't have as much hair as me, and I think he should be bald in a few years."

"His skin is not as good as me. You see he still smokes. His skin is dull. You are with him and you have to smoke second-hand smoke. But I don’t. I don’t smoke. When he got lung cancer, I still live a healthy and long life. ."

"You actually took time off from work and went to climb mountains and admire maple with him, and you haven't contacted me even once during the process! You haven't actively approached me for 41 consecutive hours! 41 hours!"

"Yes, Lin Hui is your first love. What happened to your first love? First love must be right? Are women all over the world married to first love?"

"I don't think Lin Hui looks like a good thing."

"I don't allow you to be with Lin Hui."

White end bit his lip, his hand trembling slightly and turned down.

It was probably made under drunkenness. Ji Lin’s words had no logic and was very confusing. He thought of exactly where to start and which did not have any modification. The text was simple and rude. He complained in WeChat. The huge resentment and unwillingness seemed to be able to The text overflows...

"What's so good about first love? Lin Hui is your first love. That was your mistake. He is not good at all. You are really blinded by lard, Bai Duanduan."

"You will regret it when you compound Lin Hui."

"Is there a first love? Is it worth showing off?"

After preaching a wave of first love rubbish, Ji Lin started attacking Lin Hui again—

"Oh, Lin Hui has big eyes."

"Lin Hui is really old, and his head is so obvious! Can't you see it?!"

"Lin Hui's skin is not as white as me, and it's still rough!"

"Lin Hui doesn't exercise at all! He only knows to do cases all day long. He has a cold at least once a month. His body is so bad that he is not a man at all."


Bai Duanduan did not know how Ji Lin misunderstood her relationship with Lin Hui, but she didn’t even know that Lin Hui had so many shortcomings in Ji Lin’s eyes, or rather, Bai Duan Duan never thought that one person can verify another person's shortcomings from so many angles... Ji Lin's wave of operation is simply 360 degrees black with no dead ends...

He dismissed all aspects of Lin Hui's appearance, age, professional ability, figure, physical health, even picky eating, unsightly hands, and unsound voice, etc., and he could not think of it. What's wrong, from the time of WeChat, he was quiet for a while, because the next message was nearly half an hour away from the previous one.

Only for Bai Duanduan, who is the receiver of the information, there is no time distance for this information at this moment, because Bai Duanduan gently moved his finger, and he saw Ji Lin's speech immediately followed by--

"He can raise your salary, so can I."

"He can deliver crabs to you, so can I. He has customers to deliver, even if I don’t. I will buy it for you. I want to eat as much as I want. This year I contracted a fish pond. Next year, I want to eat any fish. what."

"Every time he travels to bring you gifts, I will bring them."

"He can go shopping with you, so can I."

"I will buy you everything you want. I will buy you Hermes's limited bags and unavailable jewelry."

"Don't envy that celebrity, I want to buy the kaleidoscope bracelet of the VCAperlee series, in my desk drawer."

"Don't know what my mom said, didn't buy her."


Ji Lin said a lot of his goodness like selling goods. Bai Duanduan never knew that he had such a sales potential. With his eloquence and demonstrative ability, being a sales director in East China is absolutely no problem...

But Ji Lin seems to be not enough, and strives to summarize the statement at the end-

"He can pay you money, so can I, I have more money than him."

Then the next message is a transfer message, the amount display 520.

Then there is another transfer message, or 520.

After that...

Bai Duanduan turned down and saw a dozen 520 yuan transfers.

But Ji Lin seems to be not enough, probably thinks that 520 does not fully display his wealth, and the amount of money in the subsequent transfer information becomes 1314...

Then there are 1314 in a row...

If it was said that before Ji Lin started attacking Lin Hui in an all-round way, Bai Duanduan could still paralyze herself, then seeing these amounts, she could no longer remain calm, her heart beat like a drum, and her blush was like burning, so Ji Lin ...So Ji Linqin himself...actually...

Like yourself?

After a simple and rough transfer, Ji Lin probably felt that the money was still not convincing, and he replaced it with words.

The tone is overwhelming-

"What good is Lin Hui, I am better than him."

"I can give what he can, and I can give what he can't."

There seem to resent--

"Don't you say you can change a boyfriend every day without changing the sample for the first half of the year? When will it be my turn?"

Some brought complaints-

"Are your girlfriends pitiful to go out to work at the age of 16? I went at the age of 13. Why don't you care about me?"

There is also a strange style-

"Although you have a bad vision and bad taste, the rest are not bad."


No, Ji Lin, what's wrong with your taste? Do you know this? How dare you call me bad taste?

Unfortunately, drunk Ji Lin apparently did not know this truth, his next WeChat proved very well that he really has no desire to survive-

"Although your cooking is deadly, the roast chicken is comparable to stool, but I like you too."

? ? ?

Is the roast chicken made by myself like stool? ? ? Is Ji Lin really a confession? Bai Duanduan thinks he might not want to live anymore...

But roast chicken like stool... this description...

Between the flashlights, Bai Duanduan suddenly remembered something.

When he was led by Du Xinyi and attacked by public opinion and abused by human flesh, there was an ID who struggled to defend himself and defend himself, and the other party seemed to have... a neighbor who was deadly cook Chicken like stool...


For a moment, Bai Duanduan was silent.

She felt that she knew who the ID was, and there was no maintenance in the world for no reason.

It's just that although Ji Lin secretly built a trumpet to protect himself, it was very touching, but he said that he was deadly in cooking.

But soon, Ji Lin's next WeChat gave Bai Duanduan no time to take care of these little things.

Because Ji Lin said-

"White end, I like you."

"Break up with Lin Hui and stay with me."

"All of them, I will give you the best."

The author has something to say: all messages with more than 15 words in this chapter will be sent with red envelopes~ (as of 8 o'clock in the next chapter tomorrow night)

Ji Par: Spicy chicken Lin Hui, ruining my youth

Don't worry, Lin Hui is a misunderstanding of her ex-boyfriend, and it will be quickly solved. After all, because of Ji Par's vinegar, Duan Duan finally realized the misunderstanding of the other party ha ha ha ha ha

It's really miserable, Ji Gou acted alone

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