You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 101 That White Coat!

Chu Yun stared at Lin Fan with a serious expression.

He never expected that Lin Fan's strength would be so incredible!

He couldn't beat it!


At this time, a red light flashed across the sky, and immediately after, a ten thousand-foot-long red sword struck directly at Lin Fan, and the terrifying sword directly tore the entire sky.

Lin Fan's face was calm. He opened his palm and the Bloodthirsty Sword appeared in his palm. Then, he clenched the Bloodthirsty Sword tightly. The next moment, countless terrifying sword intents shot up into the sky!

Thousands of sword intentions spread across the world!


Two terrifying sword intents shook the surroundings. The expressions of all the strong Half-Emperors changed and they hurriedly circulated their immortal energy to protect themselves. The weaker Half-Emperors were torn apart by these two terrifying sword intents on the spot. crack.

And at this moment, Chu Yun's eyes flashed with ferocity, and he let out an angry roar, like the sound of thunder. Then, he stamped his right foot violently, and the world instantly shattered, and countless sword intentions also broke at this moment.

next moment!

The other person suddenly disappeared and appeared in front of Lin Fan in the blink of an eye. Without hesitation, he punched out!

All this is just a moment!

Lin Fan's pupils suddenly shrank. He just wanted to block the punch, but it was too late. The punch hit him hard in the stomach.

Lin Fan's entire face suddenly became extremely ferocious, his body bent into a bow shape, and then he flew out like a cannonball, flying hundreds of thousands of feet away!

Lin Fan stabilized his body and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes solemn.

He was careless just now!

He didn't expect that Chu Yun would suddenly launch a sneak attack.

At this time, Chu Yun looked at the red moon in the distance, and he nodded towards the red moon. Hong Yue understood this in her heart, held the sword tightly in her hand, and then killed Lin Fan directly.

Chu Yun glanced at Lin Fan, his eyes filled with murderous intent, and then, he suddenly disappeared from the spot.

Looking at the red moon that was heading towards him, Lin Fan took a deep breath. Thousands of sword intentions filled his body. The next moment, his whole body shook violently, and a mysterious power spread out from him. Then, these mysterious forces The power surged towards the bloodthirsty sword like a tide.

Lin Fan looked at Hong Yue indifferently, and then he slashed at Hong Yue with a sword. This sword contained the sword intention of destroying the world and was extremely terrifying.

The residual power radiated directly enveloped all the strong men in the field, and their breathing suddenly stopped, with endless fear in their eyes.


This sword is too terrifying!

Is this really a sword that a half-emperor can use?

Hongyue's hair stood up, her face changed drastically, and she didn't dare to be careless. She stabbed out with her sword, and the sword light burst out with an extremely terrifying sword intention.



Hong Yue's sword intent was shattered, and Lin Fan's sword struck her body directly. Her body was torn apart on the spot, leaving only a trace of soul.

At this moment, Hongyue looked confused, and then, endless fear appeared on her face.

The sword she just struck was her strongest sword, but she still couldn't withstand Lin Fan's sword.


A look of anxiety appeared on Hongyue's face, but at this moment, she seemed to sense something, and the corners of her mouth slowly raised.

In the distance, Lin Fan stood in the void, with three thousand hairs dancing wildly. At this moment, Lin Fan suddenly felt an unprecedented sense of crisis!

next moment!

The space around him suddenly shattered, and dozens of figures came out, led by Chu Yun!

He just went to call someone!

Because he knew that Hong Yue and himself could not defeat Lin Fan, and even if they could, he would not be able to kill Lin Fan. In order to kill Lin Fan, he decisively chose to call someone!

Chu Yun stared at Lin Fan coldly, feeling extremely complicated at the same time.

When his contemporaries were fighting, he actually called someone out!

This embarrasses him!

Therefore, Lin Fan must die today!


As Chu Yun's words fell, dozens of terrifying auras from the ninth level of the Half-Emperor realm swept across in an instant, and the whole world shook violently and shattered at this moment!

All the half-emperors in the field were frightened by the auras of these dozens of people!

Chu Yun and the dozens of demons at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor beside him all attacked Lin Fan, and they all used their strongest attacks.

Lin Fan's face suddenly turned ferocious. Thousands of feet of golden light shone on his body. An extremely terrifying ancient aura spread from his body. Then, the blood in his body began to boil, and countless murderous intentions swept out!

next moment!

Lin Fan held the bloodthirsty sword tightly with both hands, and then he slashed down with one sword. This sword contained all his power!

So scary!


This terrifying sword actually withstood the strongest blows of dozens of Half-Emperors!


And at this moment, Lin Fan's sword intent suddenly shattered, his aura began to drop suddenly, and his face turned pale as paper.

At this moment, everyone in the venue looked at Lin Fan in disbelief.

The strongest blows of dozens of powerful men were actually blocked!

Damn it!

No matter who is in the field, everyone is numb!

Chu Yun stared at Lin Fan, the killing intent in his eyes stronger than ever before, and at the same time, he actually felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Lin Fan's strength is really terrifying!

Their strongest attacks were actually blocked!


At this moment, he was really panicked.

You must know that Lin Fan must be no more than a thousand years old, otherwise he would not be able to enter this imperial path. However, Lin Fan has such strength at an age of no more than a thousand years old, which is enough to show how evil he is!

If Lin Fan is given more time, what level will his strength reach?

He didn't dare to think about it!

The murderous intent in Chu Yun's eyes almost condensed into substance. He looked at the dozens of half-emperor and ninth-level monsters beside him and said coldly: "He must die today!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the others turned into a bolt of lightning and killed Lin Fan, and the dozens of half-emperor and ninth-level monsters did not hesitate and also killed Lin Fan again.

This time, they still used their strongest attack!

Lin Fan must be killed!

Lin Fan's face was as pale as paper, and blood continued to flow from the corners of his mouth. Looking at Chu Yun and others who were coming towards him, he said bitterly: "It looks like he is going to die. Alas, Master, I haven't even gotten through the first floor. Why?" You are in disgrace!”

As he spoke, he clenched the bloodthirsty sword again, looking at Chu Yun and others without any fear in their eyes.

Why not die?

Just when he was about to take action, a figure in white clothes suddenly appeared in front of him. Looking at this figure, Lin Fan was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes turned red, "Master..."

Su Chen ignored Lin Fan, but looked at Chu Yun and others quietly. Without any nonsense, he stretched out two fingers and then picked them.


A sword light flashed across the field.

At this moment, the heads of Chu Yun and others soared into the sky!

Blood spilled across the sky!

Although their heads are no longer there, their bodies are still rushing forward. This scene is extremely terrifying!

At this moment, everyone in the field was struck by lightning, with no trace of blood on their faces and their legs trembling uncontrollably.

Second...instant kill!

Dozens of monsters at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor were killed instantly!

Damn it!

That was a monster at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor!

But he was still killed instantly!

Is this something a human can do in seconds?


Everyone looked at Su Chen, their eyes filled with fear and a hint of doubt.

They were confused by Su Chen's sudden appearance, and Su Chen's strength made them feel suffocated!

With just a flick of two fingers, dozens of monsters at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor were gone.

Damn it!

Is this still a fucking human?

Do you want to be so outrageous!

At this moment, they were really frightened.



I have a question for my brothers. Can you withstand the naked body of a beautiful woman in front of you?

Su Chen is a human being, and everyone has desires...

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