You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 106 Make It More Difficult For Lin Fan!

Just when Lin Fan was about to fall to the ground, a soft force instantly enveloped him, and that mysterious force held Lin Fan in front of Su Chen.

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and said with a smile: "That's right, I didn't embarrass my teacher."

Lin Fan struggled to smile, "Hey, as long as you don't embarrass Master."

Su Chen smiled and shook his head, then took out a pill and put it into Lin Fan's mouth. Lin Fan's injuries instantly recovered as before.

Lin Fan took a deep breath, then looked at Su Chen and said gratefully: "Thank you, Master!"

Su Chen nodded and said: "Okay, now many people have gone to the eighth floor. You don't have to hang around on the seventh floor. Go to the eighth floor quickly."

After listening to Su Chen's words, Lin Fan felt a little disappointed. He still wanted to say a few more words to Su Chen. However, Su Chen was right. Many people had already gone to the eighth floor.

Lin Fan nodded, "I understand."

As he spoke, he looked at Liu Mengli.

Liu Mengli glanced at Su Chen, and then turned into a stream of light and flew into Lin Fan's eyebrows.

She is too weak now and needs to use Lin Fan's immortal energy to nourish her soul in Lin Fan's sea of ​​consciousness. If she is not nourished by the immortal energy, her soul will soon dissipate in this world.

Lin Fan was a little panicked at this moment. You must know that the sea of ​​​​consciousness is the most vulnerable place for a person. If Liu Mengli suddenly attacks his sea of ​​​​consciousness, he will be finished!

Lin Fan looked at Su Chen and said worriedly: "Master..."

Su Chen said: "Don't be afraid, I'm here."

Hearing this, Lin Fan immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Since Su Chen said this, it must be okay. Whether it was before or now, he trusts Su Chen 100%!

Su Chen looked at Lin Fan and said with a smile, "Go ahead."

Lin Fan nodded, "Master, farewell!"

After saying that, he turned into a sword light and flew towards the teleportation array on the eighth floor.

Su Chen calmly looked at the direction Lin Fan was leaving, and looked like this for a long time.

As for the half-emperors kneeling on the ground, they didn't even dare to breathe at this moment, and their backs were already wet with sweat.

Su Chen's sense of oppression is too strong!

At this time, Su Chen suddenly looked at the half-emperors.

When those half-emperors saw Su Chen's eyes, their throats kept rolling and their bodies couldn't stop trembling.

At this moment, they only felt that they were being watched by a terrifying god of death, as if they would be killed in the next second.



Filled their hearts!

Su Chen said calmly: "Want to live?"

All the half-emperors nodded quickly without hesitating at all, with a glimmer of hope in their eyes. Su Chen's words meant that they could live and not have to die!

Su Chen said calmly: "I can let you go, but after I let you go, you need to spread the news that my disciple Lin Fan has obtained a treasure."

Lin Fan: "..."

Lin Fan's life has been too easy these past few years. Su Chen decided to make it more difficult for Lin Fan. It was definitely not because Lin Fan showed affection in front of Su Chen before!

All the half-emperors in the field were stunned after hearing Su Chen's words.

Someone was unsure: "Senior, did you say that Lin Fan is his disciple?"

One man nodded and said, "Yeah, it seems so."

Everyone's mouth twitched and they were speechless.

This senior is so good!

You actually deceive your disciples like this!



Su Chen's eyes turned cold at this moment, and a terrifying coercion spread from him.

Everyone's hair stood up immediately, and the aura of death enveloped them. They did not dare to hesitate, and they said in unison: "We understand!"

Su Chen smiled and nodded, taking back his own terrifying pressure and the mysterious power that was pressing on everyone.

Everyone let out a heavy breath, beads of sweat dripping from their foreheads.

How fucking terrible!

It's like walking through the gate of hell again!

Su Chen looked at everyone in the field and said, "Go."

All the half-emperors nodded, and then fled from this place as fast as they could.

Su Chen put his hands behind his hands and stood in the void. The corners of his mouth raised slightly, "Apprentice, don't blame me. This is for your own good."

With that said, he took a step forward and disappeared.

The news that Lin Fan had obtained a treasure spread throughout the entire Imperial Road at an extremely terrifying speed. All the powerful people in the Imperial Road suddenly became excited when they heard the news, and then they all looked for traces of Lin Fan.

At the same time, Lin Fan, who was walking around on the eighth floor, did not know the seriousness of the matter at this moment.

Lin Fan was walking on the road, when five half-emperors suddenly stood in front of Lin Fan.

Lin Fan raised his eyebrows when he saw this, and secretly circulated the immortal energy in his body. For some reason, he felt a little uneasy.

One of the half-emperors looked at Lin Fan carefully, and then nodded to the four half-emperors beside him, "That's him, come on!"

As soon as the words fell, the five half-emperors took action together, and a terrifying aura swept away from them.

These five people are all half-emperor ninth level experts!

Looking at the five powerful Half-Emperors coming towards him, Lin Fan's pupils suddenly shrank, and he didn't dare to think too much. The bloodthirsty sword appeared in his hand, and then he slashed down with one strike!


The five half-emperors were actually sent flying by this sword. They were shocked and stared at Lin Fan solemnly.

Lin Fan looked at the five Half-Emperors and said coldly: "Who are you? Why do you want to attack me?"

The five Half-Emperors ignored Lin Fan, and one of them said solemnly: "This kid is not simple, don't be careless!"

The other four people nodded, and then killed Lin Fan again. Five terrifying auras instantly shattered the world.

Lin Fan got angry, "Damn it, you attacked me for no reason, do you really think I'm easy to bully?"

As he said that, he turned into a sword light and rushed towards the five half-emperors!

Be tough!


A terrifying explosion was heard, and terrifying auras shook out. At this time, Lin Fan and the five half-emperors retreated at the same time. Lin Fan retreated tens of thousands of feet, and the five half-emperors The strong man retreated thousands of feet.

At this moment, the five half-emperors looked shocked and a little unbelievable.

Five against one, but he still hasn’t gained any advantage!

At this moment, their expressions were solemn as never before.

Lin Fan's strength greatly exceeded their expectations!


At this time, a harsh sword sound echoed between heaven and earth, and countless terrifying red sword intents crisscrossed the entire sky!


The five half-emperors snorted coldly, and then all took action!


There were terrifying explosions one after another in the sky and the earth, and the whole earth was shaking violently, and then collapsed!

As time went by, Lin Fan became more and more difficult to fight. Facing five strong men at the ninth level of the Half-Emperor, he still had some difficulty.

Lin Fan fought and retreated, his eyes flickering, not knowing what he was thinking. After a moment, he found the right moment and slashed with his sword!

The five half-emperors did not dare to be careless and quickly dodged. The moment they dodged, Lin Fan turned around and ran away!


Seeing this, the five half-emperors were immediately furious.


Immediately afterwards, they all turned into a stream of light and chased Lin Fan.

The killing intent is overwhelming!

Lin Fan ran like this for a day and a night, and finally got rid of the five half-emperors.

Lin Fan collapsed on the ground, breathing heavily. After resting for a while, he finally recovered. At this time, he suddenly said angrily: "Damn it, is there something wrong with those five people? Why are they chasing me to kill them?" ? Did I provoke them? "

At this moment, he was really depressed. He was being chased for no reason. He was so damn speechless!

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