You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 18 I Can’T Bear It Anymore!

They steadied themselves and looked at Su Chen solemnly. They didn't expect Su Chen to be so strong. With just one punch, he repelled them.

This was beyond their expectations.

They thought he was a rookie who could be easily controlled, but they didn't expect him to be a big boss!

But since he had already made a move, there was nothing to say.

The leader said in a deep voice: "Come out, come together!"


Countless spaces around them broke, and then thousands of strong men in golden armor walked out of them. Their aura was not weaker than those ten strong men at all!


Someone shouted, and thousands of people rushed towards Su Chen with a terrifying momentum!

Su Chen's mouth twitched, "Is this how it works?"

He shook his head slightly, then raised his right hand and slowly pressed it down.


Thousands of strong men immediately knelt on the ground.

Everyone in the field was petrified, with an unbelievable look on their faces.

They actually knelt!

How is this possible!

Su Chen looked at a certain place and said calmly: "Aren't you coming out yet?"

After he finished speaking, the space in the distance suddenly broke, and dozens of figures walked out of it, led by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was wearing a golden robe, with a dignified appearance, a pair of very sharp eyes, and a golden light lingering all over his body.

As soon as he came out, the space around him boiled like hot water.

Nangong clan leader Nangong Po!

At this moment, Nangong Po was very uneasy, just because Su Chen just suppressed his Nangong clan strongman with ease!

If it were him, it would be impossible to do it so easily.

Su Chen looked at Nangong Po and said, "Are you the Nangong clan leader?"

Nangong Po nodded and said, "I am, I wonder what business you have with my Nangong clan?"

Su Chen sneered, "You Nangong clan people have a really bad temper, and they start fighting without saying a word."

Nangong Po frowned and glanced coldly at the strong men in golden armor.

The golden armored warrior trembled all over, lowered his head silently, and did not dare to look at Nangong Po.

Nangong Po clasped his fists and said, "I am not managing well, sorry."

Su Chen nodded and said, "Fortunately, you are different from these idiots, otherwise your Nangong clan would be ruined."

Thousands of golden armored warriors suddenly looked up at Su Chen, with anger in their eyes, and dozens of them showed a hint of murderous intent.


Su Chen snapped his fingers.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Dozens of golden armored warriors suddenly exploded and died!

Su Chen said calmly, "I'm sorry, I hate others showing murderous intent to me."

Hearing this, thousands of golden armored warriors trembled all over and looked at Su Chen in horror.

Nangong Po was not angry about this, but nodded and said, "It is true that he deserves to be killed."

The corners of Su Chen's mouth slightly lifted, "You are a good clan leader."

After he finished speaking, he flicked out two fingers, and a stream of light flew towards Nangong Po.

Nangong Po stretched out his hand to catch the stream of light, and he spread his palm and frowned.

Because this is a seed.

Su Chen said: "I killed your Nangong clan, this enlightenment tree seed is compensation."

Enlightenment tree seed!

Everyone in the field was shocked.


So generous?

Enlightenment tree seeds are given away as soon as they are given?

You know, there is not a single enlightenment tree in the entire fairy world now!

Nangong Po was also shocked. He looked at Su Chen and said in a deep voice: "This is too expensive."

Su Chen said disdainfully: "It's just an enlightenment tree seed, what's so expensive about it?"

Everyone: "..."

They suspected that Su Chen was pretending, but they had no evidence.

Su Chen continued: "Okay, let me tell you something. I want to take your daughter Nangong Guyue as my disciple. Is that okay?"


Nangong Po frowned, but then he immediately reacted and said: "Sir, it's my honor to take my daughter as your disciple."


Everyone looked at Nangong Po.

Su Chen nodded and said: "As long as you agree, I'll leave."

Nangong Po said: "Sir, stay for a cup of tea before leaving?"

Su Chen shook his head and said: "No need."

After saying that, his figure disappeared from the spot.

At this time, the Nangong clan elder walked to Nangong Po and said: "Clan leader..."

Before he finished speaking, Nangong Po stretched out his hand to interrupt him and said: "Don't ask, don't investigate. Such existence is not something we can spy on. It's a chance for Xiaoyue to be his disciple."

Hearing this, the elder was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Nangong Po said again: "Those ten people don't need to exist."

After saying that, he took a step out and disappeared.


Guyue Peak

Nangong Guyue saw that Su Chen had not come back for a long time, and did not plan to wait any longer. She was about to leave, but at this moment, Su Chen suddenly appeared.

He looked at Nangong Guyue and smiled, "Your father agreed."

Nangong Guyue frowned, "Agreed? How is that possible!"

Obviously, she did not believe it.

Su Chen said, "If you don't believe it, you can ask your father."

Nangong Guyue hesitated for a moment, and then a sound transmission stone appeared in her hand. As soon as she activated the sound transmission stone, Nangong Po's voice came from it, "I know what you are going to say, follow that gentleman well."


Nangong Guyue's face condensed, and a storm was set off in her heart. She looked at Su Chen.

What kind of existence is this that can make her father call him Mr.?

Su Chen smiled and said, "Do you believe it now?"

Nangong Guyue was silent and did not speak.

Time passed by, and Su Chen suddenly said, "Forget it, you go."

He was tired.

He was really disgusted that he kept licking others to be his disciples, and then they were not happy.

Since you don't want to be my disciple, then don't do it!

If it weren't for the system task, he would have been unable to bear it long ago!

Damn it!

Nangong Guyue nodded and said, "Sorry."

As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and left.

Nangong Guyue came to a place where no one was, and then took out the sound transmission stone again. She hesitated for a moment, and then activated the sound transmission stone.

The sound transmission stone immediately transmitted the voice of Nangong Po, "What's wrong?"

Nangong Guyue said, "Father, why did you agree to let me be his disciple?"

The sound transmission stone did not transmit any more sound, Nangong Guyue waited quietly, and after a while, Nangong Po said, "Do you know what he did when he came to my Nangong clan?"

Nangong Guyue asked in confusion, "What?"

Nangong Po replied, "He directly suppressed thousands of strong men in my clan!"

Nangong Guyue was shocked, "How is this possible?"

She knew how terrifying the strong men in her clan were.

Nangong Po said, "Can I still lie to you? Not only that, he also gave me a seed of the Enlightenment Tree. Do you know what that means?"


Nangong Guyue exclaimed.

Enlightenment Tree Seed!

Nangong Po said at this time: "So you have to follow that person well. This is your chance, understand?"

Nangong Guyue was silent. At this moment, she felt a little regretful.

Nangong Po seemed to notice that something was wrong with Nangong Guyue and asked, "What's wrong?"

Nangong Guyue was silent for a moment and said, "I refused to be his disciple."

"What did you say!"

Hearing this, Nangong Po was immediately furious.

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