You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 277 About To Collapse!

Chen Wuhen and the other elders seemed to be frozen, frozen in place and motionless. The shock and astonishment on their faces could not be described in words.

One word!

Such a terrifying statue disappeared with just one word!


Off the charts!

It was at this moment that they truly realized that Su Chen might be more terrifying than they imagined!

Can the Immortal Realm really dissipate the idol with just one word?



After all, the Immortal Lord is only one level better than the Immortal Saint.

If you just reach a higher level, it shouldn't be so outrageous.

Could it be that he is a big boss in the Immortal Emperor Realm?

Damn it!

Immortal Emperor Realm!

Thinking of this, Chen Wuhen couldn't help but swallow his saliva, his eyes filled with disbelief.

That's right!

He must be a big boss in the Immortal Emperor Realm!

Only the Immortal Emperor Realm boss can dissipate the statue with just one word.

Chen Wuhen looked at Su Chen, his eyes full of awe and happiness.

Fortunately, fortunately, he didn't choose to commit suicide and become an enemy of Su Chen. Otherwise, the Sword Sect might really be gone.

Wang Teng's eyes widened and he took a deep breath. After a long time, he trembled and said, " awesome..."

As he said that, he suddenly looked at Kenshin beside him and said excitedly: "Brother, your master is so awesome!"

The sword's heart at this moment was equally shocked.

Although he had seen Su Chen take action before, he was still shocked when he saw it again.

too strong!

His master is too strong!

Kenshin's eyes were hot and full of fighting spirit, "One day in the future, I will become a being like Master!"

Luo Xue looked at Su Chen with complicated eyes and sighed in her heart.

The more extraordinary Su Chen behaves, the less chance she has.

She couldn't help but feel bitter in her heart.

There's really no chance at all.

As if struck by lightning, Cao Zhihong's face instantly turned pale, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his whole body was trembling slightly.


Everyone else is stupid!

The whole person couldn't believe what just happened.

The idol he had condensed was gone with just one word!

One word!

What kind of boss does it take to do this?

You must know that this statue is condensed from the Immortal Saint Realm, and its strength is terrifying.

However, such a terrifying statue disappeared with just one word!

At this moment, Cao Zhihong felt that his cognition was being crushed.

That’s outrageous!


Absolutely impossible!

Cao Zhihong's eyes were red, as if it was difficult to accept what had just happened. He clasped his hands again, preparing to condense the statue again.

However, this time no matter how hard he tried, the statue did not appear.

He stood there blankly, completely confused.

God...Where's the idol?

Why...why can't it condense?

At this moment, everyone else was numb!

Su Chen looked at Cao Zhihong and shook his head slightly, "It's boring."

The voice was very quiet, but Cao Zhihong still heard it.

Cao Zhihong clenched his fists, his eyes full of madness, "Boring? Okay, okay, boring, right?"

As he spoke, he suddenly looked at the million monks in the distance and said angrily: "Come together! Kill him!"

Hearing this, millions of monks stood motionless, as if they didn't hear it.

Seeing this, Cao Zhihong's face turned green with anger, and veins popped up on his forehead, "Can't you hear what I said? I'll let you kill him together!"

As he said the last word, millions of monks remained motionless, and some monks even moved away from here.

They are not fools. Cao Zhihong obviously wants them to die as cannon fodder.

They went to die, just in time to delay Su Chen, and Cao Zhihong could also take this opportunity to escape.

After so many years in the Hunxian world, they can understand some things as soon as they think about it.

The fact was exactly what they thought. Cao Zhihong just wanted them to delay his time so that he could escape.

But he never expected that these millions of monks would not listen to him!

This made him feel very uncomfortable.

Cao Zhihong's face was so gloomy that he could shed tears, and the anger in his eyes was clearly visible.

He knew that he had thought of these millions of monks too simply.

Not one of these people is a fool!

His eyes flashed, and at this moment, when no one was paying attention, he suddenly turned around and ran away.

However, the moment he turned around, an invisible and extremely terrifying force instantly pressed on him.

Cao Zhihong was suppressed on the spot, kneeling in the air, motionless.

At this moment, his mind was blank and his eyes were filled with confusion.

Looking at this scene, everyone in the venue looked puzzled, wondering what was happening to Cao Zhihong.

But some smart people thought that this might have something to do with Su Chen.

At this moment, Su Chen took steps and slowly walked towards Cao Zhihong.

Seeing this, millions of monks didn't dare to breathe, let alone stop him.

Damn it!

Who the hell dares to stop this?

Dare you try to stop me?

The seats were opened in a matter of minutes.

No one among the millions of monks dared to move, they all watched helplessly as Su Chen walked towards Cao Zhihong.

At this moment, Cao Zhihong only felt chills running down his spine, and a strong sense of crisis surged into his heart.

This scared him so much that his body was shaking, cold sweat kept sliding down his face, and the fear in his eyes almost condensed into substance.


He was completely panicked!

But it was useless even if he panicked, because he had already tried to get up, but it was of no use. He was so suppressed by the invisible force of fear that he couldn't move a finger.

At this moment, he is about to collapse!

I even regretted coming here.

damn it!

Isn’t it just that a son died?

If you die, you will die. It's not like you can't have another one. Why do I have to come here to die?

As he thought about it, tears of regret appeared in the corners of Cao Zhihong's eyes.

He was so sorry!

I regret coming to this Sword Sect!

If he hadn't come, how could he be so embarrassed?

Soon, Su Chen came to Cao Zhihong.

Looking at Su Chen, Cao Zhihong's pupils were dilated, his face was extremely pale, and no blood could be seen.

He trembled and said: "Spare...spare my life!"

Su Chen held his chin with one hand and put one hand on his chest, looking at Cao Zhihong carefully.

Being stared at by Su Chen like this, Cao Zhihong felt his scalp numb and his heartbeat quickening.

Brother, if you want to kill me, kill me. Why are you staring at me like this? I wonder if staring at me like this makes me stressed?

It’s so torturous!

Time passed by, and Cao Zhihong's clothes were already wet with cold sweat, and he didn't dare to breathe.

After a moment, Su Chen suddenly said: "The reason why you were able to break through the Immortal Saint was because the demons in the Demon Realm helped you, right?"

Hearing this, Cao Zhihong's pupils suddenly shrank, but he soon regained his composure.

He pretended to be calm and said: "I...I don't know what you are talking about."

The corners of Su Chen's lips raised, "Stop pretending, I found some residual demonic energy in your body."

As he spoke, he stretched out his finger and then picked it.

next moment.

A black mist suddenly flew out of Cao Zhihong's body.

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