You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 41 Do You Have Any Objections To Her Becoming Emperor?

Ji Wuming and the seven half-emperors were frightened. They stared at Su Chen, with no seriousness in their eyes, only deep fear!

What kind of monster is this?

Still human?

One word suppressed them!


At this moment, Su Chen was like a great emperor in their eyes, so terrifying!

damn it!

What on earth is this generation of Daxia Emperor?

To actually provoke such a terrifying existence!

What a bastard!

God wants me to die in Daxia!

Ji Wuming and the seven great emperors cursed Ji Yunzhou crazily in their hearts.

At this moment, Ji Yunzhou's face had lost all color, and he fell to his knees, in a daze, and his body was shaking uncontrollably.

He never expected that Su Chen would be so defiant!


Suddenly, he laughed like crazy, "I am an idiot, I am the stupidest idiot in the fairy world!"

At this moment, his thinking was confused, his speech was vague, and he seemed a little confused, as if he had been severely hit.

At this time, Su Chen looked at Ji Yunzhou. He slowly raised his right hand, and then, a mysterious power surged out of him.

The next moment, this mysterious force suddenly enveloped Ji Yunzhou's entire body.

Everyone looked at this scene in confusion, not understanding what Su Chen was going to do.


At this moment, Ji Yunzhou suddenly screamed, and then, the power of national destiny separated from his body.

Seeing this scene, Ji Wuming and the seven Half-Emperors' pupils shrank suddenly. They seemed to know what Su Chen was going to do.

A quarter of an hour later, Ji Yunzhou had fainted, and in the void, a golden dragon floated in the void. This giant dragon was the national destiny of the entire Great Xia!

If the dragon is destroyed, the entire Great Xia will also perish!

Ji Wuming and the seven half-emperors had their hearts in their throats at this moment. They were afraid that Su Chen would kill the giant dragon. If he really killed it, the entire Great Xia would really be dead!

At this moment, the giant dragon roared, and then, it suddenly turned into a golden light and rushed directly into Ji Ningbing's body!

Ji Ningbing was stunned, but before she could react, a terrifying dragon power burst out from her body. Immediately afterwards, her own realm began to skyrocket crazily. In just a few moments, her realm reached the peak of the Holy King Realm, and even We are about to break through the critical point and reach Half-Emperor!


The terrifying half-emperor aura spread from her body, and the shadow of a giant dragon appeared behind her. At this moment, she was radiant with golden light, noble and sacred, just like an empress who despised the world!

"Who is this woman?"

The seven Half-Emperors looked at Ji Wuming.

Ji Wuming frowned. He had been hiding in the dark before, so he didn't know Ji Ningbing, but he could feel that he had a special connection with Ji Ningbing's bloodline. He was silent for a moment, and then said: "She should be my granddaughter."

Hearing this, the seven half-emperors immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Daxia...should not be destroyed.

Because they saw that Su Chen and Ji Ningbing knew each other, otherwise how could Su Chen let the power of national destiny merge with Ji Ningbing?

Anyway, just one sentence, if Ji Ningbing is here, Daxia will not die.

At this moment, Ji Ningbing had recovered from the shock. Feeling the power of national destiny in her body and her own realm, she felt a little unrealistic. She looked at Su Chen with gratitude in her eyes.

She knew that Su Chen spared the Great Xia Empire just for her sake. At the same time, she was very glad that she went to see Su Chen when he first came to the Great Xia Empire, otherwise the entire Great Xia Empire would Must die!

At this time, Su Chen looked at Ji Wuming and the seven half-emperors, and said calmly: "From today on, she will become the emperor of Daxia. Do you have any objections?"

Ji Wuming and the seven Half-Emperors shook their heads quickly, "No, no!"


How dare we have any objections?

If you dare to have any objections, I will go see my ancestors in the next second!

Su Chen didn't say anything, and looked at the officials. The officials immediately understood, knelt down directly towards Ji Ningbing, and then shouted in unison: "See your majesty!"

Ji Ningbing is not a little girl. She looked serious and nodded: "Get up!"

All the officials stood up and stood quietly.

Su Chen glanced at Ji Ningbing, then turned and left.

He didn't say anything to Ji Ningbing and left decisively, as if there was nothing worth remembering for him here.

Looking at Su Chen's back, Ji Ningbing stretched out her hands and wanted to say something, but in the end she found that her throat was choked by endless sadness. She quietly watched Su Chen's leaving figure, her heart aching for some reason.

She knew, and was very clear, that in Su Chen's eyes, they were just passers-by, meeting in a hurry and parting in a hurry. He wouldn't have any thoughts about her, but she was secretly in love with her and was deeply involved in it, unable to extricate herself. Su Chen's figure will never be erased from her heart.


On the way, Su Chen stopped, raised his eyebrows, and then took out a sound transmission stone. The sound transmission stone shone with light, and then Su Yanche's voice came out, "Son, are you back?"

Su Chen said: "I'm about to go back, what's wrong?"

Su Yanche said: "Then don't come back now. An immortal mine appeared in Lingzhou three days ago. That immortal mine is full of top-grade immortal crystals. You can find a way to take possession of that immortal mine."

Su Chen was silent for a moment, and then said: "Okay."

Su Yanche asked: "Can you do it alone? Do you need me to arrange some people for you?"

Su Chen said: "No, I can do it alone."

Su Yanche nodded and said: "Okay, by the way, there is one more thing I want to tell you. Lingxi wanted to go out for training, so she left the Su clan, and the Demon Lord was with her."

Hearing this, Su Chen frowned, this fairy world is not the lower world, the Demon Lord may not be strong enough.

Su Yanche seemed to know Su Chen's worries and said, "Don't worry, I've sent someone to protect them secretly."

After hearing what Su Yanche said, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Thank you, dad."

Su Yanche said dissatisfied: "What do you kid want to thank me for? Lingxi is not only your sister, but also my daughter. How can I trust her to go out for training? Okay, okay, I won't tell you anymore, I have other things to do." ,that's all."

The words fell and the sound transmission stone was closed.

On the spot, Su Chen couldn't help laughing, shook his head, and went directly to Lingzhou without any further hesitation.


Lingzhou is a state rich in resources. Countless spiritual mines and fairy mines have been discovered here. Not long ago, another fairy mine was discovered, and this fairy mine is full of top-quality fairy crystals.

The best immortal crystal!

That is the top cultivation resource in the entire fairy world, but the quantity is very rare and only those big forces have it. And the fairy mine that suddenly appeared this time attracted the attention of countless powerful forces in an instant.

When these big forces learned that the Immortal Mine was born, they sent out strong men one after another just to compete for the Immortal Mine!

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