You Are Invincible, So Why Practice?

Chapter 69 How Could Master Harm Me?

At this moment, Shangguan Ruoyao curled up, her face was pale, her whole body was twitching, and she seemed to be in pain.

Su Chen walked to the cage, staring at Shangguan Ruoyao, with a slight smile on his lips.

Shangguan Ruoyao seemed to have sensed it, and endured the pain in her body, looking up at Su Chen. When she saw Su Chen, a hint of doubt flashed in her eyes, and then she suddenly shouted, "Run!"

As her voice fell, an evil force suddenly surged behind Su Chen. This force was extremely terrifying, and this space directly boiled violently. At this time, this force turned into a spear and stabbed directly at Su Chen.

Su Chen was as calm as water. He turned around slowly, and then pointed out with one finger, and a mysterious force instantly spurted out from that finger.


The mysterious force actually swallowed the spear condensed by the evil force directly, and the spear also disappeared at this moment.

The surroundings returned to calm.

Shangguan Ruoyao, who saw this scene, widened her eyes, a little unbelievable.


At this time, a light "eh" sounded, and then a man in black robe came out from the dark. His feet were suspended in the air, and his whole body was covered by a black robe, making it impossible to see his face.

Seeing this man, Shangguan Ruoyao's eyes showed endless fear, and her body trembled even more. She seemed to be very afraid of this man.

The black-robed man stared at Su Chen, as if he was looking at him. After a while, he said, "Who are you? How did you get in here?"

Su Chen smiled slightly, "I'm your father."


The surroundings were terribly quiet.

Shangguan Ruoyao was stunned by Su Chen's words.

Is this man so brave?

The mysterious man did not speak. At this moment, he looked very strange.


At this time, the black-robed man laughed loudly, and he grinned and said, "You kid, you will die today, I said!"

As he said that, his whole body suddenly began to dissipate, and at this moment, this space suddenly became gloomy and weird, and the air was filled with the smell of danger.

Su Chen's mouth corners slightly raised, not panicking at all, he slowly raised his right hand, and then clenched it fiercely.


At this moment, a scream sounded, and then the figure of the black-robed man appeared in the field. At this moment, he was being pinched by a jade hand.

Su Chen grabbed the black-robed man in front of him, his eyes calm. And the black-robed man was scared at this moment. He looked at Su Chen in horror, with fear in his eyes.


This guy is a big boss!

It's over!

Moreover, how is this different from what I expected? Even if I can't beat him, I should have fought a few moves, water water words!

But this fucking killed me in seconds!

How to play this?

There is no way to play!

Shangguan Ruoyao in the cage was completely confused.

This guy is so strong?

Killed the black-robed man in seconds?


Su Chen looked at the man in black robe and said calmly: "Tell me."

The man in black robe swallowed his saliva. He naturally knew what Su Chen meant. He forced himself to calm down the fear in his heart. He said: "My name is Lv Wei, I lived 50,000 years ago!"


Hearing this, Shangguan Ruoyao exclaimed.

50,000 years?

This person actually lived for 50,000 years!

How terrifying is this person's strength?

Lv Wei ignored Shangguan Ruoyao's shock and continued: "Because of some minor offenses, he was sealed in a place called Tianyuan by the Heavenly Dao of the Immortal Realm."

Su Chen sneered, "Small things?"

Lv Wei was a little embarrassed and continued, "This Tianyuan has sealed many powerful beings, and I have been trapped in Tianyuan for 30,000 years! I have tried countless ways, but I couldn't escape from it. But for some reason, in recent years, the seal of Tianyuan has been gradually weakening. I took this opportunity to forcefully break through the seal and finally escaped successfully, but my physical body was also destroyed, leaving only a wisp of soul." At this point, he didn't say anything more. "Huh?" Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly and gradually exerted force with his right hand. Seeing this, Lv Wei hurriedly said, "Although I escaped successfully, it also consumed a lot of energy. In order to prevent this wisp of soul from dissipating, I just found someone and merged into her sea of ​​consciousness, wanting to take over her body, but I never expected that this person was so tenacious. I couldn't take over her body for a whole year." After listening, Su Chen was silent for a moment, and then smiled evilly. Bang! He directly crushed Lv Wei's soul! Seeing this scene, Shangguan Ruoyao was numb. Lv Wei, who tortured her for a year, was killed just like that?

She looked at Su Chen, her eyes full of curiosity.

Who is this person?

I didn't look closely just now, he looks so handsome!

Su Chen turned and looked at Shangguan Ruoyao, and then pointed at the cage, and the cage was broken in an instant, and the two disappeared at this moment.


Su Chen opened his eyes, glanced at Shangguan Ruoyao lying on the bed, and then turned and left the room. The moment he came out, everyone's eyes looked at him, with uneasiness in their eyes.

Shangguan Wenya hurriedly asked: "Master, how is Ruoyao?"

Su Chen smiled and said: "She's fine, but she's weak now. She will wake up after a period of rest."

Hearing this, everyone in the field looked happy and looked a little surprised.

At first, they didn't believe that Su Chen could cure Shangguan Ruoyao. The reason why they asked Su Chen to cure her was just to give it a try, but they never expected that Su Chen actually cured Shangguan Ruoyao!

At this moment, Su Chen became more mysterious in their hearts!

Shangguan Wenya knelt down on the spot with tears in her eyes, "Thank you... Thank you Master for curing my sister!"

When they were young, the two sisters played best. Shangguan Ruoyao was cured, so she was naturally very happy.

Shangguan Jingang was also very excited and bowed to thank him: "Thank you Su Shenzi!"

The elders also bowed in gratitude: "Thank you Su Shenzi!"

Lin Fan gave a thumbs up and smiled: "Master is awesome!"

Su Chen smiled slightly, "You can go in and take a look."


Everyone nodded hurriedly and walked into the house.

Lin Fan also wanted to follow, but Su Chen grabbed his arm. He looked at Su Chen and asked in confusion: "Master, what's wrong?"

Su Chen raised his mouth with some ill intentions, "In two days, I will take you to experience some experience."


Lin Fan frowned, and for some reason he had a bad premonition in his heart. He asked tentatively: "Can I not go?"

Su Chen said decisively: "No!"

Lin Fan hesitated for a moment, then nodded: "Okay!"

He still believed that his master would not cheat him.

Su Chen nodded: "Well, you should also go and see Shangguan Ruoyao."


Lin Fan nodded, and then walked into the house.

Looking at Lin Fan's back, Su Chen couldn't help but smile.

Boy, show your affection in front of your master, I want to tell you what cruelty is!

Two days later, Su Chen and Lin Fan left the Shangguan clan.

On the way, Lin Fan asked curiously: "Master, where are we going?"

Su Chen glanced at him and said, "You'll know when we get there."

Seeing that Su Chen was unwilling to say more, Lin Fan stopped asking. However, he was very confused because the bad premonition was getting stronger and stronger. He shook his head and thought it was just an illusion.

How could Master harm me?

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