You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1000: Big scandal

It was almost 5 o'clock in the afternoon when Zhou Ping gave them good dumplings.

Qin Se's mobile phone rang, and it was a WeChat message from Gu Jingyuan, telling her that he would come back a little later, and he might not get home until 7 o'clock.

After Qin Se returned to him, he just saw a piece of news pushed on the phone, the headline was very explosive

#Jingtian scandal, well-known hospital doctors exploded in broad daylight and violated female stars. What happened to this world? #

Qin Se was shocked by the title, and said in his heart, isn't it? She wants to see which animal doctor it is.

But after clicking in, the more I look at Qin Se's face, the worse it gets.

At the end, her eyelids were jumping.

She looked up in shock and said, "Oh my god...this...this is not talking about...saying, Gu Zhige?"

Originally, she wanted to say whether it was Xiang Qiuchi.

However, suddenly seeing Chen Mo there, he quickly changed his words.

They are all used to being called Xiang Qiuchi. It's okay to go out normally. They are always unprepared at home, and they will be called Xiang Qiuchi's real name subconsciously.

The two children who were eating dumplings, and Bai Lu came together, "What are you talking about?"

Qin Se quickly said: "Look at your phone, Tong Xinyan blew herself up during her treatment in the hospital, she male doctor almost raped...Look at do I feel like saying...our house? Doctor."

Nowadays, there has been a **** storm on meager.

First, some netizens broke the news that the popular female star Tong Xinyan was thrown out in the hospital, and she yelled like a crazy woman. She had no image or quality at all. After being recognized by fans, enthusiastic fans came to her. Wanting to be signed, being abused by her, what the actress did today is eye-opening.

You think you are a little fairy, but in fact, it's just a shit.

Tong Xinyan is also a hype, let the news brew on the Internet first, and she also bought the navy, stepped on herself specially, waited until all the people DISS her for several hours, waited until the public opinion has been fired, and everyone will come. After paying attention to her.

Later, it was released that some so-called insiders broke the news that Tong Xinyan did this for a reason, and she was greatly stimulated.

The insider who broke the news first wrote:

I didn’t intend to speak out. After all, it’s better to see more gossip these days. But if you let me participate in the gossip, then I don’t like it. But today, I really do. I can't stand it anymore. A good female celebrity has encountered that kind of thing, met such a disgusting doctor, and even suffered online violence by netizens across the country. It is really irritating.

First of all, I’m not a fan of Tong. I’m just a passerby in the hospital. Now I will tell everyone what I’ve learned in the hospital. I believe that as long as normal people with the ability to judge will know who this is. Who is wrong.

The blogger had a stomach problem, the serious one. He had a deadly drink with his sisters last night. It hurt in the middle of the night and went to the hospital.

At 9 o'clock this morning, I felt good enough. I went to the doctor and prepared to be discharged from the hospital.

As a result, I saw a familiar figure, Tong Xinyan, yes.

To be honest, I was gossiping at the time, and I was curious, I think everyone is the same. After encountering a celebrity, do you want to subconsciously follow the past and find a celebrity for an autograph?

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