You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1009: Torn

Xiang Qiuchi had to wait to finish the night, but Tong Xinyan's fans were able to bear it, and the impact on the hospital was a bit big.

It severely affected patients in need of emergency treatment, and the lives of those patients counted against each other.

A second delay may be fatal.

Tong Xinyan's fans are really disgusting.

Therefore, Xiang Qiuchi didn't want to endure it anymore, he went off the court and opened the first shot.

After he shot out, Xiang Qiuchi worried that he was a new account. Not many people could see it. He wanted to buy himself a hot search, but suddenly remembered that Xu Mu seemed to be at home, so he called Qin Se , Let her ask Xu Mu for help.

Anyway, it's my own family, don't use it for nothing, why do you spend the money?

Now he often has to pay back to the patients himself, so he has to save some money.

After Qin Se told Xu Mu, he immediately asked the operation team of his studio to start operations, and posted a hot search on Xiang Qiuchi's Weibo.

And Xu Mu himself also posted a Weibo that I thought about my body#Some actors, I found that the acting skills of filming movies and TV shows really did not rise in ten years, and now I understand that dare to love this is accumulated to be held at a critical moment what? #

Xu Mu's voice at this time inevitably reminds people of Tong Xinyan.

His fans commented below.

#老许, you haven't hacked, right? Do you know the inside story? Don't hide it, how can you swallow it by yourself at this time#

#I think Lao Xu’s words are interesting. Lao Xu’s words are the most in-depth words you have said recently. Sure enough, it’s not the same with the shepherd's wife.#

#上上Excellent, the shepherd’s wife is well-educated, but having said that, I believe Lao Xu, I think there are inside stories#

Subsequently, Xiang Qiuchi's Weibo appeared in front of the public.

It's like a drop of water falling into a hot oil pan, that picture can be imagined.

Countless people all rushed over, and the appearance of Xiangqiuchi's Weibo seemed to have found a catharsis for them.

Greet every organ of the body, eighteen generations later.

Finally, one or two sensible voices came out.

#我擦, this beast speaks so domineering, is there really an inside story? #

#Eh, if you are scolded, just the look of this animal doctor, maybe I can't hold it when I go...too handsome...#

#I suddenly think this beast is a little handsome, what should I do? Will it be sprayed to death? #

#No comment, wait to eat melon, see you at 12 AM#

Soon the Beast Doctor threatened Tong Xinyan's hot search to be topped.

Tong Xinyan was extremely frightened when she saw the Weibo sent to Qiuchi.

However, she still chose to continue to die.

So more people were encouraged to scold Xiang Qiuchi.

And after tearing to Qiuchi.

The doctors and nurses in the hospital all carried knives into battle.

The angels in white clothes in the Wellcome Hospital all ended up with the real name tearing Tong Xinyan.

Finally, the official blog of Wellcome Hospital @童欣妍 and the official blog of 童欣妍 personally wrote:

Miss Tong, Xiaohui advises you to be kind!

Don’t think that we in Wellcome are bullies. You don’t follow the rules, don’t register, don’t apply for a medical card, and come to our hospital to occupy everyone’s time and resources. It's not that you can slander it casually, knowing that your acting skills are good, but...if you don't explain, I believe you will eventually cry and be more moved.


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