You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1015: Face slap

If Qin Se's words were posted on Weibo, there must be a string of people responding below. You are not alone, so many people are waiting.

Chen Mo nodded repeatedly: "Yeah, yeah, so excited..."

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo were already gearing up and went to wash the toilet.

Chen Mo also ordered a takeaway, shouting skewers, fried chicken, beer, cola... just waiting for the carnival after 12 o'clock.

It's so sour.

Gu Jingyuan is quite calm. Is it necessary to be so excited about a battle that he knows what the result will be?

Is it really that he is too old to understand the brain circuits of these young people?

Gu Jingyuan took a look at the time. It was 11:58, was soon.

Qin Se and the others turned on the seconds and watched the time advancing rapidly, and finally the last ten seconds were left. The three of them shouted the countdown together: "10, 9, 8, 7...3, 2, 1..."

Sure enough, he refreshed Xiang Qiuchi's Weibo, and he really stepped on the wee hours and sent a Weibo, as if it were a timed alarm clock.

Skinned the drama spirit: Nothing to say, just watch the video, @童欣妍, Miss Tong, your skin can be peeled off.

Qin Se clicked on the video: "What I said, I have a trump card in my hand, tut, I have confidence, that is enough, this time Tong Xinyan's face will be swollen."

Qin Se glanced at the video as a bit long, so he forwarded it directly on the trumpet.

Qin Zheng and Chen Mo were already watching the video with excitement.

The video is the whole process of Tong Xinyan's visit to the doctor this time. From when she enters the office to when she leaves, there is no editing and patchwork. The real hammer can hammer Tong Xinyan into flesh, and it will never be turned over. The big hammer of the body.

Even Tong Xinyan's voice is very clear in the video.

What she said, what she did, everything is clear at a glance.

She ignored the hospital’s rules, did not register, did not apply for medical cards, blocked the patients in the back row, and occupied the resources of the hospital by herself. The most important thing is that she has no **** injuries at all, but there are still others waiting for help. People.

Tong Xinyan frequently teases and seduces the beast doctor in everyone's mouth.

But she was unmoved from start to finish, and she despised her behavior very much.

Later, I came to think that the sanitation uncle, and Tong Xinyan's disdain and contempt were shown vividly, disrespect people at all, and had no quality at all.

In the end, Dr. Gu couldn't bear it and threw the man out.

This is the real fact, this is the truth.

This is the exact opposite of Tong Xinyan's infringement, the **** demon!

After reading it, many people were silent.

It was like a huge wave. It was photographed in one shot, and the so-called facts Tong Xinyan said were instantly broken up.

Even if her brain fan wanted to sophistry, she couldn't find any excuses, because Nima and the others felt that their faces hurt, they couldn't lift their heads, their faces were rubbed on the ground.

The brain-dead fans feel humiliated at the moment.

Their idols would actually do such a shameless thing, they could not be seduced by themselves, but slandered.

Some fans regarded it as a fan: I blind I was at the beginning and liked such a woman?

Some netizens wrote after watching the video: I was crying, Nima, I thought about many possibilities, but I didn’t expect that the truth would be like this. If such Doctor Gu is a beast, then... I want to ask, Tong Xin Yeon, what are you? Say you are a beast, I think, beasts do not carry this pot!


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