You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1033: Fools

For the fans, the two are so in love with each other like this. Whether or not they are, it is as if they have seen themselves grabbing food with their younger siblings.

And from the conversation between the two, it was completely audible that Chen Mo ran to Qin Zheng's house to feed him, and he ate and lived at his house.

At home, it's obvious that my sister is the one being spoiled. As for the younger brother...hehe... if you dare to grab your sister's meat, Ma Ma will throw you out.

Sister is the little fairy who loves thousands of people.

The fans screamed, feeling distressed for Qin Zheng, the family status of motivation, it's better to be like this. Boys, why are you so squeamish?

Just pet your sister at home, go out, and their fans are directed at your younger brother.

After the bickering between you and me, the fans were more satisfied with the two groups.

A two-person group has more resources than an 8-person group, right?

Anyway, our own younger brother, we can just pamper and hurt ourselves in the future. If we eat a group, there are too many people in the group, and it’s hard to choose and expensive.


The two-person group is just right, don’t feel overwhelmed. When buying peripherals, you only need to buy two people. There is no need to worry about spending money.

But soon they will find that the group they are divided into is different from others.

When others do endorsements and advertise the products they endorse, they all hope that the more fans buy, the better.

For example, that magazine...

When it came to them, especially when it came to Chen Mo, it was like this: For magazines, look at the interviews on the Internet, and look at the electronic photos on the Internet. There is no need to buy the entity. I will ask my family to order more. Looking back to see you, I don’t need those two money...

When it comes to Qin Zheng's mouth, it is: You group of student parties, single dogs, and you have that spare money, can you buy yourself this exercise, some cosmetics, and some clothes? What are you buying? The magazines and the photos in the magazines are not as clear as the online electronic version.




Originally, the magazine was planning to trouble the brokerage company, but after the magazine went online, they discovered that Nima, the sales did not decrease but increased. What is the truth? It is not scientific at all.

The fans of the two real people can't stand it anymore, let's not be a fool.

We don’t want to. After the contract expires, they are kicked by the merchant and will not renew the contract.

Kicked away by the business, they two don't feel ashamed, but our fans feel ashamed!

Let's not let others think that our IQ can't keep up, so go to fan two fools...

Their fan's idol has a brain problem, but they didn't feed it.

Of course these are all things to follow.

The two people who were sent to the school were caught in the enthusiasm of the students, and they didn't know what to do. Every day after class, many people would come to watch them, just like watching the western scene.

At first they felt uncomfortable and irritable, but after looking at them, they just... let him...

In addition, the movie role that Xu Mu found for Qin Zheng has already been finalized and the contract has been signed. The film is in the preparation stage, two months later, almost officially started shooting.

But Qin Zheng had to start training one month in advance. He was a rookie, and he was still ill-tempered in all aspects. He had to start training earlier.

After Qin Zheng went to school, he had more time to go home than before. He could go back at least once a week.

Qin Zheng is very satisfied with this, very satisfied.


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