You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1042: My bastard

In a relationship like theirs, there is no real affection.

In bed, brothers and sisters, dear ones, just like they don't need money, they fell out, but something really happened, not one by one.

Who still wants to count on?

Besides, they are not fools. For Zhao Xiuqin, it is worthwhile to go to jail with him. Is that possible?

Zhen Baoer smiled: "Look, your cousin, I don't want to go to jail with you... So, look, are you going to exchange money for freedom next? Or... take money, freedom for money?"

Gu Zhixin nodded, what his wife said is so philosophical, my wife is really good.

Zhao Xiuqin trembled all over, but was helpless.

What can she do?

The handles are all in the hands of others. If you are not honest and obedient, you must go to jail.

Zhao Xiuqin hadn't tasted what it was like in the cell, but... she knew that it was definitely not a place for people to stay.

The money obtained from Zhen Zhiqiang's hands is not much in fact.

Zhao Xiuqin gritted her teeth and said: "Okay...I will return the money to you."

Choosing between both sides, Zhao Xiuqin can only save money and avoid disaster.

She was unlucky this time, and she looked away and fell into the blood mold.

Zhen Baoer's lips raised: "The police are here, what should I say, you should know."

Zhao Xiuqin hated it, she wanted to choke Zhen Bao'er to death and tear her triumphant face to pieces, but...the handle was in her hand, she could only bear it.

Before long, the police really came to the door.

Zhen Baoer and Gu Zhixin have left early.

Before she left, she told Zhao Xiuqin that she couldn't take less than one point.

Zhen Zhiqiang was also taken away, leaving only Zhao Xiuqin and her adulterer cousin.

As for how they told the police, Zhen Bao'er didn't care, anyway, it had nothing to do with her.

The car came downstairs.

Zhen Baoer said to Zhen Zhiqiang: "You can go now."

Zhen Zhiqiang didn't move, and cried to Zhen Baoer: "Boer, my bastard, I'm sorry, sorry for your mother, sorry for my brother, I'm so confused, I was cheated by that **** woman, I really deserve to die..."

Zhen Baoer opened her mouth and said, "Then why don't you..."

When the words came to her lips, Zhen Baoer swallowed again.

She remembered that time, Wang Xiaowen.

There are some things that you can't just say casually, and it's better not to say things like this kind of curse.

Although she was really angry, she also hated Zhen Zhiqiang, but after all, it was her own father, and she didn't want him to die.

Zhen Baoer took a deep breath and pressed down the anger in her heart.

She said: "Dad, do you think our family can get better again? Do you think that after this happened, how can our family sit together in the future? All this is done by yourself. , The family is gone, I can’t get together anymore, I want to get the money back, you and my mother, you two, each take your own, husband and wife have a couple of decades, so get together and get together...Of course, if my mother is willing I'm not reluctant to live with you. After all, in her life, she makes her own decisions, but I, sorry, sorry, I can't assume that nothing happened."

Although Zhao Xiuqin is hateful, in Zhen Baoer's view, the most hateful is Zhen Zhiqiang.

Flies don't bite seamless eggs, and he is not a good thing.

A man who can betray his wife who has been in love for decades, and betray his three children, such a person cannot be forgiven.

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