You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1046: never mind

Gu Zhixin held down Zhen Baoer: "Don't move, I'll go out and have a look."

He got out of bed, put on slippers, took the crutches placed by the bed and walked out of the bedroom.

The light in the living room didn't go out. Everything seemed to be normal and nothing exploded.

Gu Zhixin went to the kitchen and the bathroom, but he couldn't find it. He turned his head and went to Tian Jinzhi's bedroom.

Only then did I find something that exploded.

It was placed in Tian Jinzhi's room, a glass bottle exploded, and broken glass was all over the floor.

Zhen Baoer ran over and asked, "How is it?"

Gu Zhixin hurriedly said: "Don't come in yet, there are all glass here, wait for me to clean it..."

"You have a sick number, I will do it, you go sit down."

"I'm fine... I'm here, don't do it..."

Gu Zhixin wouldn't let Zhen Baoer do it.

He always felt that the exploded glass bottle was probably related to the ignited incense.

As soon as he came in, Gu Zhi News smelled of stench.

He remembered that Zhou Ping had said that he was too hostile and ghosts were reluctant to approach him.

Therefore, he has no scruples when he comes here, but he is worried about Zhen Baoer.

The breath in this room is not normal, just like the airflow in the air, which is somewhat distorted.

Gu Zhixin felt that it might not be really clean here.

He endured the pain in his leg and swept the broken glass on the floor.

When cleaning, he felt that the blackened inside of the broken glass seemed...very like old blood stains, and he didn't know what kind of bottle it was.

How come you are in this house.

After cleaning up, Gu Zhixin ordered a few more sticks and inserted them in different places in the room.

After returning, he said to Zhen Baoer: "It's okay, go to sleep..."

"Really all right?"

"Well, it's okay..."

Zhen Baoer leaned in Gu Zhixin's arms and slowly closed her eyes.

In the middle of the night, everything was normal and nothing else happened.


At dawn, after Gu Zhixin heard the movement outside, he immediately opened his eyes.

He gently let go of Zhen Bao'er and got up.

Opened the door and saw Tian Jinzhi packing things outside.

Seeing Gu Zhixin, Tian Jinzhi was very nervous for a while, " up..."

She now knows that Gu Zhixin has an extraordinary status, rich and powerful, not a poor boy, and when she sees Gu Zhixin, she feels a little panicked.

Gu Zhixin nodded: "Are you okay?"

Tian Jinzhi at the moment looks normal, not at all the madness of yesterday, and not as neurotic as before, just like a normal person.

Tian Jinzhi nodded quickly: "It's okay, it's okay, I'm fine now..."

She knew that she was not normal a few days ago, but now, she has never felt relaxed, her body seems to have lost dozens of catties, and her whole body is different...

Gu Zhixin nodded: "That's good."

Tian Jinzhi is fine, just Zhen Zhiqiang and the woman, which is easy to say.

Can go home today. ,

After Zhen Baoer woke up, she was relieved to see Tian Jinzhi okay.

I ate something casually in the morning.

Zhen Baoer sat down and got ready to talk with Tian Jinzhi.

She said: "You are fine. Today, I will get the money back from Zhao Xiuqin. The money that belongs to you, I will get it back for you. As for you, if you want a divorce, I don't bother to care about you. I feel that the eastern food that fell into the latrine can be eaten if you fish it out. Then you are amazing, and I don’t want to say so much."

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