You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1053: you shut up

The smile on Gu Zhixin's face has been maintained, but when he heard this, he suddenly became a little ugly, and his tone of voice changed.

He said, "That's my elder brother. I will always trust him. Besides, he is in charge of the company and works hard. Naturally, he should take more. Uncle, don't say this, otherwise I'm not very happy."

Zhen Zhiqiang has already regarded himself as his father-in-law at this moment. Who made him hold himself up with the respect that Gu Zhixin spoke to him before.

He said anxiously: "I'm not alarmist, you believe your brother, how can you trust your father-in-law better than that, why don't you arrange me to join the company and be a manager or whatever."

"Ha ha……"

A very ironic ridicule came from Zhen Baoer.

"Smelly girl, what are you laughing at?" Zhen Zhiqiang immediately scolded. ,

Gu Zhixin turned his head: "Uncle, you still have to worry about your own words when you speak. Although Bo'er is your daughter, I still don't like to hear others yell at her like this."

The look in his eyes made Zhen Zhiqiang tremble immediately, and said quickly: "Okay, I won't say, don't say..."

Tian Jinzhi followed, like a fool, not knowing what he was thinking.

On the way to the bank, Zhen Zhiqiang couldn't help but ask: "Well, there is such a big company in the family, and the income is so much every year. How much is your dividend a year..."

Gu Zhixin said lightly: "I don't know, I haven't counted them. Who will look at these carefully? If I count them, I guess I won't be able to rest for many days."

Zhen Zhiqiang's eyes lit up, which means there is too much money to count?

Oh my God, he was so bad that he only needed 5 million.

Zhen Zhiqiang wondered how to raise the price and how to get more money.

Zhen Zhiqiang touched the leather seat and said: "Zhixin, your car is really good. I am ashamed to say that I have never built such a good car. In the future, Baoer will be happy to follow you. Pity me and his mother, I'm afraid there will be no chance in this life."

His meaning is very clear.

Zhen Bao'er's angry teeth were almost broken: "If you don't want me to kick you down, you just shut up."

"Look at you. If you have a rich boyfriend, you don't look down on your poor parents. If you are like this, you are not afraid to let your son-in-law think you..."

Gu Zhixin smiled: "Uncle, what do you want?"

Zhen Zhiqiang rubbed his hands and said, "Or... you see that 5 million is too little. It costs several million to buy a larger house in the county town. You can't even buy a decent house, right? "

Gu Zhixin had a smile on his face, but the smile didn't reach the bottom of his eyes: "Okay...what did the uncle say."

"It's better... it's better to... add another 10 million, how about 15 million?" Zhen Zhiqiang said cautiously.

Zhen Baoer trembled with anger, she glared at Gu Zhixin, what the **** was going on, according to his style, she shouldn't have been beaten up.

Tian Jinzhi raised his head and looked at Zhen Zhiqiang, thinking that he was probably crazy.

Only Gu Zhixin said slowly: "15 million, it's not impossible... instead, I will round up for uncle, how about 20 million?"

"This...this...20...20 million...this is so..." Zhen Zhiqiang couldn't say anything happy.

A meaningful smile appeared on Gu Zhixin's face.

His money is not so easy to take.


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