You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1055: Not needed

As soon as he came in, he rushed towards the convenience of Gu Zhixin and walked quickly: "Gu Er Shao, sorry, sorry for being late, forgive me."

He stretched out his hand like Gu Zhixin.

Gu Zhixin raised his hand and shook him, then let go: "It doesn't matter, since it's here, then do it quickly."

"it is good."

Zhen Zhiqiang leaned forward and asked, "This one is?"

Gu Zhixin patiently explained: "This is Lawyer Fang, the transfer amount of 20 million is too large, and the lawyer must be present."

Zhen Baoer was surprised. As it said, a lawyer must be present in the transfer. Why hasn't she heard of this rule?

Is it possible...

Does Gu Zhixin really have other attention?

Zhen Baoer suppressed her temper, she thought to herself, my old lady waited, waiting for you to see what tricks she played.

They came to the VIP channel to handle, the whole process was handled by lawyers, and Gu Zhixin only needed to sign.

Attorney Fang also took away their ID cards.

Zhen Zhiqiang's eyes were about to burst into flames, he kept swallowing saliva and rubbing his hands. When he thought that soon, he would have a lot of money, he was very excited.

So much money, I have never seen so much money in my life.

Zhen Baoer tugged Gu Zhixin: "Don't blame me for not warning you. If you dare to really transfer money to him, you will wait to see how I can do you..."

Gu Zhixin smiled and said: "I know, don't worry, I never let you down."

After 20-minutes had passed, Zhen Zhiqiang watched. Gu Zhixin signed a lot of names. He thought it was a bit weird. Didn’t the transfer be completed soon?

Lawyer Fang came over with a document and said, "Mr. Zhen, please sign on it."

Zhen Zhiqiang asked: "Is it all right after signing?"

Lawyer Fang smiled: "Yes, after signing, you can get the money. This is the last procedure."

"Then I sign."

Zhen Zhiqiang didn't even read what the document was. He picked up the pen and signed it.

In duplicate, Zhen Zhiqiang signed two copies before the end.

"Is it all right?"

Lawyer Fang smiled and nodded: "Okay, everything is done."

"The two documents, Gu Ershao, and Mr. Zhen, one for each, are officially effective."

Zhen Zhiqiang was so overwhelmed with joy that he didn't notice anything wrong with it. It was just a transfer of money and the remittance, so why did he still have documents?

Gu Zhixin said: "Uncle, twenty million is already given to you. I hope that in the future, there will be no special circumstances and stop looking for Bao'er. I still hope she can be happy every day. I don't want her to see it. To the people and things that make him unhappy."

Zhen Zhiqiang nodded again and again: "Well, don't worry, I will never disturb you easily, don't worry."

He asked: "Where's that... bank card?"

Gu Zhixin raised his eyebrows: "What card?"

Zhen Zhiqiang immediately said: "Bank card, how can I withdraw money without a bank card?"

Lawyer Fang smiled: "Mr. Zhen, you don't need a bank card for this money."

Not only Zhen Zhiqiang was surprised, but Zhen Baoer was also surprised. What is Gu Zhixin doing? No bank card? Passbook?

Zhen Zhiqiang asked, "Is it... a passbook? It's still a check. You should give it to me as soon as possible."

Lawyer Fang shook his head: "Neither, your money will be automatically deposited into your account if you see you then."

Zhen Zhiqiang is a little confused, what is this?

Asked: "When will the time come?"

Lawyer Fang smiled and said, "It's all written in the contract, you can read it for yourself."


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