You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1060: Domestic violence

A lot of people surrounded the entrance of the hospital and gave pointers to Tian Jinzhi and Zhen Zhiqiang.

After Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer left, Zhen Zhiqiang tried his best to persuade Tian Jinzhi to ask her for money.

However, Tian Jinzhi did not agree.

Tian Jinzhi had always thought that Zhen Zhiqiang really knew he was wrong.

But... the cruel facts told her that she was really wrong, she was really naive%...

Tian Jinzhi wanted money, but after Zhen Zhiqiang’s derailment, she realized one thing, money is not necessarily a good thing. With money, her husband will cheat, and she will find beautiful young women. I just want to live the days before, without lack of food or clothing.

But Zhen Zhiqiang seemed to be obsessed with a ghost, and kept telling Tian Jinzhi that they should have taken money from Gu Zhixin, and of course it is, because Zhen Baoer is their daughter, and if his daughter marries Gu Zhixin, he should get a gift. Ah, the Gu family is so rich, so of course you want to give them more?

They raised their daughters so big, why did Gu Zhixin marry them for nothing?

But no matter what Zhen Zhiqiang said, Tian Jinzhi did not agree.

Because Zhen Zhiqiang wanted too much, he said at the beginning that Gu Zhixin should not be bypassed, and 30 million should not be less. Tian Jinzhi disagreed. She dropped to 20 million, and in the end, it fell to 5 million.

After Tian Jinzhi disagreed, Zhen Zhiqiang's face changed. If the soft one didn't work, the hard one came, and he raised his hand and started beating.

When he hit the door of the bank from the bank, the bank security couldn't stop him. He kept saying that this was his wife, he beat his wife, and no one should stop her.

The bank's security wanted to call the police, Zhen Zhiqiang shouted, if anyone dared to call the police, he would kill them when they turned around.

Anyway, all kinds of shamelessness.

However, someone called.

But what about the police coming?

This is the case in China. Tian Jinzhi and Zhen Zhiqiang are husband and wife after all. This is a housework.

Tian Jinzhi was not life-threatening either, even though he had some traumas on his body, it was not serious.

After the police arrived, they only said that this was a domestic affair. They verbally criticized Zhen Zhiqiang so that he would not do this again. If something really happened, the police would not let him go. That was it.

After the police left, Zhen Zhiqiang began to fight again. Tian Jinzhi dialed Zhen Baoer's phone while dodging.

Just as soon as the phone was connected, Zhen Zhiqiang hung up.

Zhen Zhiqiang is really shameless to the extreme.

In his words, no matter what, Tian Jinzhi can be regarded as getting Zhen Baoer back.

After Zhen Bao'er got out of the car, she was shocked to see Tian Jinzhi looking embarrassed and miserable.

She originally thought Zhen Zhiqiang was scumbag enough, who thought...he could be even scumbag?

Even dare to domestic violence.

Tian Jinzhi saw Zhen Baoer as if he saw the straw and cried for help.

She was beaten and understood.

If you continue to live like this, Zhen Zhiqiang will continue to beat her in the future, and will keep her closed for money.

Following Zhen Zhiqiang, her life was in dire straits, and she never had a bright day.

Tian Jinzhi didn't dare to think, what will happen if he continues?

Therefore, Tian Jinzhi hopes that Zhen Baoer can take herself out of the sea of ​​suffering, and she does not want to be beaten.

When Zhen Zhiqiang heard Tian Jinzhi talking about divorce, he grabbed her by her hair and tugged hard: "Stinky lady, what are you going crazy? What are you divorcing?"


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