You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1073: pregnant

Gu Jingyuan slapped on Song Yizhi's shoulder: "What are you doing, hurry up, don't waste time."

"Okay...well, I'll go right wait..." Song Yiyi got down, and his steps quickened instantly.

President Gu’s wife is sick...

Naturally, the green light must be given all the way in the hospital.

The examination was done very quickly, but the doctor was afraid to administer the medicine before the result was available.

Zhou Ping hurried over, followed by Xu Mu without a mask.

Fortunately, there are few people in the hospital at this time, and the people who are sent to the hospital at this point are all emergency departments. Who has the mind to care about celebrities or not.

Zhou Ping asked Gu Jingyuan: "How is it?"

Gu Jingyuan had a panic in his eyes. He said: "Waiting for the result, I will come out soon, Mom... I am afraid of Shanshan her... Is she... I shouldn't let her eat those two crabs for dinner today? of……"

Zhou Ping shook her head: "It's okay, don't blame you, don't blame you, don't be afraid... Shan Shan should be okay, and there should be no..."

Qin Se hasn't had much trouble recently, so Zhou Ping thinks that there shouldn't be any major incidents.

However, no one can guarantee that it will be foolproof.

Zhou Ping comforted Gu Jingyuan, but she had no bottom in her heart.

They went in to see Qin Se. At this moment, Qin Se probably didn't have that pain, and closed his eyes and fell asleep.

But his face was still very pale, even with his eyes closed, there was pain on his face.

Gu Jingyuan held Qin Se's hand distressedly, and his trembling eyelashes revealed his fear at the moment.

At this time, Gu Jingyuan still has the slightest indifference and nobleness in front of outsiders, calm and composed.

After waiting for a long meeting, the inspection results came out.

Song Yi ran over and said, "Yes, yes... Gu Jingyuan, you are a father, you are pregnant..."

Gu Jingyuan stood up and rushed to Song Yizhi to apologize, and grabbed his shoulder: "You say it again?"

Zhou Ping and Xu Mu also looked nervous, especially Zhou Ping, holding Xu Mu's arm firmly.

Song Yizhi screamed in pain: "Oh, you let go, my arm is about to be removed by you, you let go... let go... my god... it hurts me so much..."

Zhou Ping hurriedly said, "Xiao Gu, let him go and let him talk..."

Xu Mu bared his teeth in pain, he actually wanted to say, otherwise, you let me go, right?

But think about it, Zhou Ping rarely catches him once, let her keep catching him.

However, it would be better if it could be more gentle.

Gu Jingyuan reacted and immediately let go of Song Yizhi: "Then quickly see what to do now? Is Shanshan's stomach ache because of crabs, how is her health now, how is the baby? Is there any danger?"

Gu Jingyuan asked a lot of questions in one breath, and his nervous mind is now blank.

Song Yizhi has asked the nurse to get the medicine.

Coming soon.

Song Yizhi said: "Don't worry, don't worry, it's almost as you think. It's pregnant, but it's only four weeks ago. It's just 4 weeks before pregnancy. It's already unstable. If you don't pay attention, you will have an accident. Add dinner again. Cold crabs, some signs of miscarriage..."

Seeing that the faces of the three people in front of him all changed drastically, Song Yizhi hurriedly said: "Don't worry, listen to me, although there are some signs of miscarriage, it doesn't matter. It was delivered early and there were not too many crabs... Take the medicine first...a week's fetus injection, lying in bed these few days, try not to get out of bed first."

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