You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1090: Don't call the police

People have a backstage, but they never rely on their backstage to show off their prestige.

Not only do they have good medical skills, but the most important thing is also kindness.

He didn't rely on his own face to hook up the little girl everywhere. Leading by example, cleansing oneself, is really perfect.

Just like a real nobleman, it is not only material wealth, but also spiritual wealth.

So, this is why, Xiang Qiu Chi has been thrown out so many brains, although they deliberately discredit Xiang Qiu Chi on the Internet, there are still so many people talking for him.

Netizens today are not fools and have their own judgments. ,

You ran to occupy public resources, delayed the patient's medical treatment, what happened to people who drove you out?

Many people applaud on the Internet, thinking that Xiang Qiuchi should be like this. It's the right way to rush, and he can't get used to it...

Xiang Qiuchi said embarrassedly, "That... thank you Dr. Liu, please worry about me."

Doctor Liu smiled and said, "It's not troublesome, how can this be troublesome..."

After talking for a while, the two urged Dr. Liu to hurriedly arrange an examination for the girl.

The girl was like a frightened bird, especially terrified of men.

Xiang Qiuchi hesitated for a while but still didn't go in. Inside, the nurse was still dealing with the **** trauma to the little girl.

Taking into account the little girl's situation, Xiang Qiuchi decided to wait.

Finally, when the nurse finished bandaging, his eyes came out with red eyes.

"Doctor Gu, the bleeding trauma has been treated, but the large area of ​​bruises has not been applied with ointment."

Nodded towards Qiuchi.

The little nurse sniffed and said, "This little girl is too miserable..."

Open the door to Qiu Chi and walk in.

When the little girl saw him, she backed away in fear.

The nurse said: "Don't be afraid, this is our doctor Gu, who is better... You can talk to him about any difficulties or troubles."

The little girl bit her lip and glanced cautiously towards Qiuchi.

Xiang Qiuchi said: "Go and do a detailed examination. This is the hospital. I am a doctor. You have been injured. It is my patient. I will be responsible for you. You don't need to worry about medical expenses. You just need to cooperate. The doctors and nurses do an examination, that's it."

The nurse nodded: "Yes, Doctor Gu will help you with your medical expenses."

The little girl whispered: "I...thank you..."

Xiang Qiuchi asked: "Do you need to call the police for you?"

The little girl immediately reacted fiercely: ", don't...don't call the police...can't call the police...please don't call the police..."

Xiang Qiuchi asked her: "Can you tell us why? Your injury is very serious... If you can, do you want the person who hurt you to be punished?"

There were tears in the little girl's eyes, "It's useless, it's useless to call the police... In the end, they will only take me back... I will never be caught again, never again..."

This is the longest sentence the girl said after walking in here.

Xiang Qiuchi asked: "Who are they?"

"Yes...yes..." the little girl shivered, " parents..."

The nurse exclaimed and covered her mouth. She couldn't believe that the girl's injuries were caused by her parents.

Xiang Qiuchi frowned.

To this answer, Xiang Qiuchi was neither surprised nor surprised...

In fact, there are many examples of this kind of situation, such long-term beatings and abuse, in all likelihood are done by the closest people...

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