You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1092: so awkward

Two doctors also echoed, saying that the director was right.

Xiang Qiuchi didn't speak. Of course he knew, but the problem now was that the girl didn't agree.

If you call the police behind her back, it will be more difficult to gain her trust.

This is the most difficult.

After everyone discussed it for a while, one of the female doctors said: "I think it must be necessary to report to the police, and help is also necessary. It is better to find some media first to explode the matter, and after the intervention of public opinion, It has attracted the attention of the people. When the police deal with it, they will definitely not be so hasty. We can also invite some women and children protection agencies to participate and find a way to get the girl out of the control of her parents."

When she said this, everyone said: "Dr. Xu’s approach is very good. There is media and public supervision. When the police intervenes, the people’s emotions will be taken into consideration. Therefore, this matter will definitely not be handled casually. At that time, we will help out again, maybe we can really help this little girl leave her hellish home..."

"Doctor Gu, how do you feel like that?"

Xiang Qiuchi said: "I think what Dr. Xu said makes sense, but we still have to ask the girl's opinion about this matter. You have also seen that she is very afraid of contacting people. If you get a group of reporters to come over, tell her. Saying that is not necessarily a good thing, and it may cause counter-effects, which may be detrimental to us, unless she agrees."

Xiang Qiuchi also felt that Dr. Xu's method was the safest. ,

However, to do so, the premise of everything is that the girl must agree to it herself.

Otherwise, calling a group of reporters privately and surrounding her to take pictures and interviews would hurt her again.

Dr. Xu nodded: "What Dr. Gu said is that what I just considered is indeed a bit incomplete. If the little girl disagrees, the reporter will take a picture of her rebellion. After calling it out, it will be detrimental to our hospital. Maybe it will. Some people say that our hospital uses her to pay attention to the blog to create enthusiasm."

The director said: "In this case, let's let the girl be hospitalized first and try to get her consent as soon as possible. What do you think?"

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, let's all get off, get off work when it's time to get off work, eat for dinner."

The crowd dispersed, frowning at Qiuchi.

This was originally his own patient, how could it become a mass incident in their department?

Is their department usually so idle?

Everyone is not in a hurry to go home for dinner after get off work, and even come to the meeting?

Shaking his head to Qiuchi...

Xiang Qiuchi got up and asked the nurse at the nurse station: "Where is the little girl now?"

"I'm doing color Doppler ultrasound of the abdominal cavity."

"Did the previous inspection results come out?"

"The blood test hasn't come out yet, the X-ray came out, and the head CT came out..."

Xiang Qiuchi said: "Take me a look."

The nurse handed it to him.

However, after getting it, Xiang Qiuchi suddenly found out embarrassingly...

Nima, he can't understand.

Especially CT.

He has forgotten that he is not a serious doctor, he can only "sew and repair".

Xiang Qiuchi was embarrassed to be there for a while.

This one……

The nurse asked: "Doctor Gu, this little girl's injury is still quite serious, right? Is there any head injury?"

Xiang Qiuchi cleared his throat expressionlessly, and said, "When the other results are out, let's talk about it..."

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