You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1094: Cousin xie

Qin Se couldn't laugh at the side, she guessed, Xiang Qiuchi must be grinning on his face now, but he was cursing MMP in his heart!

But seeing him like this, there are unspoken pictures, I really think it is really interesting.

Gu Jingyuan took the film.

After a while, he said: "The ribs, arms, and left leg have had old injuries before, especially the left arm. Obviously, the fracture is not completely healed. It seems that the injury is still too long. A little blood, and some concussions...Although there were no serious fatal injuries, there were many injuries..."

Xiang Qiuchi listened very carefully, and nodded again and again: "Thank you, cousin, I remember...then her head is seriously injured?"

"At the moment, it's okay, but it's better to go to the neurology department and ask the doctor to prescribe some medicine."

Xiang Qiuchi nodded, and he sighed in his heart that the girl's parents were really nothing.

Although there were no fatal injuries, it was because they did not dare to kill.

But their behavior, in Xiang Qiuchi's view, was really more excessive than murder.

As a parent, you can behave like this to your own children. It is not as good as a beast.

This internal injury and external injury, the old is not good, the new is added, 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, every minute, every second, I spent in pain.

This kind of torture is really inhuman.

Gu Jingyuan turned his head and asked, "Whose film is this, did you even bring it here?"

Xiang Qiuchi hesitated for a while, and told them truthfully: "I...this is a patient of mine. I guess he is not an adult. I ran by myself with injuries all over the body. I was abused by her parents for a long time. It's really not good."

"Isn't it, biological parents abused my daughter?" Qin Se exclaimed.

Xiang Qiuchi sighed and shook his head: "On that arm, there are new injuries and old injuries. There is almost no good place. There are cigarette butts burns. It looks really shocking."

Thinking of the girl's arm injury, even Xiang Qiuchi felt a lot of pain.

Qin Se felt that he couldn't eat his corn anymore, "This... so pitiful..."

Although she has lost her father since she was a child, she has always been doted by her mother.

Qin Se never thought that mothers would abuse their children.

Don’t all parents in this world love their children the most?

Xiang Qiuchi said: "Not all parents in this world can love their children. I will go back first. The child's examination is almost over. I will go back and see. There is still trouble in this matter."

Qin Se stopped him: "Then what are you going to do?"

"After you go back, talk to the girl. It's best to get her to agree to call the police...Through the official channels to solve it, otherwise, her parents will look back and say that we abet their children, what should we do?"

Xiang Qiuchi sighed again, so troublesome, so troublesome...

If this was the case before, it could be solved directly by hands.

He waved his hand and said, "I'm going back first..."

Xiang Qiuchi turned and walked for two steps and then stopped: "Um...cousin, if there are some unreadable inspection reports on my side, I have to trouble you, I am here, thank you in advance, thank you ,Thank you……"

Xiang Qiuchi had a pleasing smirk on his face.

He was clearly reluctant, but had to lower his head again. That appearance made Qin Se laugh.

Gu Jingyuan's lips curled up: "For the sake of you being sincere, I will... promise you for now."

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