You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1110: Also happy

Seeing Qin Se finally eat, Gu Jingyuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, serving two is more tiring than taking care of one!

However, whoever makes him "get a son when he grows old" is tired and happy.

Taking care of his wife and children, he is happy.


Xiang Qiuchi gritted his teeth and returned to his office. He was in a bad mood at the moment.

Mu Chaochao's stepfather and biological mother really broke the three views of normal people, making people feel so angry that they can't suppress them.

He saw their home address and contacted them to prevent it, so he took out the photo and took it.

After watching for a while, Xiang Qiuchi's eyes gradually cooled, and he felt sorry for himself if he didn't do anything.

Xiang Qiuchi stuffed the information into the cabinet and locked it.

He got up and went to the ward.

In the ward, Mu Chaochao is eating breakfast.

Probably after the little nurse talked to her for so long last night, it gave her a lot of strength and made her feel less fearful. Therefore, today she looks a lot better than the day, and, in her eyes Also a little more glamorous.

The breakfast the nurse gave her was an ordinary cafeteria breakfast, a bowl of millet porridge, two fresh meat buns, and a tea egg.

This was an ordinary breakfast for many people, but she was satisfied and enjoyed it, as if it were the most delicious delicacy.

When I saw Xiang Qiuchi, I felt a little hungry and wanted to eat.

Xiang Qiuchi stood at the door and looked for a while and didn't go in.

He worried that after he entered, Mu Chaochao would be nervous and could not eat.

Xiang Qiuchi hesitated whether to leave first, but Mu Chaochao saw him first.

Mu Chaochao raised his head and saw Xiang Qiuchi. He was still in the instinctive reaction caused by his body over the years. He trembled for a while, but soon his brain reacted. This is Doctor Gu, Doctor Gu who will save her, yes, Very good, very good person.

The nurse sister said that Dr. Gu is a hero and she should not be afraid of him. He is different from her stepfather.

Mu Chaochao rushed towards Qiuchi with a timid smile: "Doctor Gu... early... good morning..."

She worked hard to make herself less nervous and her voice not to tremble.

However, it was still a little shaky.

But compared to yesterday, it is much better.

Although the little girl’s smile was still a bit stiff, it was from the heart. Looking at Qiu Chi, she was still a little afraid of him, but she no longer rejected him, and no longer feared. Her smile was like a sudden wind. After the rain, the golden fringe exposed by the dark clouds.

Xiang Qiuchi's heart softened slowly, and he walked in with a small smile: "Good morning, is it enough to eat?"

Mu Chaochao nodded quickly: "Well, enough... The breakfast at the hospital is delicious."

She paused, then asked, "Doctor Gu, have you...have breakfast?"

A smile appeared on Xiang Qiuchi's face, which was showing concern for him, yes, his mentality was restored.

That's it. Xiang Qiuchi was still afraid that she would keep going like that, so he didn't dare to contact others and couldn't communicate.

He nodded: "Well, after eating, how did you rest last night?"

Mu Chao showed a bashful smile on his face, "Very well, I... this is the first time I slept so well in many years... I didn't wake up until 7 o'clock this morning..."

After that, she bit her lip a little embarrassedly, as if she was a little ashamed of getting up at 7 in the morning.

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