You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1118: I beg you

The employees in the factory all thought it was weird today, and they all thought, could it be possible that their boss was so frustrated outside that he caught He Zhiyong after he came back, just to give up?

Everyone was wondering, but they felt that something was wrong. The boss still had a smile on his face when he came in. He talked to everyone with good words, and he brought them water and said that if they do something If you’re tired, take a break, saying that when your work is done, you don’t have to be too anxious.

How come He Zhiyong is here, so he won't let it go?

Not to mention new employees, even old employees have never seen their boss make such a big fire!

It is really amazing!

However, even though they were surprised, everyone didn't say anything about it. After all, they were very happy to see the result. Everyone had the same heart for driving He Zhiyong out.

They are also afraid that if someone interrupts the boss, the boss will change his mind,

A group of He Zhiyong panicked, what the **** is going on? Did their boss take the wrong medicine today? How dare you treat him this way?

He has been in this factory for ten years, how can he just rush him without talking about his affection?

If he didn't have this job, He Zhiyong knew that there were really few auto repair shops next to him that could accept him, and he was used to being lazy, his craftsmanship would have been rusty, and he couldn't do well anywhere!

He Zhiyong scolded the boss with a dog-blood sprinkler in his heart, but he didn't dare to scold, he could only plead: "Boss... boss... please, boss... you can't do this, boss... you take me It's fired, how will I live in the future? I still have a family to support? Boss... Boss..."

But even if he asks like this, it is useless.

Today, their boss is determined to drive him away, without leaving any affection.

The anger on the boss’s face did not fade, but became stronger. He snorted and said, “Can you live with me? I’ve been raising your family for ten years. What do you want? Today, It's no use what you say, I can't bear you anymore, come and go..."

Speaking of the end, it was obvious that one more glance at He Zhiyong made him feel an eyesore, wishing that he immediately disappeared from his eyes and never saw him again.

He Zhiyong grumbled and hated their boss. He always felt that he was a veteran employee. The boss has always been a lover, and would not fire him. How could he imagine today.

He Zhiyong was helpless, as long as he gritted his teeth and thumped on his knees: "Boss, boss... I'm sorry that I can't help you for so many years, I was wrong, I was too wasteful, I was too lazy, but... but I just followed You were very diligent in those few years. When the market just started, I helped you solve major problems several times. At that time, the boss told me, you said...I am you..."

The boss didn’t wait for him to finish, so he interrupted him: “Enough, you still have the face to say what you were like at that time in the first two years, you can look at what you are now, the more you live, the more you go back. The more you live, the more cunning. If you have been the same as those years, even if you are only half as diligent as those years, you are still just a car repairer now? He Zhiyong, He Zhiyong, if it wasn't for your two years There is indeed something that really helped me. Do you think I will support you for so long in vain?"


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