You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1124: Uncomfortable

He Zhiyong now has nowhere else to go, and his body is all wounded. He originally wanted to go to the hospital, but thinking about it, he should go home and get things first, and then go to the hospital. Moreover, he is alone. He has to wait in line to go to the hospital. How busy are you paying?

He Zhiyong just walked to the subway entrance and went down.

It's not that he is trying to save money, but that he is used to the subway. There are so many people on the subway, and there are so many beautiful women...

What He Zhiyong often does is Line 2. There are always a lot of people on this line. He likes the crowds.

There are so many people, easy to learn.

However, He Zhiyong has forgotten that his injury today is a bit serious.

After buying the ticket, he went down the stairs with great difficulty. There were a lot of people waiting for the subway. He Zhiyong found a place to go to that station and stopped moving.

Someone saw him scratching his arms, **** and scary, and they all walked around.

In the end, it was the subway staff who saw it and came and asked: "Mister, does it matter if your arm is injured?"

"Are you blind? Does it matter if my arms are like this?" He Zhiyong opened his mouth and scolded the staff unceremoniously.

The staff member's mouth moved, really regretting it, and he shouldn't have trouble asking.

He patiently said: "Sir, I just want to care about it and see if you need help. I hope you can calm down."

The staff have encountered all kinds of people, so the patience is really good.

Even if you are scolded like that, try to restrain yourself, don't be angry, and still be very polite when you speak.

But He Zhiyong is not a person with three upright views. The more polite you are with him, the more arrogant he will be.

He Zhiyong pointed at the staff member’s nose and cursed: "He is calm, I'm hurt like this, is it hurting you, do you still make me calm? I will fire you and beat you again, you see See if you can be calm?"

He is full of swear words and arrogant attitude, which is really annoying to people.

There are so many people waiting for the subway, they are all waiting with their mobile phones. I'm free, and when I see He Zhiyong arguing with the staff, many people turn their mobile phones into shooting mode and aim at the two of them.

The staff is also very angry, but they have brains and reason.

In this kind of public service industry, no matter how angry you are, you have to bear it, because as long as you do a little poorly and get stabbed out, it is your fault.

The staff endured their anger and continued to speak in a good voice: "Sir, please calm down, I have no other meaning. If you need help, you can find me. If you don't need help, then you will be my nonsense. ,May I?"

He Zhiyong's anger is not getting better than others. It just happened that the staff member came over with such a good attitude, and he knew that the people who had this job would not dare to behave with the passengers, so he was more confident.

So he pointed to the staff and shouted: "I need help, don't you know how to use your eyes? You **** eyes are so suffocating, I have arms like this now, you still beep It’s not over. Can you do something practical? Are you feeling good looking at me hurting?"

There was a dissatisfied "hush" from the onlookers. People like He Zhiyong, everyone can't understand...

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