You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1180: Sympathize with her

Chen Mo started to do it and touched his chin: "This...not impossible!"

However, Chen Mo really couldn't think of what Qin Zheng would be like to fall in love with!

"I really didn't expect that I should be so popular." Qin Zheng felt happy right now!

He feels that his idea of ​​a puppy love is still worth doing. After all, is life without a puppy love incomplete?

Do you want to take advantage of the underage's tail, and then come to a vigorous puppy love!

Otherwise, when someone asks you how old your first love is in the future, how embarrassed he is, could it be said: Sorry, my first love has not been sent out yet?

Qin Zheng remembered a paragraph on Weibo.

A: How have you been single for the past two years?

B: This... Which two years are you asking? Is it the last two years or two of the past 20 years? My mother is single and hasn't gotten off yet!

Qin Zheng felt a little frightened when he thought about it. He didn't want to be like this in the future.

Chen Mo looked at Qin Zheng: "But..."

Qin Zheng asked: "But what?"

"But... you want to be clear. If you are in love, you have to give your girlfriend what you eat. Just like this chocolate, you like it, and your girlfriend likes it. You don’t have enough to eat it yourself, but... You have to bear the pain to him too, are you... willing?"

After Chen Mo just finished speaking, Qin Zheng didn't even think about it: "How can it work, of course I don't want it."

Chen Mo shook his head and lay down: "Hey, I suddenly sympathize with the girl who likes you, she is so pathetic, so pathetic!"

Qin Zheng is a foodie!

To put it bluntly, he doesn't even know what love is!

Even if he can't bear his own snacks to his girlfriend, this is a proper scumbag!

It's a pity that so many little girls still like this guy so much.


Qin Zheng's wave of black storms ended in a high-profile compliment. The popularity of Qin Zheng and Chen Mo also rose so much in this battle.

The passerby fans on the Internet, as well as the real fans of the two themselves, are almost in love with them now.

They combined the official Weibo and the company's official Weibo account at the same time, and directly sent a lawyer's letter to prosecute several marketing accounts that issued the Hei Qinzheng draft as soon as possible.

The official blog of Xintian Entertainment even directly @ a certain entertainment company and wrote directly: No wonder their artists are not up to date. It turns out that their brokerage companies are not up to date. They are not as popular as our artists and are popular with the people. It’s a pity that our children are too good, no matter how dark you are, our artists are the best!

Then Xintian Entertainment also released evidence to prove that the previous navy and sunspot were all ghosts of the other side.

Although Xintian Entertainment did not put any harsh words, it just stated the facts.

However, this is a direct shame, and I will definitely not let him go in the future!

However, this step of Xintian Entertainment really shocked passers-by and shocked everyone in the entertainment industry.

Because, everyone has never seen it before, and the entertainment company official Wei tore it personally!

The company's tearing away of the company, do you want to be so excited?

Moreover, the evidence was released.

People say slap you in the face, there is no room for you to backhand, the slap is strong!

The counterparty was caught off guard, and there was no time for crisis public relations.

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