You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1186: See you in court

Mu Chaochao said with red eyes: "Thank you Doctor Gu, thank you."

Xiang Qiuchi knew how much she wanted to go to school.

At this time, Mu Chaochao was extremely excited and eager to return to school as soon as possible, just like his peers.

Qin Se smiled and said, "Just send the court to Qin Zheng's school, and in the future, I can let Qin Zheng and the others take care of the court..."

But after Qin Se finished speaking, Xiang Qiuchi immediately shook his head: "Forget it, Qin Zheng and Chen Mo are so popular in the school. If Chao Chao passes by and is known by others, Chao Chao knows them, you think Chao Chao can still live. Is it quiet? What she wants is an environment where she can study well, or change it."

When Xiang Qiuchi said this, Qin Se felt that it seemed to be eh, if I let my pro fight to take care of Mu Chaochao, it might as well not take care of it.

Xiang Qiuchi said, "I'll take a look at the school's affairs and find a good school spirit."

Qin Se glanced at him and said in his heart, this kid really did his best to Mu Chaochao's affairs.

After speaking, Qin Se said to Mu Chao Chao: "But... Chao Chao, next, I still have to take back your custody from your stepfather and mother from you, so... you still have to see them. On the one hand, are you scared?"

Mu Chaochao nodded: "Fear...but...I will face it now...and I'm ready."

Who has tasted the sweetness, who would endure bitterness again.

Mu Chaochao knew that life was hard-won now, and she would cherish the present, and would never let her parents ruin her life at this time.

Xiang Qiuchi said: "Don't worry, our presence will not let you go back to your previous life."

Mu Chaochao nodded: "Thank you Doctor Gu, thank you sister, thank you brother..."

Qin Se sighed, wondering if it was because he had a child, so when faced with this kind of thing, there was really no way to stay outside.


Russell’s injury was a bit serious. The back of the head hit the hard ground continuously, causing a concussion. After the police arrived, they asked about the situation, but because the two are husband and wife, the police felt it was not easy to handle this kind of thing.

However, after waking up, Russell insisted to sue He Zhiyong, and she wanted to divorce He Zhiyong as evidence of domestic violence, and she wanted He Zhiyong to go out of the house.

And He Zhiyong, now the police can't take him away.

After a violent struggle, the injury on his body became more serious. Not to mention the lifeblood, anyway, it would not be able to keep it, but the tailbone, which was displaced again. This time the situation is very serious. The doctor will do it again. surgery.

Anyway, He Zhiyong not only couldn't get anything this time, but, most importantly, his body was also broken.

The doctor said that not only will he not be able to have **** with women in the future, he may even walk and sit normally, which may become a problem, because his tailbone is really... hard to say!

This is a good thing for Qin Se and the others, just watch the excitement.

Russell and He Zhiyong can bite into each other without having to take action by others.

Russellland is lazy in other places, but is still very quick in this matter.

I helped her find a lawyer, and she was preparing for a divorce.

She directly told He Zhiyong, either to sign a divorce agreement and give up all the property, or... just wait for the court to see you.

Anyway, Russell has torn his skin and wants to break with He Zhiyong.


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