You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1197: Not wronged

He had never communicated like this with a boy of this age before.

So patience before.

Sure enough, I still have to divide people, and I have patience with my son!

Especially this son is stupid and fufu!

After hesitating for a while, Xing Qingchen tentatively asked: "But for a good person like you, what do you want, don't you feel... wronged?"

Xu Mu looked at Xing Qingchen, the smile on his face faded a little: "I am wronged? Why am I wronged? I am very happy!"

"Do you think that as an actor, you are famous and rich, as long as you like someone, people will be grateful?"

Xing Qingchen was a little hairy by Xu Mu's eyes, he seemed to have seen all the thoughts in her heart.

Xing Qingchen hurriedly explained: "I...cough, in fact, I don't have this concept. I just think that so much, but the other party doesn't seem to appreciate..."

Xu Mu turned his head and bowed his head to reply to Qin Zheng, no longer looking at Xing Qingchen, "How do you know how much I paid? How do you know that the other party doesn't appreciate it, how do you know that my girlfriend's house is not as good as me? In the end, you are still young. Many don’t understand. We are ordinary people. Although many fans like and hold them, no one is a god. After all, we must return to the lives of ordinary people. I don’t think I’m so good."

"You are too humble, if you are not good, who else is good..."

Xu Mu didn't want to continue chatting with Xing Qingchen anymore, stood up and said: "Continue shooting, I will wait to go home after shooting."

Xing Qingchen felt that Xu Mu seemed a little colder.

"……it is good!"

However, after shooting for a while, it stopped because the makeup on Xing Qingchen's face was a bit spent and needed to be touched up.

Therefore, everyone can only stop first and wait for Xing Qingchen to make up.

However, after applying makeup, Xing Qingchen suddenly felt a little stomachache in his stomach. He took stomach medicine. I hope everyone can wait for her for a while.

Everyone didn't say anything. After all, she is a very popular female star in China, and she does have stomach problems.

Although Xu Mu felt a little unhappy, he still endured it.

If he insists on shooting, it is estimated that soon, the media will write that he is arrogant, ostentatious, and force the sick female star to rush to work to speed up the progress.

Sitting down again, the assistant brought Xu Mu's vacuum flask, which was filled with chrysanthemum and wolfberry.

"Ms. Xu, your phone rang just now..."

Xu Mu picked it up and saw that it was sent by Qin Zheng and Qin Se.

Seeing Qin Se’s news, Xu Mu smiled and looked overwhelmed, because what Qin Se sent was: Uncle Xu, why only give Xiaozheng a red envelope? I want too, you can’t be partial!

Then there is a very cute emoticon package that requires a red envelope.

How can Xu Mu be able to hold it now? My daughter is acting like a baby, and she must be given it!

So Xu Mu sent several 66666s to Qin Se, telling Qin Se what is eccentricity, this is really eccentric and easy cutting!

Then, Xu Mu will also take a screenshot of the dialogue with Qin Zheng, and mosaic his name. Of course, it doesn't make much sense to fight or not, everyone knows.

Xu Mu posted the picture on Weibo and wrote:

The IQ of the silly son is really worrying. I really want to ask him how his face is at the moment, do you want to reduce the swelling!

Besides, I'm going back to China soon. What gift should I buy for my daughter? Forget the son!


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