You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1227: Tear face

I'm still looking forward to Xu Mu's personally uttering that name.

Xu Mu sneered and said: "Xing Qingchen, I really didn't expect that you, a popular female star, would be so shameless. I now seriously doubt, what can you rely on for your current status?"


Suffering sounds sounded one after another around, and the expressions on everyone's faces seemed to be copy and paste at this moment.

Hard, awesome, just...

This is the word they can think of. Xu Mu's answer to them is really amazing. At this moment, the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 500,000 in the shortest time, and the number is still increasing by several thousand per second. Surge.

In the middle of the night, the Chinese were not asleep and all ran to watch the live broadcast.

The thief who posted the comments one by one was fast, and basically no comments were seen.

However, it is certain that most of them are saying, Xu Mu Niubi.

The barrage flew even more, covering Xu Mu's face.

[Xu Mu, as a senior actor, how can you swear, how can you scold a woman? You should be more vicious. 】

[I think Xu Mu is really lying down with a gun. This matter has nothing to do with him. When he first got off the plane, he was completely confused and didn't know anything. After learning about the situation, he was furious. This was obviously It's calculated, otherwise he can't just open his mouth and curse. Xu Mu is so angry that he doesn't even have the image... Although cursing is not good, Xu Mu wants to give you a thumbs up, great... curse Good! 】

[Who knows if it is pretending, don’t forget that Xu Mu is a actor, he wants to act, who can tell? Maybe, this is abandoning a soldier to protect the handsome. I sympathize with Xing Qingchen... I look down on a man like Xu Mu, scum... and curse, what about his quality? Even if Xing Qingchen is really hot, can't you be a gentleman? 】

[Xing Qingchen licked the dog in front, don't go, I'll kill you...I hope that after you are stabbed by a woman on the road, you can still say gentlemanly, it doesn't matter, stab it deeper...]

The barrage is basically divided into these categories.

Except for Xing Qingchen's remnant fan, and the Shui Army, most of the others began to believe in Xu Mu.

His performance was obviously very angry, and he clearly wanted to kill the other party.

If Xing Qingchen was in front of him, he would definitely slap each other with a big mouth!

The reporters onlookers, and the netizens eating melons watching on the screen, are all enthusiastic at the moment.

Although neither of them had any copper mines, they seemed to have heard the sound of slaps in the face.

Xu Mu Niucha, he is the first brother in the entertainment industry, he is not afraid at all.

The reporter asked excitedly, "So...So, Teacher Xu, are you torn apart with Xing Qingchen? "

This is too exciting. He is now responding to Xu Mu's live broadcast for the first time. After he goes back, he must be promoted and raised, and he will be at the pinnacle of his life.

Xu Mu sneered: "Tear her face? Does Xing Qingchen still have a face to tear?"

Everyone: Ow...

Xu Mu glanced at the time and went back anxiously. He turned to the camera and finally said: "Xing Qingchen, please listen to me. I will apologize to me for two hours and explain it clearly. Otherwise, don't blame me. You're welcome, if you are shameless, then I'll take your skin off and let everyone take a good look at what kind of stuff you are!"


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