You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1235: Heilaoxu

Xu Mu was so disgusting. Before he had figured out the cause of the incident, he even slandered others like this. An idol opened his mouth and shut his mouth and cursed people. If he said something ugly, he would bite people everywhere like a mad dog.

He didn't deserve to be the actor at all, he was also a respected person in the circle, what a man.

There is already a small-scale black Xu Mu on Weibo, taking screenshots of what he said live, and then besieging him, and the popularity is still snowballing.

A lot of so-called marketing accounts are in those long talks, the headline# After this thing, can peek Xu 牧人品#

The scandal between Xu Mu and Xing Qingchen was raging, and the whole people were concerned. In this matter, I believed Xu Mu very much, but after Xing Qingchen's letter of apology came out, I instantly became black to Xu Mu.

Xu Mu is irresponsible when he speaks. He just got off the plane and didn't know anything. Even if he was angry when he saw the scandal, he should first scold those unscrupulous marketing accounts. Why scold Xing Qingchen? I really don't know how a big man swears such vulgar words. It can be seen that he is not a very qualified person in his daily life. Oh, no wonder he can be a actor, and he is really good in front of the camera.

Even if he was wronged, isn't Xing Qingchen wronged? In my opinion, Xing Qingchen is far more innocent than Xu Mu, and she was the one who was shot.

So is Xu Mu. Since you are a person with a girlfriend, don't you know how to keep a distance with the female celebrity you work with? What kind of central air conditioner, let me see, he is interested in Xing Qingchen.

He also forced Xing Qingchen to come out to apologize. It is clear that the person who should apologize most is Xu Mu. He should apologize to Xing Qingchen.

What did the girl do wrong?

Did she make those unscrupulous marketing accounts write that? She didn't take the initiative to be a junior. She was forced to accumulate the reputation of a so-called minor without knowing it. How much harm was this to a girl?

Xu Mu is a man, so he stood up and apologized to Xing Qingchen, and don't let hundreds of millions of netizens across the country look down on you! @许牧

After this article came out, Xing Qingchen's fans and navy soldiers made mad pilgrimages, as if they were seeing redemption, all of them cried out in the comment area, saying that someone was finally willing to speak up for their baby.

Their baby is obviously the most pitiful and innocent person, but Xu Mu has such a crazy DISS.

Their baby must have no choice but to apologize in the face of Xu Mu's pressure. In that apology letter, you can see the sadness and sorrow of their baby.

Xu Mu's fans are, huh... I think you can be more proud, I will see you finally struggle.

They don't believe that Xu Mu is the kind of aimless person. If there is no conclusive evidence, Xu Mu would never get frustrated. He knew it was live broadcast and even cursed others.

This Xing Qingchen must be a watch, with the attributes of green tea.

Wait, everyone is waiting for them to be slapped in the face.

At this time, Xing Qingchen's agent was calling to find other acquaintances, asking them to help contact Xu Mu's agent, hoping that someone could be an intermediary and be a peacemaker.

Otherwise, she is afraid that something will happen later.

Sure enough, just as Xing Qingchen's remnants of the brain and the navy were reveling, and the agent was anxious, Xu Mu's Weibo was posted at the countdown point.

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