You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1239: Cast aside

Because the materials that came out were all conclusive evidence, and they were all true, making it impossible to speak for her.

Xing Qingchen's studio is now quiet as a chicken, and the agent is afraid to show up online.

She called everywhere, wanting to ask someone for help, and negotiate terms with Xu Mu and the others. She is now willing to pay more compensation, hoping to calm Xu Mu's anger, and stop investigating.

Otherwise, let alone Xing Qingchen can't stand up again, even she can't mix in this circle.

But she made so many calls. At first, someone said to try it, but to no avail.

Later, everyone perfunctory her, and later, no one answered her phone.

The brokerage company had already held an internal meeting overnight and decided to hide Xing Qingchen indefinitely, and all the liquidated damages of advertisers and scripts would be borne by her alone.

The brokerage company has gone to talk to Xu Mu's studio, and they are willing to compensate, hoping that Xu Mu will not hurt their company.

If you want to find it, please trouble Xing Qingchen alone, oh, and her agent.

Because this matter was planned from beginning to end by the two of them, the brokerage company really didn’t know.

When it first broke out that the two had a scandal, although the company didn't know what was going on, it was happy to see it.

However, if you want to hurt them, then they don't want to.

The relationship between the artist and the company is actually like this. When an artist is popular, he is naturally held in the palm of his hand. If an artist encounters a major event, the first person to abandon him is the company.

In just ten or twenty minutes, to Xing Qingchen, it really seemed like a century had passed at once.

She is no longer a superb, popular female celebrity, she is now a **** who can bear to spurn.

Now only her assistant was by her side, and he was the only one who never said anything else.

Xing Qingchen remembered what the assistant had said to her, and murmured: "I...should stand up to you, I shouldn't be so greedy, I should stop..."

The assistant worried: "Sister Qingchen, you...I don't know how to comfort you, but this result, in fact...I am not surprised. Teacher Xu has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and I have never seen any female A celebrity can able to gossip with him successfully, he is very powerful..."

"Yeah, he is very powerful, very powerful... it's me, too stupid, too trusting in his face, it's me... too confused..." Xing Qingchen's tears flowed out as she talked, she is now full of regret. But also unable to recover.

The assistant whispered: "Sister Qingchen, let me say... you might as well not go back to China for the time being. If you are abroad, the people in China are actually very forgetful. After a few days, new gossip will come up. They You’ll forget about it, and when that time comes, you will be returning to your country, so keep a low profile."

"What I am afraid of now is not returning to China, what I am afraid of... Xu Mu will never let me go."

Xu Mu has just begun, and his revenge is yet to come.

The assistant hesitated and said: "Sister Qingchen, I... I shouldn’t say something. In fact, I think Mr. Xu is a good person. You see how good he is to the crew. Now, he will help to move things, very kind..."

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