You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1241: Not for nothing

Xing Qingchen bit his lip.

The assistant said: "At this time, the company will definitely not be able to count on it, let alone the agent. She is not a good person. If she hadn't encouraged you, I don't think you would be so confused."

Xing Qingchen thought for a few minutes, and finally nodded: "Okay..."

She did not want to die, she could not commit suicide.

About 20 minutes later, Xing Qingchen posted an apology video to Xu Mu on Weibo. It was recorded by an assistant for her. There was no makeup and gauze was still on her nose. People looked very bad.

She spoke very hoarsely.

It was a real apology instead of being perfunctory like the previous apology letter, and it told the details of the matter.

The video of Xing Qingchen’s apology lasted for about eight minutes. She choked on and off for five minutes, and finally said: “I once again express my apologies to Teacher Xu. I am ashamed and sorry. My greed made me lose myself and caused you. I am very troubled, and I dare not ask for your forgiveness. I only hope that my apology can recover a little bit. The harm I caused to you is really... I'm sorry, I'm sorry..."

Then he bowed at ninety degrees and stopped there.

The video is not over.

This bow, Xing Qingchen bowed for three minutes until the end of the video and she did not get up.

This apology, Xing Qingchen's sincerity, can be considered sufficient, and he did not shirk responsibility.

After watching the apology video, Xu Mu breathed a sigh of relief, and finally had the courage to go home tomorrow.

His agent said: "This Xing Qingchen, although what he did is disgusting, but his attitude of apologizing is still magnanimous...Why don't you just do it early, do you have to do it like this?"

He asked Xu Mu: "Now, what shall we do?"

It's already late, and it won't be long before it will dawn.

Xu Mu said: "Done everything that should be done, and don't inflict additional revenge on her. From now on, as long as she doesn't appear in the entertainment circle, this matter, forget it."

Xu Mu will prevent Xing Qingchen from receiving a movie in the future, not making an advertisement, and not being able to participate in any variety shows, and there will be no announcements.

These are all right.

The agent nodded: "Well, I understand, then write the marketing account to sue..."

"Of course, and her agent will sue me together. Xing Qingchen is certainly hateful, but her agent who thinks he controls everything behind her back makes me even more disgusting."

"Okay, got it..."


At home, Qin Se was not sleepy, and she was very energetic to watch. She pounded Gu Jingyuan and said, "It's more exciting than watching a TV series, isn't it? This story flips too fast, and the slaps are better than those cool novels. Even cooler, Uncle Xu is Uncle Xu. It’s amazing. It turned out in such a short time."

Gu Jingyuan glanced at the time. After 4 o'clock, he wanted Qin Se to sleep quickly, and said, "If he can't make a comeback in such a short period of time, wouldn't he have been in vain all these years?"

Qin Se nodded: "Well, what I mean is, where are ordinary people who have been in the entertainment industry for so many years?"

Gu Jingyuan stretched out his hand to grab Qin Se's phone: "Okay, can I go to bed after watching the good show?"

Qin Se avoided Gu Jingyuan's hand: "No, no, you see so many people on the Internet are watching this. People in most countries are paying attention to this matter. We can't fall behind..."


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