You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1247: I cook

Zhou Ping asked Xu Mu: "Have you had breakfast?"

Xu Mu shook his head: "Yet...not yet."

"Then don't wrap it up and go have breakfast. The children have not yet woken up. The breakfast is hot on the pot. You can bring it out and eat it yourself."

Xu Mu nodded and smiled: "Okay..."

Since he got on the plane yesterday, he has basically not eaten much until now, but he has never noticed that he is hungry, but now, after the matter is resolved, he is suddenly hungry.

Xu Mu went to the kitchen and served himself some breakfast. He was sitting next to Zhou Ping. He served a bowl of white porridge, a pile of pickled spicy dried radishes, and two steamed buns.

This is the best and most reassuring breakfast Xu Mu has had since he went out last time.

Xu Mu said: "It's delicious, but the buns you make are delicious."

The corners of Zhou Ping’s lips rose slightly, and she said, “It’s not counted that you will come, so if you didn’t cook your meal in the morning, you can do it with both of you. You can’t eat more.”


Bai Lu laughed out loud.

She tensed up quickly: "Ah, I'm going to stew the black-bone chicken soup..."

After speaking, Bai Lu quickly got up, for fear that she would laugh out loud.

No need for Xu Mukan, Bai Lu left by herself.

What do you say about Xu Mu's mood at the moment? Did not notice Bailu.

He looked at the steamed bun in his hand, his mouth opened. He didn't know whether to close it or bite it down. Should he eat the steamed bun that has not been finished yet, or not?

According to normal circumstances, shouldn't it be said: If it tastes good, you should eat more?


Fortunately, Zhou Ping seemed to have shocked him: "What else do you want to eat at noon?"

Xu Mu was overjoyed, and quickly said, "I, everything is good...or else, I'll see what ingredients are in the kitchen later, and I'll make something..."

At this time, Xu Mu definitely didn't dare to order food. Although they didn't blame him or doubt him, but...the performance should be performed well, otherwise, can you sweep him out at any time?

Moreover, there are not a few little boys in the family. After Zhou Ping's pass, other people's pass may not be better, especially Qin Zheng.

Zhou Ping nodded immediately: "Okay."

Xu Mu...

How did he feel, Zhou Ping seemed to be waiting for his words.

Isn't Zhou Ping just waiting for Xu Mu's words, cooking every day, she doesn't know how to cook this meal, just because Xu Mu is back.

Zhou Ping asked again: "You are coming back. You should not go out for a while, right?"

Xu Mu was stunned for a moment, and said: "I...I won't go out in the last few days, but...Xiaozheng has to arrange training, should I..."

Zhou Ping: "Training? Then he can go by himself. He is not a kid anymore. He does his own business."

Xu Mu was a little fluttering. Could it be that he missed him and wanted him to stay at home for a few more days. Oh my God, how do you feel that after coming back this time, the treatment seems to be much better?

In fact, Zhou Ping thought that you should cook for a few more days at home, and let her rest for two days.

During the chat, Qin Se and the others went downstairs one after another.

Qin Se was naturally very happy to see Xu Mu coming back, and pestered Xu Mu to ask him about the scandal.

Naturally, Xu Mu told them one by one, telling them everything he encountered while shooting abroad.

But when Qin Zheng saw it, Xu Mu still didn't give a good face and snorted.

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