You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1262: Cunning

Fans all agreed.

#Yes, I want to rebel. In the middle of the night, I don’t sleep well, but I put poison in the middle of the night and want to retaliate against the society, right? Teacher Xu should teach them a lesson. #

#Put a selfie, let's make a self-portrait, let's be a well-behaved screen-licking dog, why do we need to put poison? Do you know how many sisters' plans to get out of order have been delayed? #

#upstairs? I'm a male fan, I'm sorry to ask, why did you delay your plan to leave the single? #

#老娘 is losing weight. I want to find a male ticket to lose weight. They put drugs late at night and made my weight loss plan fall short. This directly delayed my finding a male ticket. Did you say that this ruined my plan to take off? #

This time, the fans of Qin Zheng and Chen Mo were on Xu Mu's side.

All blamed both of them.

Qin Se saw Xu Mu's Weibo with disdain, and said, "The old man doesn't go to bed in the middle of the night, and he is old. Regardless of himself, he will take care of us."

Chen Mo grabbed a bunch of grilled chicken wings and bit off a piece of meat in one bite: "Wow, the chicken wings are delicious this time, you should eat it soon... Teacher Xu, you just leave him alone, he can only be online anyway. With a shout, he won't really come over."

Qin Se nodded and said yes.

He put on a disposable glove in one hand, grabbed the roasted chicken feet, put it to his mouth, opened his mouth wide, and then took a picture of himself with his phone, not caring about the image.

He put this photo under Xu Mu's comment and replied: Cut, you have the ability to not let me eat it!

Then he lost his phone and didn't look at it.

Fans are jumping up and down: I'll rub, Mr. Xu, look at him so arrogant, you must not let him go!

Xu Mu saw Qin Zheng's provocative Weibo, and couldn't help but smile and shook his head: "Smelly boy..."

Deliberately provoke him to provoke him, do you really think it's midnight, he won't pass!

Really think that no one can clean him up this night?

He thought so well!

Isn't it about irritating him and wanting him to get up from bed in the middle of the night? He waited!

Xu Mu replied below Qin Zheng: Brat, don't you just want to arouse me and let me get up in the middle of the night to catch you? Do you really think I won't pass?

Qin Zheng quickly returned to him: Come on if you have the ability!

Xu Mu: Nonsense...Of course I won't go there!

Seeing the conversation between the two, the fans said, no more, I already laughed and rushed to the street, hahaha... no more, Xu Yingdi, what about your image?

Qin Zheng handed the phone to Chen Mo: "If you look at it, I said, this old guy won't come over, so he won't run from my house in the middle of the night? He is still thinking about what will be the breakfast table tomorrow morning."

Chen Mo picked up the Coke and slurped two sips: "Wow... it's so good, so comfortable, it's so enjoyable... If Teacher Xu isn't coming, I can eat 5 more chicken wings."

"Good luck, only five, I can eat 10 more chicken feet."

Qin Zheng returned Xu Mu with an emoticon, his own picture, the picture with his eyes rolled, the top row ha ha ha ha...

Xu Mu: Very good, tell your mother tomorrow.

Qin Zheng gritted his teeth angrily: "Also tell my mother that he is too unmanly..."

Chen Mo stretched his neck and took a look: "I have to say, Teacher Xu is really a treacherous cunning, tusk tusk... Even if Aunt Zhou doesn't give him a position, he can get you a position himself, amazing, amazing... If you really have to study hard, it will definitely be useful in the future."

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