You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1274: You are fine

These words were spoken to Qiu Chi seriously, and Mu Chaochao's heart was slowly enlarged. The warmth made her feel happy as a whole. She knew that if he said to Qiu Chi, he would accidentally fall.

Mu Chaochao gave him a clear and clean smile: "Thank you, Doctor Gu, in the future, I will no longer be cowardly, I will be brave and strong, and I will learn to protect myself."

Nodding to Qiuchi: "It's good for you."

Mu Chaochao was already very brave to walk out in such a short time.

Mu Chaochao was very grateful to Xiang Qiuchi and everyone who helped her in this matter, but she knew in her heart that she could not always rely on the help of others, and she had to quickly become brave and strong, even if it was not strong enough. Be brave enough.

Can't always enjoy the help of others in peace of mind.

Zhen Bao'er came over and touched Mu Chaochao's head: "The next thing is not over yet, you still have to go to court with them, are you afraid?"

Mu Chaochao shook his head: "I'm not afraid. I thought I would always be afraid of them. I would be very scared. But after seeing her today, I suddenly discovered that I am not afraid of them anymore. As long as I can leave them, I feel that I'm not afraid of how difficult it is to go."

Besides, Mu Chaochao knew how could it be difficult for her to leave with Xiang Qiuchi and the others.

In fact, she didn’t need to do anything. They had already arranged for her. All she had to do was to tell the truth about her experience and experience in the future trial and tell the judge her requirements.

Mu Chaochao knew that she could really be "reborn" this time. She was lucky to have met so many kind people.

Zhen Baoer smiled: "What a brave girl, rest assured, we will help you."

"Thank you sister Baoer, thank you." Mu Chaochao said seriously.

"No thanks." Zhen Baoer touched Mu Chaochao's head.

Zhen Baoer remembered something and asked Xiang Qiuchi: "By the way, Chao Chao is already in good health and is about to be discharged from the hospital, how did you arrange it?"

Xiang Qiuchi said: "This matter has been arranged, don't worry about it."

Xiang Qiuchi originally considered whether to take Mu Chaochao home, but after careful consideration, this was not a good way. Since they had to go through formal procedures to handle this matter, they had to go through a serious government. Institutions cannot make decisions in private.

After Xiang Qiuchi discussed with the dean, he asked him to come forward and discuss the arrangements for Mu Chaochao with the Women and Children's Center. He originally wanted to let Chaochao stay in the orphanage for a period of time.

However, it was later considered that He Zhiyong and Russell’s might not give up, and they might make trouble. When the time comes, the orphanage will be affected.

After discussing between the two sides, Mu Chaochao was finally arranged to the home of a retired old expert in the hospital. The old expert and his wife had no children for their entire lives. They lived in the suburbs. Both of them were very loving and kind elderly people who had been engaged in charity. , More than half of the monthly pension is donated to the Red Cross Society.

After the dean told them about Mu Chaochao's situation, the old couple were very happy. They had no children. They were very happy to have a child with them in their old age.

Xiang Qiuchi also felt that this was the best place for Mu Chaochao.


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