You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1291: God man

"That's..." Zhou Ping twitched the corner of her mouth twice, her face was hot, and she couldn't say anything behind.

She even felt a little shy with her old face.

Qin Se helped her mother say: "That's right, Xiaozheng is your son, Uncle Xu, isn't this in your circle, isn't it a secret?"

Xu Mu touched his nose: "This... Actually, I didn't tell a few people."

Qin Se snickered in his heart and didn't tell a few people, but... the interaction with Qin Zheng on Weibo is already known in the world.

Qin Se chuckled and said, "Oh, just know if you know it. Actually, it's not a big deal anyway. Anyway... sooner or later, isn't it mom?"

Zhou Ping looked up at Qin Se, and Qin Se hurriedly hid behind Bai Lu.

She gently said, "Qin Zheng here..."

Xu Mu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I will let people take care of Qin Zheng and let him take on the training he can. As for the ones that exceed the tolerance range, forget it."

"it is good……"

After she finished speaking, everyone suddenly became quiet. No one spoke for a while, and the atmosphere was so embarrassing.

Just when everyone was embarrassed, Gu Zhixin and Zhen Baoer came down.

Qin Se smiled and joked: "Oh, you two have been sleeping this time, it's really long enough."

Zhen Bao'er blushed like a fire, she raised her hand and pinched Gu Zhixin's waist.

Gu Zhixin has a thick-skinned face and is not embarrassed at all. He takes Zhen Baoer's hand down, "Sister-in-law, you are to blame for this. We don't want to give your baby a younger brother and sister..."

Zhen Bao'er blushed even harder, took her hand out, and twisted it on Gu Zhixin's arm again.

"shut up."

Zhou Ping breathed a sigh of relief, she said: "Breakfast is all in the pot, warm it up yourself."

"Thank you Aunt Ping..." Zhen Baoer suddenly felt a bit shameless. She lived here, didn't cook, and got up so late.

She hurriedly said: "Aunt Ping, I will cook today's lunch."

Gu Zhixin: "Then I will do it for you..."

Just after speaking, Gu Jingyuan’s secretary came, “Manager Gu, this is some backlog of work in the past two months. The president asked you to send it over. Considering your health, you don’t need to go to the company to work. It’s the same at home. I'll get it this afternoon."

The expressions on Gu Zhixin's face were blank, and he didn't know what expression to use to deal with this sudden situation.

"Um... Manager Gu, I'll go first, see you this afternoon." The secretary ran away because of fear that Gu Zhixin would get angry and the things were delivered.

Gu Zhixin looked at the box of documents in front of him, and instantly felt a headache.

Zhen Baoer gloated and said, "Deserve it, let you not work well, not work, what do you use to support me, huh..."

Zhen Baoer turned and went to the kitchen.

Gu Zhixin sighed and kicked that box of documents. During this period of recovery, he was slacking off, and suddenly he was about to work, feeling a lot of pressure.

Gu Zhixin sat down with a sad expression on his face.

Qin Se shook his head and said, "I have deep sympathy for you, but...Come on."

Zhou Ping stared at Gu Zhixin for a while, frowning and said, "Zhixin, you..."

Gu Zhixin raised his head: "Aunt Zhou, what's wrong?"

Zhou Ping said: "Pay attention recently, you seem to be a little troublesome..."

Gu Zhixin froze for a moment, then thought of something, and admired Zhou Ping: "Auntie Zhou, you... are really a god, you are convinced."

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