You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1295: Being bullied

One of them looked at Qin Zheng in surprise and said, "Qin Zheng, it's really you. Unexpectedly, you really came to the crew?"

How did Qin Zheng feel that this was weird, as if he shouldn't be on the crew?

However, Qin Zheng saw that they were all girls, and did not say anything else, just nodded: "Yes, I just came today."

The two sat down beside Qin Zheng and Zhuang Shuo.

The girl with short hair asked: "Although I saw you in the official announcement before, I didn’t expect that you could come. I’m still curious. You just debuted, and you were on the line of singing and dancing men’s group. You suddenly crossed the boundary. Do you feel a little...uncomfortable being an actor?"

Qin Zheng felt that he might not have eaten this meal well. After the two of them sat down, didn't they introduce themselves?

Although he looked a bit familiar, he couldn't remember who it was. It should have been a TV series she played before, but he didn't pay attention.

Zhuang Shuo quickly said: "No one is a born actor, there is always the first time, just learn slowly."

Qin Zheng nodded: "There is nothing to adapt to, just study."

Another long-haired girl looked at Qin Zheng and said, "I really envy you. The first role is so good. Like us, we have been in the crew for many years before we can get a role with lines... "

Qin Zheng laughed, picking up a piece of ribs, and stuffing it in his mouth indiscriminately. What should he say, comfort them, come on, and if you play a few more roles with only one-sent lines, maybe you can mix up a small supporting role?


The girl with short hair suddenly said: "Qin Zheng, your real person looks better than on TV. No wonder you could make your debut even though your skills are not as good as other players."

Qin Zheng... uh... how should I answer?

The atmosphere was a bit subtle and embarrassing for a while. Zhuang Shuo glanced at the girl. Is this intentional? Is it intentional?

Seeing that Qin Zheng didn't speak, the short-haired girl hurriedly said, "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean you have poor skills, I mean you look good..."

Qin Zheng took a deep breath and said with a smile: "Thank you, I did not misunderstand, you are right, I, my skills are indeed poor, and it is also poor now, but I did not debut because of my looks, but because of... my fans All of my eyes have problems, and I can't see my true face..."

Zhuang Shuo almost didn't laugh, and forced his head down.

After the two girls came, they were not at all polite.

Especially the girl with short hair. After a while, she suddenly asked: "I heard that you were able to debut because of your family... that background is more powerful, and your role is also because of... your family relationship ,is not it?"

The long-haired girl hurriedly pulled the short-haired girl to stop her talking.

As a result, the girl with short hair waved his hand: "Oh, it's okay. Brother Qin Zheng is not the kind of prudent person. Besides, we are just curious about gossip on the Internet.

Zhuang Shuo frowned. Isn't that a bit too much?

It is obviously because Qin Zheng was young and deliberately bullied others.

Zhuang Shuo was about to speak and help Qin Zheng to get out of the siege.

Unexpectedly, he himself opened his mouth, and he said astonishingly, he said: "You are right, I just came in through the back door, there is no way, I don't want to come, our family must let me come, no Let me act, or not."

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