You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1297: Shame

Qin Zhengyue was telling the truth, but it was like hitting them in the face. They didn't know what to say at this moment.

They have been in the crew for several years before they can get into a small role. Although they keep saying this, they hate Qin Zheng who comes in through the back door, but...they want to be like Qin Zheng, with such a hard backstage. Get a variety of resources and roles without any effort.

However, now, Qin Zheng tells them in person: I really don’t need those resources, Xiaoye, I just want to eat the waste wood that is waiting to die, but the backstage at my house is too hard, so I have to push me forward. Go, no way.

This is really hateful itchy roots.

Zhuang Shuo wanted to laugh, but because the two girls next to him were actors in the same crew, if it was too embarrassing for them, everyone would be embarrassed about the drama by then, so he could only endure it.

He cleared his throat and stood up and said, "Every family has different troubles. Of course, Qin Zheng, your troubles are really envy, jealous and hate for us... If I don’t really like you, I want to I beat you up, what you said is too awkward..."

Qin Zheng nodded earnestly: "Well, you are not the first to say this. My agent says that all day long. His teacher dislikes Qin Zheng and me for being too useless, saying that we don't know how good we are when we are in good fortune."

Zhuang Shuo asked: "Is it right? You two just don't know the blessing in the blessing, eh, are your agents angry all day?"

Qin Zheng thought about Li Junzhe and nodded: "Yes, I think he seems to be a lot older recently. He always says that we are the most difficult artists he has ever brought, but we can’t blame us. We ran this announcement, took the endorsement, and forced us to sing. Do you know that the most terrifying thing is that two days before I came, I was forced to not go out at the company, and recorded three songs, but almost didn’t give me Sing to death..."

Qin Zheng paused: "However, after coming here, I think it's better to record songs with the company. This is too hard."

Zhuang Shuole’s pen-hold shot on the table: "Hahaha, I’m so happy, I know I know, I saw your group’s official Weibo posted photos of the two of you recording songs, and you’ve come to the fans now. , Celebrating that you two are finally going to sing."

Qin Zheng glanced at him: "Don't worry, you will regret it when they hear it."

"Puff... what do you mean?"

Qin Zheng looked serious: "Do you think I am the kind of person who can sing well?"

Zhuang Shuo's laughter suddenly sounded in the small canteen, and he laughed and leaned on the table and straightened up.

Other people eating around looked over curiously, Zhuang Shuo couldn’t say anything he could laugh.

Qin Zheng sighed, "What's so funny about this?"

Zhuang Shuo wanted to talk, but his stomach hurts too much. He couldn't tell. He could only wave his hand at Qin Zheng and motioned to him to talk later.

The long-haired girl frowned and looked at Qin Zheng angrily: "How can you say this kind of words so arrogantly, don't you... don't you feel ashamed? You are a singer, singing is your job, you even the most basic I can’t do it well, I’m so embarrassed to say it...Can you be worthy of those fans who like you?"

Qin Zheng tilted his head and looked at her, "Shame, but...I can't dance well. Besides, my fans like me. It's not because I can sing and dance well."

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