You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1302: Want to see him

Song Mingjue didn't speak, what Shui Xingyun said was true.

If there was no Gu's action behind him, he would have gotten Shui Xingyun out.

The reason why she was allowed to stay in there for three days, to speak of it, was not because Gu's family was holding her back and not letting the police release anyone.

However, they don't have any evidence. Even if there is a trouble, the police station can say that we are doing things impartially, and that we do things in accordance with the rules and procedures. There is nothing wrong with it.

Gu's family seems even more irrelevant in this matter.

But they all knew that Gu Jia... absolutely innocent.

Song Mingjue sighed, "Mom, think about it, what we are here to do, even if Gu's family is going to make trouble, we... can't make trouble with them."

Shui Xingyun showed a decadent face...

"Yeah, can't..."

Song Mingjue said: "You have a good rest for two days, and when you recover, let's go to him..."

He knew that Gu Zhixin was his half-brother, but he was very repulsive in his heart.

In the past two days, in order to get Shui Xingyun out earlier, Song Mingjue actually tried to get in touch with Gu's family, but whether it was Gu Zhixin or Gu Jingyuan, he could not see him at all, even the doctor Gu in the hospital. He can't even see it.

The Gu family's arrogance is really...too big.

Shui Xingyun was a little sluggish, and leaned back: "After this, I understand it. It is very difficult for us to see him."

If Gu Zhixin had a little affection for her, he would not let her stay in the police station for that long.

She is his real mother.

Song Mingjue comforted him: "Mom, maybe he doesn't even know about this..."

Shui Xingyun suspiciously: "Will he not know?"

"Of course. Our information shows that he has been recuperating at home since he was discharged from the hospital in the car accident. The company has never been to the doctor. The doctor named Gu Zhige will probably only tell Gu Jingyuan and not him."

Shui Xingyun nodded: "What you said makes sense, then when you turn around, you find a way to find his contact information, and you can directly contact him and let him come and see me."

"...Okay." Song Mingjue hesitated before answering.

His mother was really praised so high at home that it was still difficult to reverse her identity for a while.

It's not their home to come to Kyoto.

When they came here, they asked Gu to know the new things, and how could they tell him what to do.

Even though this was not something Gu Zhixin did, but if he knew it, maybe... it was more excessive than this.

However, after all, it was his own mother, Song Mingjue, who didn't say much.

"However, Mom...I think we still have to be prepared with both hands. What if he doesn't come to see you?"

Shui Xingyun frowned, "If he doesn't come to see you, then... what should I do?"

"Maybe... we can find him through another person."

Shui Xingyun: "Who?"

Song Mingjue said: "Gu Huaizhang, Gu Jingyuan's father, I checked that this man has divorced his wife. He is now living alone in Mid-Levels on the outskirts of the mountain. He is a porcelain nerd and loves porcelain very much. We can definitely vote for it when we arrive. So good."

Shui Xingyun immediately said, "It's not easy. Just bring one or two of the porcelains hidden in the house, and it will be fine..."

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