You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1308: Difficult

After Qin Zheng's voice sounded, the dinner table became quiet for an instant. Xu Mu turned sideways and saw Qin Zheng's face on the screen, his eyes were really red, and he looked pitiful indeed.

"Don't pretend to cry, talk well and miss home? You've been homesick after only a few days?"

Zhou Ping immediately heard that Qin Zheng's crying voice was just pretending, and this kid was about to play an old trick again.

A touch of embarrassment flashed across Qin Zheng's face. He sighed and squashed his mouth in frustration. "Mom, I didn't pretend, nor lie to you. I'm really exhausted. You let Xu Mu come over, come here quickly... …Let the director reduce the 3,000 meters per day to 2,000 for me, no, let’s get 1,000!"

To put it bluntly, Qin Zheng felt that the training of the crew was really exhausting. He would get up at 6 o'clock every morning and run 3000 meters, and then practice all the routines taught by the martial arts teacher.

After finishing the routine, I went to eat breakfast. After breakfast, I continued to study until 10 o'clock in the evening. I was tired and became a dog. It was 11 o'clock when I went back to wash and bathe. Even if I fell asleep, I fell asleep the next day. Get up and continue to repeat the boring life of the previous day.

In the past two days, Qin Zheng felt that he was real and was about to be disabled.

He missed the life of dancing and singing in the company very much. In comparison, it was simply too happy.

Apart from this, he can vomit when he runs down 3000 meters a day. What else?

Now, a pair of legs seems to be disabled, the muscles all over the body are called pain, plus the practice of martial arts routines, there are some falling movements, the body is blue and purple, that is called a pain...

In addition to these physical exertions, there are also acting training, which also made him almost collapsed. Those acting teachers are not the acting teachers hired by the company. They are so lenient with him and Chen Mo. The acting teachers here are strict. Compared with them, the performance teachers of the company can be described as gentle and considerate.

In addition to these, there are also a few bad actors who come to pick things up all day long. Although they dare not do anything, after all, everyone here knows that he has a backstage and dare not to be too much.

However, it is also very annoying, like flies and mosquitoes all day long, flying around, buzzing, almost annoying to listen to.

Qin Zheng counted the days with his fingers, Nima, only two days have passed, and there are still more than 20 days left.

What about this? Is it really just like that?

If he keeps going like this, he won't be finished after this month?

He is still 17 years old, in a good time, he hasn't reached adulthood yet, his first love hasn't been sent out yet, he hasn't kissed a girl yet, he can't just die like this.

Therefore, Qin Zheng couldn't stand it anymore and sent a video to Zhou Ping. He thought about it. No matter what, he would cry when he saw his mother, until she felt soft.

It's a pity... this calculation was dismantled from the very beginning, and the tears haven't fallen yet.

It can only be said that your own mother is your own mother. When you know you are in your bones, you will know what is bad in his heart as soon as you meet.

Xu Mu leaned against Zhou Ping, his head appeared in the camera.

He asked: "Xiaozheng, the director has already subtracted a lot of training subjects for you. I also read the training schedule. It seems that there are not too many. Can you still not hold it?"


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