You Are My Gravity

Chapter 1314: Walk sideways

Originally, Qin Zheng didn’t think about telling the performance teacher to let them sit down and rest occasionally, but...every time he looked at the performance teacher’s face so serious, as if others owed him money, he Just think, forget it.

What if he speaks and the performance teacher asks him to pay back the money?

Unexpectedly, it took only two days and suddenly his face changed.

If it hadn't been for Xu Mu to call, it would be impossible for him to enjoy this treatment.

Although the eyes projected from the surroundings are all very bad, but... it doesn't matter!

Qin Zheng remembered what Zhou Ping said in his heart, you have a background, you are afraid of a fart.

Anyway, no matter what he did, in the eyes of others, he was a person who came in by the backstage and had no strength at all.

Even if he works hard, others shouldn't think he is pretending, if so, what is he hypocritical?

However, Qin Zheng stood up and bowed to the performance teacher: "Thank you teacher, thank you."

The performance teacher smiled and said: "Sit down, oh, you are still young, when you are growing up, you are not going to be an athlete. This physical training is better not to be so heavy. I will talk to the deputy director and let him Give you a proper reduction..."

"Thank you." Qin Zheng was not polite at all, and didn't shirk a bit. Xu Mu was done anyway.

The acting teacher waved his hand: "Sit down, let's start the class."

There is an actor who is quite famous. Others mentioned that he is a hard-working actor. He couldn't help but say: "Teacher, can Qin Zheng sit down, and we can sit down to class?"

The performance teacher looked at him, his face instantly changed: "Qin Zheng is a minor, you are a minor too?"

The actor couldn't say a word.

He turned his head and glared at Qin Zheng in disgust. For these people, what he hates most is Qin Zheng, who relies on the backstage and does whatever they want in the crew. Why, everyone works so hard, and he can For nothing?

Except for Zhuang Shuo, the other actors looked at Qin Zheng's eyes, all of them were exceptionally unkind. If they could, they might have gathered in groups by now.

They hated Qin Zheng very much. If the look in his eyes could kill people, Qin Zheng would lie down early now.

But Qin Zheng sat there calmly, completely unaffected.

Whatever you think, although what you say, I am not afraid of the little master, who will let the little master backstage, huh...He is a crab now, walking sideways...

Qin Zheng felt darkly refreshed at the moment, and the effect of his face becoming ugly was a little less.

A beautiful actress asked: "Teacher, we are girls. We have more physical training during the day than Qin Zheng. We are also very tired. Then can we sit and study like him..."

The performance teacher looked at her coldly: "You adults, now you have learned to care about with a child, right?"

The actress hurriedly waved her hand: "No, teacher, I didn't mean that, I just think I...we are also tired..."

"You are tired, I am not tired? How long do you stand, how long will I stand like you..."

The actress also wanted to say that the actor next to her pulled her arm. She gritted her teeth and lowered her head and said: "Sorry teacher, I was wrong... I'm sorry, please forgive me."

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